2501 - 3523 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Letterpieces partly lacking; spine-ends worn/ chipped; corners showing.
= Arntzen/ Rainwater H96: "Biographical accounts of Netherlandish painters, a continuation of Houbraken."
- Loose(ning); sl. fingersoiled and stained. Binding heavily worn; frontcover loose; needs rebinding. Sold w.a.f.
= Kunst op Schrift 254; cf. Orenstein 634E ("after 1650?"); cf. Kat. Orn. Berlin 4709 and Fowler 155, both listing the Dutch edition published in 1623; cf. Bierens de Haan 2116 (eds. 1640 and 1647).
- Occas. sl. yellowed; stamp on title. Otherwise fine.
= Schauplatz der Künste und Handwerke, Bd. XIV. Reprint of the 1st German edition (Nürnburg, 1779).
- Tipped-in annots. by Van den Broek on upper pastedowns.
= (...) "De behandeling van Papier, Waterverwen, Oostindische inkt, Biestre- en Neutrale Kleur; benevens Onderigting in het aanleggen der Luchten, Verschieten en Voorgronden; het Kleuren en Opwerken; mitsgaders het Kleuren van Gravures" (title-p.). Very rare. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- Frontcover loose(ning); backstrip partly worn off. = Nice manual, each plate with ±50 figures.
- Upper hinge trifle weak; plate-lvs. too large for binding (sticking out); occas. trifle yellowed; a few plates w. sm. waterst. (mainly) in blank margin. Binding worn/ dam.
= Bierens de Haan 3759; cf. Kat. Orn. Berlin 4740.
- Title sl. soiled and numb. "14" in manuscript below title.
= Part 7 of in total 9 parts published. Hollstein 342-353 (only mentioning 12 plates, our copy has 13 plates (VII.D.2-VII D.14)); Bonacini 2051; Kat. Orn. Berlin 5310. Very rare.
- All vols. w. owner's stamp on first free endpaper. Backcover vol. 1 chafed; bindings w. minor imperfections.
= Comprises: 1. Behelzende het Leeven van Mohammed; En het Begin van de Historie der Arabieren, onder de drie eerste Khalifs. 4. Behelzende de algemeene historie van de Turken (...). 5. Behelzende de historie van Jenghiz Khan's opvolgers in Tartarije, China, Kipjak, het Krimsche Tartarije, Groot en Klein Bucharije en Persie, benevens die der Moguls en Tartaren, onder de Regering van Timur Bek, of Tamerlan. 8. Behelzende de verdere Oostersche historie; en bijzonderlijk die van China. 9. Behelzende eene Beschryving van Japan; benevens de bezittingen der Portugeezen en Spanjaarden in de Indien. 10. Behelzende de historie van de Engelsche en Vereenigde Nederlandsche Oostindische Maatschappy. Rare.
- All vols. w. new endpapers; occas. sl. foxed/ browned (affecting a few maps/ plates); vol. 1 map "Het westelijk deel van het eiland Ceram" torn with loss of right half; partly sl. wormholed (sl. affecting 4 maps/ plates); vol. 2 w. owner's entry and gluestain on title-p.; vol. 4a one view w. vertical tear professionally restored; portrait of M. DE HAAN loosely inserted. Bindings sl. chafed; backstrips sl. sunned. A good/ fine set, complete with all the plates conforming to the binder's instruction in the last volume.
= Landwehr, VOC 467; Tiele 1121; Alt Japan Katalog 1570; Cordier, Japonica 426-428; Cordier, Indosinica 927-930; Cat. NHSM I, 502; Mendelssohn IV, p.594. One of the most extensive works and the main old source on the Dutch East Indies with many documents, partly lost by now. Also containing important descriptions of i.a. Cape of Good Hope, China, Japan and Ceylon and two early voyages to Australia with interesting maps. For the description of the history of Amboina, Valentyn used the unpublished and lost manuscript "Amboinsch Dierboek" by Rumphius. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVII.
- Pastedowns loose. = Not in BCNI.
Villacastin, T. Onderwijs der Godvruchtiger Siele tot het innich Ghebedt. Dutch transl. J. Susius. Antw., widow J. Cnobbaert, 1658, 455,(9)p., engr. title, ills., contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo.
- New endpapers; waterstained. = BCNI 8027.
Barry, P. de. De eensaemheydt van Philagia, dienende tot geestelijcke oeffeninghe in eensaemheydt Van acht ofte thien gheduerighe daghen 's Iaers voor alle Godtvruchtighe Zielen de welcke naer hunne Heylicheydt ende Volmaecktheydt trachten. Dutch transl. G. van Aelst. Ibid., J. van Ghelen, 1646, (24),699,(1)p., woodcut printer's mark on verso last textp., contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo.
= BCNI 9965.
AND 2 others similar in contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Binding trifle worn and stained. Internally fine.
= Cf. Koeman Maa 2 (ed. 1822). Rare travel atlas, the maps showing in detail the route to be taken between the most important cities. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.
- Fine/ very fine set, w. the following unobtrusive points: a few very sm. wormholes; one leaf lacks sm. part of upper left corner in blank margin; vol.1: a few thumbstained spots; vol.2: ±25 leaves sl. dampstained in blank outer margin. Bindings have some minor defects and corners are sl. bumped as usual; nevertheless in fine condition.
= A complete and attractively bound copy (57x38 cm. (binding)) of Blaeu's two townbooks of the Low Countries, nowadays rarely on the market in this near mint condition, with very wide margins (56x35,5 cm. (leaf)) and in uniform contemporary bindings. Koeman Bl 68B and Bl 69B. A monument of Dutch cartography, the 'Townbooks' of Blaeu show the Netherlands and present day Belgium in their full splendour, depicting in the plates both the fortifications of the towns and cities as well as the conglomerates of their buildings in detailed plans. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXIX.
- Occas. stained/ yellowed; ornamental woodcut initials occas. col. (contemp.?) in red crayon. Vellum worn and stained.
= Rare edition of a popular work by Giovanni Botero, translated into many European languages. First published in 1592 without maps, this edition contains the second edition of the maps (which were first included in the 1605 edition). The work does not merely provide geographical descriptions of the various countries, but also attempts to give information of a more wide-ranging nature (religion, culture and economics). Sabin 6800; cf. Borba de Moraes I, p.114 (ed. 1599); cf. Cicogna 1097 (ed. 1605).
- Lacks the "Zeevlaggen" plate. Otherwise very fine.
- A few wormholes throughout (±30 lvs. and 1 map worse).
= The second part contains IDEM, Nouveau traité de la sphere (...) (Paris, 1774).
- A few textleaves at the beginning misbound; partly (mostly sl.) waterstained in lower right corner of maps and textpages.
= Koeman, Col 5. Second Dutch edition (first published in 1635), with the text enlarged.
- Most maps w. a (false) fold, mainly near central fold; some w. 2 wormholes and a few sm. tears (mainly) in outer blank margins; 1 w. hole in blank margin.
= Only a part of the entire atlas, w. manuscript numb. "92"-"107" on verso. Contents: 1. "Galliae seu Franciae Tabula" (elaborate cartouche, w. extensive alphabetical table of cities on both sides, N. Visscher, 1688); 2. "Duche de Bretaigne" (3 dec. cartouches, a coat of arms and ships and sea monsters, J. Janssonius, ±1640); 3. "Normandia Ducatus" (2 elaborate cartouches, 2 coats of arms and ships and sea monsters, J. Janssonius, 1657); 4. "Picardia Vera et Inferior" (3 dec. cartouches, J. Janssonius, ±1650); 5. "Le Gouvernement de l'Isle de France" (3 (elaborate) cartouches, i.a. w. coats of arms, F. de Wit, ±1660); 6. "Champagne et Brie etc." (2 dec. cartouches, N. Sanson, 1670); 7. "Generails Lotharingiae Ducatus Tabula" (elaborate cartouche, w. extensive alphabetical table of cities on both sides, N. Visscher, 1688); 8. "Burgundia Comitatus, vulgo la Franche Comté" (3 elaborate cartouches and a coat of arms, J. Blaeu, ±1665); 9. "Burgundia Ducatus" (2 dec. cartouches, J. Blaeu, ±1670); 10. "Gouvernement General du Pays Orleanois" (2 dec. cartouches, i.a. incorporating many coats of arms, J. Blaeu, ±1665); 11. "Xaintonge, avec le Pays d'Aulnis, le Brovageais, terre d'arvert &c." (dec. cartouche, ships, J. Blaeu, ±1665); 12. "Lionnois, Forect, Beaviolois et Masconnois" (2 dec. cartouches, coat of arms J. Janssonius, ±1660); 13. "Nova et accurata Descriptio Delphinatus vulgo Dauphiné" (3 dec. cartouches, i.a. incorporating a coat of arms, compass rose, J. Janssonius, ±1660); 14. "Comté et Gouvernement de Provence" (2 dec. cartouches, N. Sanson, 1670); 15. "Languedoc" (3 dec. cartouches, i.a. incorporating coats of arms, compass rose and a ship, J. Janssonius, ±1660 and 16. "Gouvernement de la Guienne & Gascogne." (elaborate cartouche and 2 large vignettes w. many coats of arms, J. Blaeu, ±1662).
- First map lacks part at lower left corner; final map splitting on one fold; several maps strengthened on fold. Backstrip rubbed.
= Koeman II, Lat 1a, note. Early edition (first published in 1734), frequently reprinted throughout the 18th century.
- Poor copy: lacks 4 maps (the first 4); all maps strengthened/ repaired on folds; occas. tears in folds; a few maps sections loose; lvs. soiled.
= Koeman II, Lat 1a, note. Early edition (first published in 1734), frequently reprinted throughout the 18th century.