- A very fine copy. One leaf lacks a small portion of the blank margin; the worldmap is doubled w. Japanese, but otherwise fine (old folds still vaguely visible when held to the light); English translation of the Dutch title written in late 18th/ early 19th cent. hand on verso of final blank.
= "Spilbergen's voyage was the most succesful Dutch circumnavigation to date. The fleet had kept together, there had been little loss of Dutch life, and the expedition had metted a considerable profit for its sponsors." (Howgego S159); Tiele 1025: "Dezelfde uitgave als de vorige met veranderden titel, doch dezelde titelplaat, die de 26e zal zijn op den titel bedoeld."; Tiele, Mémoire p.65b; Landwehr, VOC, 359; Cox I, p.52. On the worldmap see Shirley 304. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXIX.