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78 2167 Entomology Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78 2167 Entomology  Aldrovandi U
78/2167 [Entomology]. Aldrovandi, U. De animalibus insectis libri septem cum singulorum iconibus ad vivum expressis. Bologna, C. Ferronius, 1638, 2nd ed., (8),767,(44)p., engr. frontisp. by A. SALMINCIUS, woodcut printer's mark, 8 (7x ident.) headpieces, initials, num. ills., contemp. calf, gilt spine w. brown mor. letterpiece, folio.

- First ±80 (incl. frontisp.) and last 20 lvs. sl. waterst./ partly sl. wormholed in (blank) margin(s); 4 lvs. stained; owner's entry on 2nd blank. Spine-ends/ corners professionally restored. Good copy.

= Nissen, ZBI 66; Hagen p.7; cf. Horn & Schenkling 126. The woodcuts show various types of insects, beehives and ants' nests, starfish and a seahorse. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LV.

€ (1.000-1.500) 1700