6099 - 6280
(incl. drawings of Haarlem and surroundings from the collection A.M. van den Broek)
- Occas. a few foxed spots.
= Provenance: the collection Jan Severijnse and later A.M. van den Broek, all w. his collector's stamp on verso.
- Occas. w. a sm. hole/ sl. frayed; mostly fine.
= Provenance: the collection Jan Severijnse and later A.M. van den Broek, mostly w. his collector's stamp on verso. This is (a part of) the original collection of drawings assembled by Jan Severijnse. The collection is quite diverse in quality, it comprises relatively skillful drawings as well as rather naive sketches. The drawings show i.a. unidentified Dutch town views, views or scenes in Oriental style, animals, allegorical scenes, ornamental designs etc.
- Occas. w. a sm. hole/ sl. frayed; mostly fine.
= Provenance: the collection Jan Severijnse and later A.M. van den Broek, mostly w. his collector's stamp on verso. This is (a part of) the original collection of drawings assembled by Jan Severijnse, who maintained frequent contact with contemporaries, including most likely the artists represented in this lot. The collection is quite diverse in quality, it comprises relatively skillful drawings as well as rather naive sketches. The drawings mainly show Dutch (military) men or woman in their daily attire at work. The collection also comprises i.a. portraits of Russian soldiers and a full-length portrait of the artist J.P. Visser Bender. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXI.
- Colours faded; creased in left margin; a few restored weak spots in paper.
= The watermark strongly resembling Churchill 445 ("Dupuy 17th cent."). Artist and battle unidentified, but one of the (Dutch?) ships has a sun surrounded by rays on its stern. The sun on the stern of the Dutch battle-ship De Zon at the battle of Leghorn is not the same as the one on this ship; the flags on the other ships could not be identified with any certainty, but might be French flags.
- Some minor defects; mostly fine. = One w. a similar charcoal drawing on verso.
- Occas. sl. yellowed; mostly fine. = Comprises a few very detailed pen drawings.
- Rubbed spot in upper left coner. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXI.
- With unobtrusive hairline craquelure all-over.
- Left upper corner bumped; a few sm. foxed spots in blank margins.
= On wove paper with watermark "Whatman Turkey 1836". Stavenisse de Brauw was draughtsman and Schout-bij-nacht; R. Daalder, Tekenen op zee, p.107.
Idem. (View of Vianen). Drawing, brush and black ink and grey wash, 13,2x19 cm., w. monogrammed dedication (dated "13/3 1839") in pen and ink on mount. - AND 4 drawings by the same, showing Napoleon's tomb, a battery on the Rock of Gibraltar, a monitor lizard and a sea turtle. - AND 9 drawings by the artist's daughter Clasina Amelia Stavenisse de Brauw.
- Chip in upper left corner; sm. tear near upper edge.
= The castle at Culemborg. Another drawing by the same artist showing a different part of the castle is in the Prentenkabinet of University of Leyden.
= Original design for an illustration.
AND 14 other drawings, various sizes and techniques, prob. all 19th cent.
- Laid down on mount; brown offsetting and dustspots.
= Artist from Rhenen (see https://oudrhenen.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Oud-Rhenen-2016-1.pdf on the Volhard family and the artist). In 1808 two large series of drawings of Surinam birds and insects by this artist were auctioned in the collection of Mr. J. van Buren (The Hague, B. Scheurleer, november 1808, no.54 and 55). It is uncertain if the artist ever went to Surinam or if he copied these drawings from other works. According to the article in Oud Rhenen he created a collection of heraldic drawings in 1770 in Rhenen. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXII.
= With the collector's stamp of Jan Frederik Bianchi (Lugt 3761) on verso.
- Yellowed; rubbed spots along edges (prob. caused by removal of former passepartout).
= On laid paper with partial watermark of shield with monogram "VD L" (probably paper maker van der Ley).
- A few neatly closed and unobtrusive small tears in left and right margins.
- Some sl. foxing and handling creases; sm. tear in upper right corner; verso some soiling.
- Paper brittle and frayed along outer edges; browned and offsetting along edges.
- Slightly yellowed.
= The drawing was made just a few years after the building of the new St. Bavo in 1895 had begun, at the end of Van Trigt's life. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.