2501 - 3523 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Waterstain in upper inner margin throughout, affecting the plates.
= Adams S 764; F.M. 403; Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 25; Cat. Orn. Berl. 2939; Jeudwine p.261 and no. 403 ("The mannerist illustration together with the Frenchified roman and italic types make this a modern book for its date"); Delen II, Les graveurs- illustrateurs, p.50-52 ("un des plus beaux livres du XVIe siècle"); Fontaine Verwey, Uit de wereld van het boek I, p.51-68 ("een werk dat grote invloed zou hebben op de architectuur"). Dutch translation (prob. by Gillis van Diest) of the Latin edition, published in the same year. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.
- Lacks 10 textp.; textp. sl. waterst.; some plates w. sm. restored tears and sl. foxed (mostly in blank margins); 7 plates waterst. and soiled in the image; 3 plates loose. Paper over backstrip sl. worn.
= With 5 EXTRA plates not called for in the usual reference works, showing the state bed of Prince William IV (4x incl. 1 plan) and an etched overview/ legend of the funeral procession. Landwehr, Splendid Ceremonies 230f; F.M. 4027 and 4032; Atlas van Stolk V, 4027 and 4033; Lipperheide Sd 33f; Cohen/ De Ricci 829f.
- Sl. later owner's entry on first blank; libr. stamp on title; bookblock shaken. Lacks ties; upper corner of frontcover dam.; libr. stamps on fore-edge.
= Very rare, only 1 copy found in STCV.
AND 2 others.
- Occas. sl. foxed; owner's entry on first blank. Spine-ends chipped.
= Scheepers I, 433 ("Tegen het misbruik van drank op begrafenissen"); Versnel 839. "Aengesien het boekje: de Sterfhuysen enz (...) niet behelst tegens het geloof of seden, maer in tegendeel aantoont de misbruyken in de Wyn- en Bier-stormen op de Begraefenissen niet sonder verergenisse gepleegt; sal het selve door den druck mogen gemeyn gemaekt worden. (...)" (from the "Goedkeuringe" at the end).
BOUND WITH: MISSEN VOOR DE OVERLEDENEN. Volgens het gebruik der Roomsche Kerke (Antw., B. Moretus, 1684, 2 parts in 1 vol.). Heeman, A. Troost der sieken, ofte maniere hoe de pastoors ende priesters sullen vlytelijk de sieke besoeken, weerdiglijk uytreyken de heylige sacramenten, ende hun getrauwelijk bystaen in den doodtstrydt. Ibid., G. Denique, 1708, (4),542,(8)p., contemp. calf w. gilt spine.
= BCNI 16666.
AND 2 others.
- Library stamp on title-p. of each vol.; occas. sl. browned/ foxed. Joints starting; spine-ends dam.; extremities (sl.) worn. A good set.
= Including a fine copy of the "Platte kaart van de geheele werelt", on which California is shown as an island (Shirley p.613). Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 461a; Knuttel, Kerkgeschiedenis p.312.
- Title cut short and laid down on modern paper; first quire loose(ning); large tears in map (partially repaired on verso); bookblock shaken; extensive contemp. ms. annots. on final 2 blank lvs. Dam. spot in upper joint at foot of spine.
- Occas. sl. browned/ foxed. Upper joint splitting; binding sl. rubbed/ worn along extremities.
= Originally published as a periodical from 3 February 1724 to 24 January 1725, containing 52 issues with dialogues between historical or mythological figures. Buijnsters, Satirische tijdschriften 17; not in Muller etc. Rare.
- Repaired spot in upper blank margin frontisp. Otherwise fine.
= The Dutch translation from Latin of the outcome of the Synod of Dordrecht reprinted often. This edition is rare.
- Old owner's entry(?) blotted out w. ink on title-p. Bookblock and binding sl. warped.
= De Backer/ Sommervogel VII, p.1830; BCNI 11283.
AND 1 other: F.P.C. CELESTIN DE PARIS, Le Iardin de Plaisir et Recreation Spirituelle (Paris, 1605, 2 parts in 1 vol., contemp. overlapping vellum).
- Binding sl. dustsoiled. Otherwise fine.
= Brunet V, p.675. Famous mock-heroic poem, very loosely based on the war between Modena and Bologna (1325), but mostly fictitious. "Belle édition, et l'une des meilleurs de ce poëme" (Brunet). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.
- Occas. (sl.) waterstained, mostly in blank margins; one leaf restored; hinges broken but holding on cords; owner's entry ("JG Deur pred.t Gouda") on title; some scattered col. pencil markings. Rebound w. modern marbled paper over boards.
= BCNI 14523 and 14522. Rare.
- Small hole and sm. marginal tear in first leaf; sm. cut-out section in last blank leaf.
= Signed by i.a. Corfits Uullefeldt, Christiaen Thomesen, Jacob de Wite, Gerard Schaep, and Joachim Andrée. In this document the toll amounts to be paid are mentioned under categories such as fish, metals, ammunition, fabrics, herbs and spices, wines and beer.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper; plates (sl.) browned; occas. sl. foxed. Vellum wrinkled, worn and soiled.
= Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 353; Klaversma/ Hannema 1406.
- Stamp on title.
= Interesting ordinance in which rules are provided for stagecoaches on the route between Amsterdam and The Hague and vice versa. Also providing information on penalties when the criteria are not met: "Dat de postwagens alle mogelyke spoed zullen moeten maken en derhalven, wanneer de wech hard is niet langer dan zes uuren, en indien de wech gul is niet meer als zeeven uuren onderwech zyn, op een boete van zes gulden, 't elken reize te verbeuren ten behoeve der Diaconie Armen ter plaatse alwaar aan de Magistraat de klachten zullen worden gedaan (...)".
ADDED: Extract uit het Register der Resolutien van het Departementaal Bestuur van Zeeland. (...) Resolutie betreffende de betalinge van den Taux op de Wagens met vier wielen, door de Landlieden - gehouden wordende (...). Middelburg, Isaac de Winter, 1803, 3p.
- Part of the double-p. plates sl. browned and/ or foxed as usual; the large fold. plates are fine but occas. have (closed) neat tears on folds; final 30p. of vol. 1 sl. wormholed in upper inner margin (just inside text). Joints and corners (sl.) rubbed; top of spine of vol.1 chipped. Otherwise the bindings are very fine.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 267. The finest description of The Hague in elegant bindings by the First Stadholder Bindery. On these specific lion ornament bindings: they are part of a group of bindings that seem to have been commissioned by Gerard van Loon for his own library. See at length Storm van Leeuwen, Dutch Decorated Bookbindings in the Eighteenth Century IIB, p.82ff. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.
- Plates often browned and foxed (mainly the double-p. plates) (the large fold. plates are fine). Third vol. coat of arms tooled w. some smudging of the gilding; spine-ends sl. worn/ chipped.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 267. The finest description of The Hague. On the binding: presumably a PRESENTATION COPY. Extremely rare binding by the CB BINDERY (Delft). The first 2 volumes were bound by the bindery in Delft, the 3rd and final volume was bound by presumably the First Stadtholder Bindery (The Hague): "Four copies are known with the arms of The Hague in the centre of their covers (...) They will be presentation bindings, presumably the gift neither of the author nor the publisher, but of the town itself and intended for the many Hague functionaries to whom the book is dedicated, for other important personages and also for those who would hold these offices after 1730 (...) De Riemer published the second and final volume nine years later, not in Delft but at The Hague, with Johannes de Cros (1739). As far as is known, the CB Bindery bound no copy of it. Its brief existence had by then already come to an end." (see: Storm van Leeuwen IIA, p.404f).
- About one third of the plates foxed, otherwise trifle foxed or fine. Professionally rebacked. Good/ fine copy.
= On this important manual for actors, based on a series of 38 lessons that the painter and leading Dutch actor of his time Johannes Jelgerhuis gave during the years 1824 to 1827, see at large the exhibition catalogue Johannes Jelgerhuis Rzn. Acteur-schilder 1770-1836 (1969), p.44-52 and cat. no. 406 (listing only 274 textp. and 79 plates).
- Both vols. sl. frayed along edges.