2501 - 3523 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- First play blank margin of frontisp. repaired; section of first textp. torn away; 3rd play lacks frontisp. and title-p.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION to Balthazar Huydecoper on 2nd blank. Contains the following works: Het gelukkig ongeval (1721); Erik, Prins van Zweden (1722) and Gustavus Adolphus, koning van Zweden, beschermer der Duitsche vryheit (1723).
Oudaan, J. Toneel-poëzy. Ibid., E. and P. Visser, n.d. (±1735), (16),294p., engr. frontisp. and 5 (large) title-vignettes, contemp. calf w. gilt spine.
- Library ticket "Bibliotheca Hageveldensis" and stamp on prelim. lvs. Lacks letterpiece.
AND 5 others similar, i.a. C.F. GELLERT, Blyspelen (ibid., 4 engr. plates by R. VINKELES, contemp. hcalf w. gilt spine).
- A few sm. (partly repaired) dam. spots on upper lid affecting one ship's mast and the other ship's stern; one (silver) leaf lacking from lower side.
= Very rare whaling item. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIX.
- Collation indicates 1 leaf lacking (as often) before index (binder's instruction?), but collation as in Sabin; hinges weakening. Vague stain on frontcover. Otherwise fine.
= Tiele 1241 note (only 12 maps/ plates); Honig Sale 411; Cat. NHSM p.899; Sabin 106374; Jenkins p.162; Lauridsen p.190; Chavanne 2110; Ingalls 13: "C.G. Zorgdrager's classic volume on the Greenland whale fishery is one of the most thorough and authoritative descriptions of the early eighteenth-century Dutch and Germanic fisheries". Allen 177: "Zorgdrager's work is by far the most important of the early authorities on the northern Whalefishery, and must always be one of the chief sources of information for the early history of the subject."
BOUND WITH: Martens, F. Nauwkeurige beschryvinge van Groenland of Spitsbergen, Waer de Walvisch-vangst, gelegentheyd van 't Ys, en haer wonderlijke kragt en Figuren, duydelijk word aengewesen: nevens Den Aard van 't Land, Gewassen, Ys-Bergen, Gevogelte, Viervoetige Dieren, en Visschen deser Contreyen. Oock hoe de Walvisschen gevangen, gekapt en gesneden worden. Benevens verscheyde Avontuurlijke voorvallen in Groenland (...). Amst., G. de Groot, 1710, (8),88p., engr. frontisp., woodcut title-vignette, 3 plates.
- Sl. browned/ yellowed almost throughout and occas. foxed; final few leaves sl. waterstained in outer margin.
= Chavanne 5247; Ingalls 10; Sabin 44836; Muller 870. Popular Dutch edition of one of the classics of whaling, first published Hamburg, 1675. On the German edition (which has 16 fold. plates) see Nissen ZBI 2706; Jenkins p. 124f; Ingalls (on the plates) 137; Chavanne a.o. 2786; Holland, p.68 and 553: "German Whaling expedition from Hamburg; April 15-August 21. In his narrative of this voyage, Martens presents a rare published account of an Arctic whaling voyage in the mid-17th century, as well as observations on the natural history of Spitsbergen (...) also contains many general observations on Spitsbergen: its zoology (particularly birds) and botany; descriptions of the whales, walruses, and fishes of Spitsbergen waters; and the manner of whaling at that time" (p.68); Henze III, p.380f: "Dieses kleine Buch öffnete den Spitzbergen-Bereich einer frühen, der Zeit weit vorausgehenden wissenschaftlichen Betrachtung: es steht mithin einzigartig in der Polarliteratur. Als Quelle für die Naturkenntnis jenes Bereichs blieb es unübertroffen bis zum Erscheinen der Berichte Will. Scoresbys (...)". Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE C.
- Lacks the map.
Idem. De jaargetyden, in vier zangen. Ibid., idem, 1769, (8),197,(3)p., engr. title-vignette by S. FOKKE, contemp. gilt calf. Merken, L.W. van. Het nut der tegenspoeden, brieven en andere gedichten. Ibid., idem, 1762, 1st ed., (8),344,(4)p., engr. frontisp. by J. V. SCHLEY after C. PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, title-vignette, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, 4to. - AND 1 other.
- Lacks first blank; upper hinge trifle weak. Corners bumped and spine-ends heavily worn.
AND 7 others, all in modern (1x marbled) wr./ 1x hcalf (18th/ 19th cent.), i.a. De moeder, vertrouwde van haare dochter; blyspel (Amst., 1762); De wedergevonden zoon, blyspel (ibid., 1761) and De Graaf van Waltron, krygsspel (ibid., 1791).
- Sl. browned frontisp. trimmed to border line and mounted on first blank; owner's stamp on title; partly (sl.) waterstained. Spine-ends chipped; boardedges worn/ rubbed.
AND 3 others, i.a. J. MOLINAEUS, Den recht-gereformeerden Christen (...) (The Hague, 1669, woodcut printer's mark, sl. later (sl. worn) wr. Partly waterstained).
- Some pages (sl.) browned/ foxed. Top of spines (sl.) worn (1x chipped); corners showing.
Volkoome register Over de Ses Deelen der Brieven Des raedt-Pensionaris J. de Witt (...); Als meede over het Verbaal door Hieron. van Beverningh, enz. Te London gehouden. Ibid., idem, 1727, (252)p., woodengr. title-vignette, bound unif. w. the preceding set.
- Partly sl. yellowed/ foxed.
= Knuttel 18600. Rare pamphlet from the Wittenoorlog, a series of polemic writings on Johan de Witt's role in the history of the Dutch Republic. Its main protagonists were Jan Wagenaar (pro-De Witt) and the orangist Elias Luzac (anti-De Witt).
AND 2 others, i.a. G.L. D'ESTRADES, Het karakter van den Raad-Pensionaris Jan de Wit en zyne factie (The Hague, 1757, 3rd ed., contemp. (loose) wr. Sl. worn copy).
- Formerly folded. Fine. = Knuttel 10694.
- Trimmed in upper margin. Binding sl. rubbed.
= Separate edition of the extra chapter often added to T. van Domselaar's Het Ontroerde Nederlandt (1674). Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 144c; Van Someren I, 70a; De Buck 2725; Landwehr, R. de Hooghe as book illustrator 37.
Het Swart Toneel-Gordyn, opgeschoven voor de Heeren Gebroederen Cornelis en Johan de Wit. Eerste-tweede deel. N.pl., n.publ., 1676-1677, 2nd ed., 2 (of 3) parts in 1 vol., 96; (4),92p., 2 engr. portraits, 1 fold. plate, 2 half-p. textills., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Lacks engr. general title and the 3rd part; plate w. large (closed) tear in inner margin; sl. browned.
- Vol. 1 first few lvs. and plates sl. foxed, otherwise contents fine. Vols. 1 and 2 corners (sl.) worn; all vols. paper over boards partly lacking/ sl. worn.
= Buijnsters 117 (vol. 3) and 123 (vols. 1 and 2).
- Occas. sl. waterst. in blank upper outer corner; all vols. library stamps on title-page. Vol. 1 cover nearly loose, other vols. joints split(ting); sl. dam./ worn along extremities; all vols. tickets on spine.
= Buijnsters 173; Waller 1889; Muller 261.
- Spine rubbed; lacks letterpiece.
- Vol. 1 and 4 waterstained throughout.
(Post, E.M.). Voor eenzaamen. Ibid., J. Allart, 1789, 1st ed., (14),328p., engr. title-p. and 4 engr. plates by R.VINKELES, contemp. hcl.
- Rubbed along extremities.
Idem. Het land, in brieven. Ibid., idem, 1788, 2nd ed., (10),336p., engr. title and 4 plates by R. VINKELES, contemp. calf.
- Partly waterstained in margins; sl. soiled. Worn/ dam. along extremities.
= Second edition of the debut by E.M. Post.
AND 1 other.
- Untrimmed copy with wide margins, contents fine. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 194; Cat. NHSM p.319.
- Lacks final leaf; final part waterstained in upper margin. Binding worn along extremities. = BCNI 7300.
Idem. Thalamus Sponsi oft t'Bruydegoms Beddeken. Waer alle minnende sielen ghenoodt worden te gaen rusten in soete Contemplatie (...). Ibid., J. Cnobbaert, (1635), 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (24),300; 364,(8)p., engr. title-p., overlapping vellum, 12mo.
- Lacks ties. = Waller 1894.
- Spine-ends and corners rubbed/ trifle worn. Otherwise fine.
- Covers sl. rubbed.
= Owner's entry of J.C. Altorffer on upper pastedown. Fine collection of Orangist publications, i.a. Zegezang der Zeeuwen aan Zijne Doorluchtige Hoogheid Willem de Vijfde (n.pl., ±1787); VRANK ZEELANDUS, Dat is geschied; en dat geloof ik niet (...) (n.pl., n.d. (±1787), 2nd ed.); Winter-avond gesprek tusschen Eerryk, Burgerhart en Waarmond, ter gelegenheid van de heuchelyke verjaaringe (...) Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina, Op den 28ste dag van Slagtmaand 1787 (The Hague, (1787)); Zeelands toejuiching, aan (...) Mr. Willem Aarnout van Citters (...) ter gelegenheid datzijn hoog edele gestrenge werd aangesteld tot Raadpensionaris der Provincie Zeeland op den XXV. der Grasmaand, in het jaar MDCCLXXXVIII (Middelb., (±1788). Sl. foxed); Voor oprechte vaderlanders wetenwaardige echte copiën van het Nationale Fonds (...) (Amst., n.d. (±1787)); Plechtige Lijkstaatsie, welke er heeft plaats gehad bij het putwaards bezorgen van het overleedene weekblaadje Ten hoogsten bemind en geliefkoost bij alle nieuwmodische patriotten, genaamd het Saturdags Kroegpraatje (...) (n.pl., n.d. (±1788)); Myne vrye gedagten en overdenkingen, by het einde van het heuglyk verlossingsjaar 1787 (...) (Rott., (±1788), 2nd ed.); Neêrlands Blydschap op den agsten maart Ao. 1788 Door een geselschap Weldenkende Jooden, binnen Amsterdam (n.pl., ±1787) and Testament of uiterste wille, Van wylen den Hoog-onëdelen, Hoog-onwaarden, in den Rook gebooren Heer, de heer Jan Verveer, Gepromoveert in de Helsche Faculteit van het Ryk van Pluto tot het Profanicque, Eerste en Overste Deeken van het Horendragers-Gilde, Professor in het Patriotisme (...) Autheur van het overheerlyk Schandblad het Zaturdags Kroegpraatje (Rott., n.d. (±1787).