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  • [Astronomy]. Pot, J.J.
77 1721 Astronomy Pot J J
77/1721 [Astronomy]. Pot, J.J. Planetoscoop. Handmade two dimensional volvelle model of our solar system, w. 16 movable circular paper discs (for the 9 planets and i.a. the weeks, months, years, decades and centuries (indicated in manuscript)), total size ±46x46 cm., n.d. (1950s?), fastened on the inside of a board portfolio w. folding flaps.

= With 2 typescript leaves SIGNED by J.J. Pot serving as manual and w. suggestions for improvements and inviting interested people to come up with improvements. The model was intended as "leermiddel, als aanschouwelijke voorstelling waar de planeten zich op een bepaald ogenblik bevinden en hoe snel of langzaam zij bewegen" (as an educational tool intended to provide a graphically comprehensible model showing where the planets of solar system are located at a certain point in time (future or past) and showing the relative pace at which they move). Apparently never published. The little that we know about J.J. Pot, shows that he was was born in 1908 and was a critical member of the Georgist international union (the movement that followed the ideas of Henry George: the belief that people should own the value they produce themselves, but that the economic value of land (including natural resources) should belong equally to all members of society). The "Planetoscoop" has obviously nothing to do with Georgism, but is the product of a man who was an independent thinker (see the interview with Pot on occasion of his 90th birthday on https://www.sdnl.nl/gv3k98-4.htm).

€ (200-300)