2501 - 3523     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 13 of 52 Results 241 - 260 of 1023
81 2741 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Cragius N 81 2741 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Cragius N
81/2741 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Cragius, N. De republica Lacedaemoniorum libri IV. Leyden, J. van Gelder, 1670, 3 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (16),573,(1)p., engr. printer's mark on title, contemp. vellum.

- Sl. yellowed in blank margins and a few stains in blank margin. Vellum dustained.

= The other works contained in this volume: H. PONTICUS, De Politiis Libellus. Ed. N. Cragius (ibid., 1670) and N. CRAGIUS (ed.), Ex. Nicolar Damasceni Universali Historia Seu De Moribus Gentium libris excerpta Johannis Stobaei collectanea (ibid., 1670).

€ (200-300) 200
81 2742 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Curtius Rufus Q 81 2742 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Curtius Rufus Q
81/2742 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Curtius Rufus, Q. Alexander Magnus. Ed. S. Pitiscus. The Hague, P. van Thol, 1708, 3rd enl. ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (68),103,(6),468; (2),469-855,(168)p., engr. frontisp. by J. VAN DEN AVELEN after G. HOET, portrait of Pitiscus by J. KLOPPER, 4 fold. maps, 6 fold. and 6 full-p. plates by J. VAN DEN AVELEN, contemp. overlapping vellum w. gilt supralibros of ? w. date 1733 below.

- FIne copy.

= Schweiger p.322. Nice plates, i.a. showing Babylon and the hanging gardens. Supralibros not identified.

AND 1 other.

€ (120-150) 160
81 2743 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Curtius Rufus Q 81 2743 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Curtius Rufus Q
81 2743 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Curtius Rufus Q 81 2743 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Curtius Rufus Q
81/2743 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Curtius Rufus, Q. De la vie et des actions d'Alexandre le Grand. French transl. De Vaugelas. Aves les supplemens De Jean Freishemius. Paris, M. Bordelet, 1730, 2 vols., (28),532,(36); (10),442,(26)p., contemp. unif. sprinkled calf w. gilt backstrip.

- Contents fine. Joints of vol.2 starting; spine-ends sl. chipped. = Rare edition.

€ (70-90)
81 2744 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Curtius Rufus Q 81 2744 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Curtius Rufus Q
81/2744 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Curtius Rufus, Q. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri Qui exstant. Cum supplemento eorum qui desiderantur. Leyden, ex officina Plantiniana apud F. Raphelengium, 1595, 323,(13)p., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo (16mo size).

- Fine copy.

= Very rare. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600, 1413; one copy in STCN (lacks 1 index leaf). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXV.

€ (300-500) 1300
81 2745 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Dale A van 81 2745 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Dale A van
81/2745 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Dale, A. van. Dissertationes IX, antiquitatibus quin et marmoribus, cum Romanis tum potissimum Græcis illustrandis inservientes. Amst., S. Schouten, 1743, (44),804,(16)p., 9 engr. plates, contemp. hroan.

= Antonius van Dale discusses the origins of bull sacrifice, bacchanals, Archons and priests among the Greek and Romans, and other ancient superstitions.

€ (100-150)
81 2746 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Estienne H 81 2746 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Estienne H
81/2746 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Estienne, H. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae. (Geneva), Henr. Stephanus Oliva, (1572), 5 parts in 4 vols., unif. 17th cent. mottled calf w. richly gilt spine and red mor letterpiece, folio.

- Contents occas. trifle foxed/ browned/ waterst.; occas. chipped in blank marigns and w. some sl. later annots. Three vols. covers sl. chafed; bindings w. some restored spots.

= Adams, S1791; cf. Zaunmüller, 157; PMM, 62: "(...) Finally in the mid-1550s, Robert Estienne turned to a Greek companion piece of the Thesaurus [Latinus]. His chief collaborator was his son Henri, who, after his father's death, eventually brought it out under his own imprint as Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (Geneva, 1572). Even more than with the Thesaurus Latinus, there has to this day been no substitute for the Thesaurus Graecus."

€ (1.000-1.500) 1000
81 2747 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Gellius A 81 2747 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Gellius A
81 2747 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Gellius A 81 2747 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Gellius A
81/2747 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Gellius, A. Noctes Atticae. Amst., D. Elzevier, 1665, 2nd ed., (46),482,(118)p., engr. title, contemp. vellum w. gilt coat of arms of GOUDA on both covers within double fillet line, gilt spine, 12mo.

- Without the prize; hinges starting, but holding strong on cords; pastedowns loosening. Lacks ties; brown dented streak on frontcover.

= Rare edition. Willems 1357; Rahir 1409; Schweiger I, p.379; Spoelder 2.

€ (60-80) 100
81 2748 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Herodotus 81 2748 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Herodotus
81/2748 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Herodotus. Negen Boeken der Historien, Gezegt de Musen. Vervattende onder ander, de Lydische, Grieksche, Persiaensche, Egiptische, en Medische Historien (...). Dutch transl. O. Dapper. Amst., H. Sweerts, 1665, (42),689,(23)p., engr. frontisp., contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 4to.

- A fine copy.

= Geerebaert XLIII,2; Scheepers II, 324; De Vries 366; De Rynck/ Welkenhuysen p.190. The first Dutch translation. Rare.

€ (100-150) 170
81 2749 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Hesiodus 81 2749 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Hesiodus
81/2749 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Hesiodus. (Opera). Ed. C. Schrevelius and J.T. Krebsius. Leipsic, J.G. Dyck, 1746, (28),468p., parallel Greek and Latin text, sl. later hvellum.

= Schweiger p.144.

AND 1 other: HERODOTUS, Historiarum Libri IX. Adiectus est De vita Homeri (ibid., 1828, 3 parts in 1 vol., contemp. gilt hcalf, sm. 8vo. Backstrip, upper joint and corners worn).

€ (60-80) 60
81 2750 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Homeros 81 2750 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Homeros
81/2750 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Homeros. Iliade. Odyssée. French translation and ed. Mme Dacier. Amst., Wetstein & Smith, 1731, 4th ed., 7 vols., 57 engr. plates (incl. 2 frontisp.) by i.a. B. PICART, W. and D. JONGMAN and C. FARRET, contemp. unif. marbled calf w. richly gilt spine and 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces.

- Prefaces to both works yellowed, otherwise contents fine; all vols. w. later owner's entries (signature and monogram on first blank). All vols. bindings sl. rubbed; three vols. top of spine trifle rubbed.

= Six vols. w. engr. 18th cent. bookplate of L.A. Gottscheid on upper pastedown.

€ (150-250) 170
81 2751 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Horatius Flaccus Q 81 2751 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Horatius Flaccus Q
81/2751 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Hekeldichten en brieven. Transl. B. Huydecoper. Amst., W. Barents, 1726, L,(2),210p., engr. frontisp., armorial plate and 1 ill. after A. HOUBRAKEN, title-vignette, contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Hekeldichten, brieven en dichtkunst. Transl. B. Huydecoper. Ibid., Erven J. Ratelband/ H. Uitwerf, 1737, (20),292,(1)p., engr. frontisp. and title-vignette by J.C. PHILIPS, engr. portrait by J. HOUBRAKEN.

- Bookplates and owner's stamps on upper pastedown and first blanks; occas. trifle foxed/ yellowed. Good copy.

= Ad 1. Geerebaert CXI, 40; Riedel Horatiana O, no.2. Ad 2. Geerebaert CXI, 41 II.

Huydecoper, B. Proeve van Taal- en Dichtkunde; in vrymoedige aanmerkingen op Vondels Vertaalde Herscheppingen van Ovidius. Ed. F. van Lelyveld and N. Hinlópen. Leyden, A. and J. Honkoop, 1782-1791, 2nd enl. ed., 4 vols., engr. title, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. contrasting mor. letter- and volume-piece.

- Vol. 3 occas. trifle foxed. Spine-ends worn; 3 letter-/ volume number pieces dam./ lacking.

= Although the titlepage calls for 3 volumes, the work actually consists of 4 volumes. The last two volumes were completed by N. Hinlopen in 1788 and 1791 following the death of Huydecoper in 1778. "Huydecopers Proeve werd druk bestudeerd door leden van de letterkundige genootschappen die vanaf het midden van de achttiende eeuw worden opgericht. Door Frans van Lelyveld wordt Huydecoper geroemd om de manier waarop hij de Nederlandse taalkunde beoefende en bestempeld als de leermeester van vele leden van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. Hij was overigens degene die na Huydecopers dood in 1782 en 1784 het eerste respectievelijk het tweede deel van de herdruk van de Proeve uitgaf. Na Van Lelyvelds vroegtijdige dood voltooide Nicolaas Hinlópen het derde (1788) en het vierde (register)deel (1791)." (Bio- en bibliografisch lexicon van de neerlandistiek).

€ (100-150)
81 2752 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Horatius Flaccus Q 81 2752 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Horatius Flaccus Q
81 2752 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Horatius Flaccus Q 81 2752 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Horatius Flaccus Q
81/2752 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Quae supersunt. Ed. G. Wakefield. London, Kearsley, 1794, 2 vols., VIII,186,(8); (2),168,(9)p., 2 diff. engr. frontisp. and 2 portraits by W. SKELTON after E.F. BURNEY, contemp. unif. gilt green morocco, gilt boardedges, a.e.g., sm. 8vo.

= Schweiger I, p.416; Ebert 10233; Dibdin I, p.427 ("A very elegant and correct ed.").

€ (70-90) 70
81 2753 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Isidorus Hispalensis 81 2753 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Isidorus Hispalensis
81/2753 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Isidorus Hispalensis. Opera omnia quae extant. Ed. J. Du Breul. Cologne, A. Hierat, 1617, (28),631,(62)p., large woodcut title-vignette, text printed in 2 columns, contemp. calf w. gilt floral spine, folio.

- (Sl.) waterst.; partly sl. wormholed in blank margin; bookplate of Dr. J.A. van Praag on upper pastedown. Backstrip dam.; covers sl. worn/ chafed.

= Schweiger, p.467.

€ (100-150)
81 2754 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Juvenalis D I and Persius Flaccus A 81 2754 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Juvenalis D I and Persius Flaccus A
81/2754 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Juvenalis, D.I. and Persius Flaccus, A. Satyrae. Ed. I. Casaubon. Leyden, P. vander Aa, 1695, 2 parts in 1 vol., (32),980,(68); (14),214,(16)p., engr. title, portrait and 11 plates, contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to.

- Occas. trifle foxed/ browned; last few lvs. waterst. = Schweiger p.511; Dibdin II, p.155.

€ (120-150) 120
81 2755 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucanus M A 81 2755 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucanus M A
81 2755 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucanus M A 81 2755 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucanus M A
81/2755 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Lucanus, M.A. Van 't Borger oorlogh der Romeynen, tusschen C. Iulium Caesarem ende Gn. Pompeium Magnum. Dutch transl. H. Storm. Amst., M. Colijn, 1620, (22),176,(3) lvs., engr. title-p., contemp. overlapping vellum.

- First few lvs. sl. soiled and w. old annots.; owner's entry on title-p. cut out; upper hinge weak. Vellum sl. soiled; extremities sl. worn.

= From the libraries of Bob Luza, J.F.M. Sterck and Jan te Winkel (their bookplates on first endpaper). Rare, first complete Dutch transl. (in rhyme) of Lucan's Pharsalia. Geerebaert CXVI, 1.II.

€ (100-150) 120
81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucianus Samosatensis 81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucianus Samosatensis
81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucianus Samosatensis 81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucianus Samosatensis
81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucianus Samosatensis 81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucianus Samosatensis
81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucianus Samosatensis 81 2756 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucianus Samosatensis
81/2756 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Lucianus Samosatensis. Alle de Werken. Nieuwlyks uit het Grieks vertaalt door S.B. (= Steven Blankaart). Amst., J. ten Hoorn, 1679, 2 vols., (20),714,(6); 869[=877],(3)p., etched frontisp. and 12 fold. plates by R. DE HOOGHE, 2 ident. woodcut printer's marks, contemp. unif. vellum, 12mo.

- Vol.1 upper hinge weak; vol.2 one quire misbound.

= Geerebaert LVI, 6; De Rynck/ Welkenhuysen p.247; Landwehr, R. de Hooghe as book illustrator 51; Buisman 1506; Waller 1123; Muller 327; De Vries 373; Scheepers II, 340; Buisman sale 872; Versnel sale 578. "In het voorwoord van zijn Lucianus-vertaling uit 1679 voelde Steven Blankaert zich genoodzaakt het uitgebreid voor Lucianus op te nemen. Te onregt werd hy beschuldigt van Atheïstery zo luidt de kern van Blankaerts betoog. Het heeft er dan ook alle schijn van, dat Lucianus' reputatie er de oorzaak van was dat Blankaerts vertaling niet meer herdrukt werd en dat zijn werk in het algemeen nauwelijks in het Nederlands werd vertaald." (R. Veenman, ´Van schoolvoorbeeld tot atheïst: Lucianus in de Nederlanden tot 1700´ De zeventiende eeuw 15 (1999), p.175-196). First and only Dutch translation. Rare.

€ (300-500) 300
81 2757 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucretius Carus T 81 2757 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucretius Carus T
81/2757 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Lucretius Carus, T. De la nature des choses. Transl. by Le Blanc de Guillet. Paris, Moutard and Plassan, 1788, 2 vols., LXXIX,(1),358,(1); (4),435,(3)p., 2nd bilingual ed. in Latin and French, early 19th cent. unif. gilt and blindst. hcalf.

- Some scattered foxing throughout; lower blank outer corner of one leaf torn off. Frontcover of vol.1 cracked; outer corners rubbed.

= Schweiger p.580. Scarce.

€ (70-90)
81 2758 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucretius Carus T 81 2758 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucretius Carus T
81 2758 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Lucretius Carus T 81 2758 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Lucretius Carus T
81/2758 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Lucretius Carus, T. De rerum natura libri sex. London, R. Taylor, 1832, 295,(1)p., contemp. burgundy mor., both covers w. quadruple gilt fillet line around borders w. 4 corner fleurons, richly gilt spine, gilt boardedges and inside dentelles, a.e.g., 4to.

- First/ final 6 lvs. sl. foxed. Joints worn; covers w. a few chafed spots along edges.

€ (70-90)
81 2759 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Mander K van 81 2759 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Mander K van
81/2759 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Mander, K. van. Uitlegging over de Metamorphosis, of Herschepping van P. Ovidius Nazo. Amst., J.J. Schipper/ J. Barentsz Smient, 1643, 2 parts in 1 vol., (10),411 [=410]; (2),50,(3)p., contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Lacks frontisp.; sl. wormholed at the beginning.

= The 2nd part titled "Uitbeelding der figuren: Vertoonende hoe de Heydenen hun Goden hebben afgebeeldt en onderscheyden hebben; hoe d'Egyptenaren hun verburgen meyningen, met Dieren en andre Dingen, te kennen gaven. Alles voor de Rijm-Schrijvers en Schilders seer nut". Rare edition.

€ (80-100) 80
81 2760 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Mander K van 81 2760 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Mander K van
81 2760 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Mander K van 81 2760 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Mander K van
81 2760 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Mander K van 81 2760 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Mander K van
81/2760 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Mander, K. van. Uitlegging over de Metamorphosis, of Herschepping van P. Ovidius Nazo. Amst., J.J. Schipper, 1645, engr. title, (12),520p., contemp. vellum, 12mo. - BOUND WITH: Ovidius Naso, P. Paris Oordeel, met de schakingh van Helena, door I.v.G. [= J. van der Gracht] vertaelt. Noch Menelaus Brief aan Helena, door P.C. Hooft, Drost van Muyden, gerijmt. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (Amst., W. de Hondt, 1647), 82,(14)p., engr. plate.

- Upper hinge broken; owner's entries on first free endpaper. Vellum sl. (green) soiled.

= Ad 1: also contains C. VAN MANDER, Uitbeelding der figuren: Vertoonende hoe de Heydenen hun Goden afgebeelt en onderscheiden hebben; hoe d'Egyptenaars hun verburge meiningen, met dieren en andre dingen, te kennen gaven. Alles voor de Rijm-Schrijvers en schilders zeer nut (p.469-520, w. div. title w. imprint Amst., J. Lescaille). Bibl. Belg. M96. Ad 2: Graesse V, p.91. Rare.

Chausse, M.A. Het Roomsch kabinet van oudheden, bestaande in Goden- en andere beelden, gereetschappen en eertekens der priesteren, (...), Die men vindt te Romen. Dutch transl. D. van Hoogstraten, ed. P. le Clercq. Rott., A. van Eyk, 1751, (14),392p., 31 engr. plates, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Upper endpaper and first blank vaguely waterst. in upper half. Corners trifle worn.

€ (120-150)