2501 - 3523 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Partially wormholed in upper inner margin; upper hinge broken but holding on cords; contemp. owner's entry on title-p.
= Knuttel 2562; Rogge p. 117.
Oldenbarnevelt, J. van. Remonstrantie Aende Hooge ende Moghende Heeren Staten vande Landen van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt. The Hague, Hillebrandt Jacobssz., 1618, 80p., woodcut title-vignette, sl. later hvellum, sm. 4to.
= Knuttel 2624.
AND 4 other pamphlets concerning the famous Arminianus/ Gomarus dispute, all in modern boards, Knuttel 1776, 2270, 2289 and 4172.
- Later upper endpapers; engr. portraits of Wtenbogaerdt, J. Bogerman, Arminius and Gomarus mounted on first/ final endpapers.
= Rogge p.89.
Gouda, J. van. Examen Doct. Francisci Gomari, Ioannis Wten-Bogardt, Danielis Castellani, woorden-dienaren in Leyden, 's Graven-Haghe, ende Middelburch. Antw., H. Verdussen, 1612, 95p., woodcut title-vignette, later hroan, sm. 8vo.
- Library stamp(s)/ ticket on upper pastedown and title.
= Knuttel 2029a; De Backer/ Sommervogel III, p.1632-33. Joannes van Gouda was a Jesuit priest and prolific polemist. Rare work, only 1 copy in STCN.
= Not in Buisman.
- Pastedowns detached and sl. mouldy. Binding worn; backstrip dam. at spine-ends; lacks one clasp and catch.
= BCNI 9374.
- Contents w. various sm. defects, i.a. sl. dustsoiled; a few sm. wormholes in the 5th vol. Vellum turn-ins partly detached; corners partly showing.
= Van der Haar, Schatkamer p.385. The first volume is complete in itself. Scarce.
- Joints broken.
= From the library of Bob Luza w. his bookplate on upper pastedown.
Focquenbroch, W.G. van. Alle de werken. Ed. A. Bógaert. Amst., Wed. G. de Groot, 1696, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (16),518,(2); 466,(4)p., 2 diff. engr. frontisp., contemp. calf, sm. 8vo.
- Stamp w. "doublet" on verso of frontisp. of vol. 2.
= With the often lacking frontisp. to the 2nd part. Scheepers I, 104; Scheurleer, p.174; cf. Waller 548 (both vol. dated 1709).
- A few closed tears; lvs. trifle soiled; nevertheless fine. Corners and spines sl. worn; letterpieces (trifle) dam.
= Ullrich, p.31, 4; Buisman 445; Mateboer 991; The Children's World of Learning 1532; Gumuchian 4815.
= BCNI 8405 and 7728 (2nd part not in BCNI).
Gobinet, K. Onderwys der Jeugt in de Christelyke Godvruchtigheyt, getrocken uyt de H. Schriture en H.H. Vaderen, en verdeelt in vijf delen. Ibid., J. Stichter, 1697, (10),470,(6)p., engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum.
= BCNI 15564.
Cyrillus. De sedighe Apologien oft onder-wysende t'saemen-spracken der beesten. Dutch transl. by P. Oliverius à S. Anastasio. Ibid., C. Woons, 1666, (20),284,(15)p., engr. title, sl. later calf, sm. 8vo.
- Sm. portion cut out in upper margin of first free endpaper. Binding worn.
= BCNI 12292; Waller 438.
AND 2 others.
- All vols. library stamps on recto and verso of title; one plate loosening; 2 vols. partly (sl.) waterst., mostly in lower blank margin. All vols. library ticket on foot of spine; 2 vols. paper over covers (sl.) worn/ dam.
- Sm. repaired section in left margin; waterstain in lower left corner.
= The siege of the fortress island, called Ada Kaleh, in the Danube. It was an Ottoman Turkish exclave (up to 1923), that changed hands several times in the 18th and 19th century. In 1738 it was in the hands of the Austrians. As part of the hostilities during the Austro-Turkish War of 1737-1739, it was besieged by the Ottomans and conquered.
- Upper hinge broken; first quire loose and folded/ creased; partly water-/ dampstained; one leaf partly burnt and the following lvs. w. burning holes; num. scattered (later) annots. Binding worn; backstrip dam. Not collated, sold w.a.f.
= Containing the services to Easter and Pentecost.
- Occas. trifle browned/ foxed; sl. later owner's entry on last blank. Good/ fine copy. = Sabin 73319.
Cerri, U. Staat van de Roomsch Catholyke religie, door de geheele werreld geschreeven tot dienst van Paus Innocentius de XI (...). Dutch transl. A.G.L.R.G. ( = P. le Clercq). Ibid., N. ten Hoorn, 1715, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., 125; 340[=336]p., contemp. vellum.
- Owners' stamps/ annots. on upper endpapers and title (recto and verso); partly (sl.) waterst. Backstrip soiled.
AND 1 other: B. PLATINA, 't Leven der Roomsche Pauzen (ibid., 1650, 1 vol. (of 2), engr. title-vignette, plates, contemp. overlapping (dam.) vellum. Without the 2nd vol.; title w. closed horizontal tear; pastedowns and turn-ins loose(ning)).
- Binding in need of restoration; frontcover loose; portions of calf over board lacking; backstrip worn off.
= Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe as book illustrator 92.
- Yellowed and sl. foxed. Binding sl. rubbed.
= During the Hoeksche en Kabeljauwse Twisten Rotterdam was for some time ruled by Frans van Brederode. The book is mainly on fights with surrounding cities such as Gouda, Hillegersberg, Schoonhoven and Delft. The last 25p. consist of the "Comedie van 't beroerde Schiedam". Van Balen-Chavannes 4. Rare.
- Pastedowns loose; final ±60p. w. brown stain in lower inner margin.
= First Dutch translation of this popular work by Michael Sachse, first published in German in 1593 (part 1) and 1597 (part 2). Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 16; Klaversma/ Hannema 1269. Very rare. Only 1 copy in STCN.
= Very rare.
Molina, C. (= C. Vermeulen). Den oprechten, schriftuerlijcken Rooms-Catholijcken Mondt-Stopper, Van alle tegenwoordige on-Catholijcke Leeraers, en Nieuw-gesinde Leerlingen. Antw., n.publ., 1667, 7th rev. enl. ed., (6),369,(4)p., woodengr. printer's mark on title-p., contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo. - AND 3 others, i.a. F. CAUWE, Teghen-verghift teghen een groote Peste van het Christendom, te weten: de ydelheyt, oneerbaerheyt, ende overdaet der vrauwelycke kleederen ende cieraeten (Ghent, 1676, modern hvellum).
= Rare Dutch translation.