75/1417 Drukwerk in de Marge Veertig plus
75/1417 Drukwerk in de Marge  Veertig plus
75/1417 Drukwerk in de Marge  Veertig plus
75/1417 [Drukwerk in de Marge]. Veertig plus. N.pl., Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge, (2015), comprising 87 (incl. introd.) [of 89?] contributions by various Dutch private presses, various bindings, together in orig. cl. dropback box (29,5x18,5x10,5 cm.) by BOEKBINDERIJ DISTELKAMP.

= A project of the Dutch organisation of small presses, Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge, on occasion of its 40th anniversary, with the largest number of contributions in its history. The books have as their common theme "Drukken" (printing), and show a great variety of printing methods and materials used. Contains contributions by i.a. Akzidenz, Dick Berendes, Eierland Pers, Het Gonst, In de Bonnefant, Kalamos Pers, Korenmaat, Lojen Deur Pers, Ovira Linda, Hindericx & Windericx, Ovira Linda, Pastei, De Plataan, Ser Prop, 't Schuurtje, Statenhofpers, Triona Pers, Typique, De Uitvreter, De Vier Seizoenen, Vogelboom Pers, Water Leaf Press, Zo Pers and De Zwarte Hen Pers.

€ (150-250)