78 2082 Angling Gallichan W M
78/2082 [Angling]. Gallichan, W.M. Fishing and Travel in Spain. London, F.E. Robinson & Co., 1904, X,(2),227,(1)p., frontisp. and 7 plates, orig. gilt pict. cl., t.e.g.

- Some faded spots along edges frontcover.

Robertson, R. MacDonald. In Scotland with a Fishing Rod. Ibid., H. Jenkins Ltd., 1935, 277,(9)p., plates, orig. cl.

- Backstrip faded.

AND 4 others, i.a. M. HEADLAM, A Holiday Fisherman (ibid., 1934, plates, orig. cl.) and A.H. BEAVAN, Fishes I have known (ibid., 1908, (full-p.) ills., orig. pict. cl.).

€ (60-80)