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  • Morison, S. (introd.).
78 77 Morison S introd
78/ 77 Morison, S. (introd.). German incunabula in the British Museum. One hundred & fifty-two facsimile plates of fine book-pages from presses of Germany, German-Switzerland and Austria-Hungary printed in the fifteenth century in Gothic Letter and derived founts. New York, Hacker Art Books, 1975, (8),26,(2)p., 152 (col.) plates, printed in 398 copies, orig. gilt cl., folio.

= Reprint of the ed. London, 1928.

ÁND 4 others, i.a. HELLINGA FESTSCHRIFT/ FEESTBUNDEL/ MÉLANGES (...) (Amst., 1980, plates, orig. giltlettered cl.); FLORILÈGE DU LIVRE FRANÇAIS IMPRIMÉ AUX PAYS-BAS (n.pl., 1954, ills., printed in 200 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl., folio) and K.F. BAUER, Aventur und Kunst. Eine Chronik des Buchdruckgewerbes von der Erfindung der beweglichen Letter bis zur Gegenwart (Frankf. a.M., 1940, richly illustrated, orig. boards w. vellumpaper backstrip, folio. Vellumpaper over spine dam.).

€ (70-90)