81 858 Taschen Leibovitz A
81 858 Taschen  Leibovitz A
81 858 Taschen  Leibovitz A
81 858 Taschen  Leibovitz A
81 858 Taschen  Leibovitz A
81/ 858 [Taschen]. Leibovitz, A. Annie Leibovitz. New York, Taschen, 2014, SUMO edition, one of 10.000 numb. and signed copies (9.000), 240 (8x fold.)(double-p.) photogr. plates by A. LEIBOVITZ, orig. cl. w. dustwr. by KEITH HARING, together with the original tripod bookstand designed by M. NEWSON, large folio.

- Without the supplementary book. Very fine copy.

= Contains an overview of Annie Leibovitz's most striking photographs, mainly portraits of famous people made in her career of 40 years.

WITH: Leibovitz, Annie (b.1949). "Keith Haring". Orig. ChromaLux aluminum print, 50x61,3 cm., numb. ("80/1000) and monogrammed (in felt-tip pen) on verso, in orig. floating frame.

= Print issued for the limited "Art Edition" of the above SUMO edition in 1000 copies. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XIX.

€ (2.500-3.500)
€ (2.500-3.500)