- Lacks parts of trece, sext, none and vespers to the Hours of the Virgin (and 3 full-page miniatures), a part of the Hours of the Holy Cross (and probably a full-page miniature); bookblock loose; a few miniatures occas. w. small pigment losses; some smudging to border decoration; gilding often turned white. A fine and well preserved manuscript with bright colours and gilding.
= CONTENTS: Parisian calendar, important Parisian saints mentioned in gold; Gospel Lessons; prayers (Obscero te/ O Intermerata); Hours of the Virgin for the use of Rome (lacks parts of sext, terce, none and vespers); Penitential Psalms and Litany; prayers; part of the Hours of the Cross [first part of text probably missing]; Hours of the Holy Spirit; Fifteen Joys of the Virgin and prayers.
DECORATION: MINIATURES (in order of appearance) 1. The Annunciation; 2. The Visitation (Mary meets St. Elisabeth); 3. The Nativity; 4. The Adoration of the Magi; 5. The coronation of Mary by an angel; 6. David at prayer; 7. The Pentecost (the Holy Spirit descends upon Mary and the apostles); 8. A funeral service in a church and 9. Mary and the Christ-child w. female patron. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.