Page 11 of 57 Results 201 - 220 of 1127
81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961 81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961
81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961 81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961
81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961 81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961
81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961 81 3724 Burchartz Max 1887 1961
81/3724 Burchartz, Max (1887-1961). "Raskolnikoff". Worpswede, Galerie Flechtheim, 1919, 2 (of 10) lithographs on Japanese paper, 38,5x30,5 cm., letterpress colophon leaf, both signed and "Raskolnikoff II" and "Raskolnikoff "IX" and "33/100" in pencil, printed in 100 copies (70), signed and numb. on colophon, loosely inserted in orig. col. lithogr. portfolio by Max BURCHARTZ, large folio.

- Sl. browned; with folds in outer margins; colophon leaf frayed and soiled. Portfolio heavily soiled and warped.

= The second publication by Galerie Flechtheim.

Meuser, Werner (1880-1864). "Affe". Woodcut, 69x32,5cm., signed "Werner Meuser" in pencil., titled in pen and ink.

- Chips and tear in upper margin affecting the image; lower margin frayed.

AND 3 other prints, i.a. by Otto FREUNDLICH (lithograph, 1920, a very poor copy).

€ (200-300) 300
81 3725 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977 81 3725 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977
81 3725 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977 81 3725 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977
81/3725 Burgt, Flip van der (1927-1977). "2". Amst., Graphil, 1962, 10 silkscreens (4x col.) after linocuts, loosely inserted in orig. paper portfolio, signed "vanderBurgt" in black pen on flap portfolio. Asselberg, Gustave (1938-1967). Met oorlog. Ibid., idem, 1962, 12 monochr. silkscreen prints, each 30,3x23,9 cm. (leaf), publ. in 250 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. letterpress stiff paper portfolio, sm. folio. - WITH a loosely inserted sm. text leaf by Simon VINKENOOG (dated "Sept. '66").
€ (60-80) 60
81 3726 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977 81 3726 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977
81 3726 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977 81 3726 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977
81 3726 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977 81 3726 Burgt Flip van der 1927 1977
81/3726 Burgt, Flip van der (1927-1977). (Biblical scenes). Series of 50 linocuts, each ±30,5x40,5 cm., each signed "vanden Burgt 65", titled and numb. "1/50" in pencil.
€ (100-150) 500
81 3727 Campen J H van 20th cent  81 3727 Campen J H van 20th cent
81 3727 Campen J H van 20th cent  81 3727 Campen J H van 20th cent
81 3727 Campen J H van 20th cent  81 3727 Campen J H van 20th cent
81/3727 Campen, J.H. van (20th cent.). "Horizon lijnen". Drawing, red watercolour, 48x65 cm., signed and "76" in pencil. - AND 4 other pen and ink drawings by J.W.M. HERMANS (3x) and by Robert METZ, "Verschuiving van de basis van een driehoek".
€ (80-100)
81 3728 Campendonk Heinrich 1889 1957 81 3728 Campendonk Heinrich 1889 1957
81 3728 Campendonk Heinrich 1889 1957 81 3728 Campendonk Heinrich 1889 1957
81 3728 Campendonk Heinrich 1889 1957 81 3728 Campendonk Heinrich 1889 1957
81/3728 Campendonk, Heinrich (1889-1957). Sitzender Mann mit Katze auf dem Schoß. Woodcut, 23,6x13,1 cm., printed captions below, from Das Kunstblatt, 1919.

= Engels 44.

Moreau, L.A. (1882-1948). (A boxer sitting in the corner of a boxing ring). Lithograph, 33,5x25,5 cm., signed "Luc Albert Moreau" and "18/30" in pencil, on Japanese. - AND 4 others: 2 other lithographs by the same (1x signed in pencil) and 2 woodcuts by G. MARCKS, both bookillustrations and later impressions.

€ (60-80) 60
81 3729 Cantré Jozef 1890 1957 81 3729 Cantré Jozef 1890 1957
81/3729 Cantré, Jozef (1890-1957). (Adoration of the shepherds). Woodcut, 19,2x15 cm., signed "Jozef Cantré 1927", monogrammed in the block, on Chinese.
€ (50-70) 50
81 3730 Caricature  Anonymous early 20th cent  81 3730 Caricature Anonymous early 20th cent
81/3730 [Caricature]. Anonymous (early 20th cent.). (Obese women). Four drawings, pencil and watercolour, probably German, ±1920, each 24x14,5 to 25,4x17,5 cm., under passepartout.
€ (80-100)
81/3731 Caricature  De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel 81/3731 Caricature De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel
81/3731 Caricature  De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel 81/3731 Caricature De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel
81/3731 Caricature  De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel 81/3731 Caricature De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel
81/3731 Caricature  De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel 81/3731 Caricature De Nieuwe Amsterdammer Bijvoegsel
81/3731 [Caricature]. De Nieuwe Amsterdammer. "Bijvoegsel". Lot of ±70 mostly col. lithogr. plates by i.a. P. VAN DER HEM, WILLY SLUITER and JAN SLUIJTERS, 1915-1917.

- A few sheets w. repaired tears; partly sl. browned; partly w. frayed edges; a few sheets sl. foxed.

WITH: "Bijvoegsel van de Amsterdammer", year 1898 and 1900, bound in 2 vols., fold. lithogr. plates by J. BRAAKENSIEK, contemp. cl./hcl., 4to (Not collated but seemingly complete). - AND 17 loose Bijvoegsels, 1899-1918.

€ (100-150) 110
81 3732 Caricature  Smith Elmer Boyd 1860 1943 81 3732 Caricature Smith Elmer Boyd 1860 1943
81/3732 [Caricature]. Smith, Elmer Boyd (1860-1943). "Sous Peine de 150 Francs d'Amende - il est interdit de detruire les petits oiseaux." Caricatural drawing, pen and black ink, 43,5x28,8 cm., signed in lower right corner (foxed).

= Anti-hunting caricature.

€ (30-50)
81 3733 Caricature  Steinlen Théofile 1859 1923 81 3733 Caricature Steinlen Théofile 1859 1923
81 3733 Caricature  Steinlen Théofile 1859 1923 81 3733 Caricature Steinlen Théofile 1859 1923
81/3733 [Caricature]. Steinlen, Théofile (1859-1923). Lot of ±70 caricatural ills., ±40x28 cm., almost all published in Gil Blas and similar periodicals from the late 19th cent., together in 2 ringbinders.

- A few w. traces of tape in margins. = Also incl. works by a few other artists.

€ (50-70) 50
81 3734 Cassatt Mary 1844 1926 81 3734 Cassatt Mary 1844 1926
81/3734 Cassatt, Mary (1844-1926). Margot wearing a bonnet. Drypoint, 23x16,5 cm., signed "Mary Cassatt" in pencil.

- Some wrinkling.

= Breeskin 179. Verso w. the collector's stamp of Van Doorne (sl. shining through). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE VI.

€ (400-600) 425
81 3735 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3735 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81 3735 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3735 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81 3735 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3735 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81/3735 Cassée, Dick (1931-2023). "Karatay". Metalprint, printed in darkbrown, 41x35,8 cm., signed "Cassée 1976", titled and "II/XII" in pencil. - AND 4 other metalprints by the same, all signed in pencil, i.a. "Venascle", "Inish" and "Aurel".
€ (150-250) 275
81 3736 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3736 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81/3736 Cassée, Dick (1931-2023). Syunik. Brummen, Stichting Signature, 2012, 6 colour "hoogdrukken", each 18x23,8 cm., each monogrammed, titled, "12" and "4/30" in pencil, on Nepal paper, loose as issued in orig. wr., orig. cl. box, 4to.

= Provenance: the collection of Hank Onrust.

€ (150-250) 190
81 3737 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3737 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81 3737 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3737 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81 3737 Cassée Dick 1931 2023 81 3737 Cassée Dick 1931 2023
81/3737 Cassée, Dick (1931-2023). (Untitled). Two col. silkscreens, both 49,7x14,7 cm., both under paper mount, signed "Cassée 98" and numb. "45/50" in pencil on the mount, both with accomp. autograph signed poem by HENK J. BERNLEF, "Kleuren tussen alle kleuren in (...)" and "De bleke berk staart ontbladerd (...)"). - AND 2 untitled col. etchings w. aquatint by Sjoerd BAKKER, both w. autograph signed poem by Theo SONTROP ("Wat wit is, rond en kwetsbaar (...)" and "Wie rood is, zwaar gepanserd (...))" and 2 col. relief prints by Diana van HAL, both w. accomp. autograph signed poem by Jan EIJKELBOOM ("De komst van de Koning" and "Nikè (fragment)").

- Occas. sl. foxed.

= From Grafiek nu 8 & Poezie. (Laren/ Amst., Singer Museum/ Galerie Clement/ Galerie Petit, 1998).

€ (100-150) 130
81 3738 Cassiers Henri 1858 1944 81 3738 Cassiers Henri 1858 1944
81/3738 Cassiers, Henri (1858-1944). (Four women and a girl in traditional costume). Chromolithograph, 25,4x29,3 cm., signed in pencil, signed on the stone, printed by O. de Rycker & Mendel, Brussels. - AND 3 unsigned colour lithographs by the same and published by the same.
€ (100-150) 100
81 3739 Cepelák Ladislav 1924 2000 81 3739 Cepelák Ladislav 1924 2000
81/3739 Cepelák, Ladislav (1924-2000). "Snehora Plocha". Snow Surface. Reliëf etching and aquatint, 36x50 cm., signed "Cepelák 1966", titled and "40/100" in pencil below.

- Slightly yellowed and some foxing in blank margins.

€ (80-100) 90
81 3740 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947 81 3740 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947
81/3740 Chahine, Edgar (1874-1947). L'Abside de Notre-Dame. Etching and drypoint, 33x46,5 cm., signed "Edgar Chahine" in pencil, signed "Edgar Chahine" and "1907" in the plate, blindstamped "Cercle Librairie Estampes HXV", with an etched remarque by the same (8x6,5 cm., monogrammed in pencil and in the plate), framed.
€ (100-150) 170
81 3741 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947 81 3741 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947
81/3741 Chahine, Edgar (1874-1947). La Belle Rita. Etching and drypoint, 1903, 28,2x38,6 cm., signed "Edgar Chahine" in pencil, on wove paper.

- Doubled; some sm. marginal closed tears and imperfections.

€ (80-100) 110
81 3742 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947 81 3742 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947
81 3742 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947 81 3742 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947
81/3742 Chahine, Edgar (1874-1947). (A couple stepping into a horse-drawn cart). Etching, drypoint and aquatint, 11,5x13,5 cm., vaguely signed "Edgar Chahine" in pencil, on wove paper. - AND a small engraved ex-libris for George Teyssier by the same (printed in brown, signed in pencil).
€ (100-150) 130
81 3743 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947 81 3743 Chahine Edgar 1874 1947
81/3743 Chahine, Edgar (1874-1947). (Crowd gathered around a stove). Etching and aquatint, 22x31,8 cm., signed "Edgar Chahine" in pencil.
€ (120-150) 130