2501 - 3523 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Folded; foxed.
= Caricatural and allegorical print and text, with antisemitic comments, on the Amsterdam stock market crash and banking crisis of 1763, which resulted in the international financial crisis in various European cities. F.M. 4143a.
AND 2 others similar, published by the same, both 1763: "Ter Nagedachtenis van het wisselvallig wonder Jaar 1763" and "Behouwen Reys der nieuwe vlugtelingen, of de schielyke Uytvaart der vier helden, in een koeschuyt naar Embden".
- (Heavily) waterst. almost throughout; several lvs. strengthened/ repaired w. paper; 2 lvs. erroneously bound. Covers and extremities (sl.) worn/ scratched.
= Cats STCN 8; Mus. Cats. 7.
- First and final few lvs. creased (incl. frontisp.) and loosening; frontisp. and 2 plates w. (sm.) tears; occas. sl. waterst. in blank margin. Binding (sl.) worn/ chafed; spine-ends dam.
= Cats STCN 9; Mus. Catsianum 8.
- Lacks backstrip; frontcover reattached.
= Main text printed from the type matter of the 1769 8°-edition, broken up and made up into 4°-pages of two columns Cats STCN 46; Mus. Catsianum 234.
BOUND WITH: Idem. De gedichten (...) die in zyn Werken niet gevonden worden. Als meede Alle de Lof- en Rouwgedichten, en graft-schriften, Op den Heere Jacob Cats. Ibid., idem, 1767, 29,(3)p.
= STCN 22; Mus. Catsianum 23.
- Very fine copy. The first work without the (often absent) "Kinderspelen" print; two sm. inkstains on first engr. title-p.; a few leaves trifle foxed.
= Landwehr 111 and Landwehr 135; STCN Cats 173, 146 and 209; Mus. Catsianum 30, 56, 77 and 97. "1618 is het verschijningsjaar van Cats' eerste letterkundige voortbrengselen. Zijn eersteling, Silenus Alcibiadis, is een emblematabundel, - en wat voor één! Adriaan van de Venne ontwierp de afbeeldingen en de levendigheid, beeldingskracht en frisheid daarvan is in de hele zeventiende eeuw niet meer geëvenaard. Het werk bestond in de eerste uitgave uit drie delen, waarin Cats dezelfde reeks van 51 platen door middel van andere teksten achtereenvolgens op de liefde, het maatschappelijk leven en de godsdienst toepaste. Hans van der Hellen, de Middelburgse uitgever, verzorgde twee edities, die op een speciale manier aan elkaar gerelateerd zijn. De eerste [1618] is heel luxe; daarin worden in de delen twee en drie de gravures opnieuw afgedrukt. De tweede [as in our copy] is iets eenvoudiger: in het tweede en derde deel zijn de platen vervangen door extra Latijnse en Nederlandse citaten van allerlei auteurs, zonder overigens aan de rest van het zetsel iets te wijzigen." (Cats Catalogus STCN p.32). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXV.
- Partly yellowed; one title loose; one title lacks lower corner; final textleaf of Huuwelyk (...) mounted to lower pastedown (w. loss of final page). Paper over bindings partly torn off.
= 1. Zinne- en Minne-Beelden (...) (Amst., Wed. B. Visscher, 1720); 2. Gedachten op slapeloose Nachten (...) (ibid., A. van Damme, 1721); 3. Spiegel van den Ouden en Nieuwen Tyd (ibid., Erven van de Wed. De Groot, 1722); 4. 's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde, Beslooten in den Trou-ringh, met den Proef-steen van den selven (ibid., idem, 1724); 5. Ouderdom, Buyten Leven, en Hof Gedachten (...) (ibid., I. vander Putte, ±1730); 6. Huuwelyk, Dat is, het gantsche beleyt des Echten Staats (The Hague, P. van Thol, 1740).
- Lacks 3 plates; hinges broken but holding on cords; one quire loose; new endpapers.
= Very rare first Dutch translation of this Don Quixote edition. Rius II, 473; Arents 171; Ashbee 331; Waller 184; Buisman 73; Muller 79; Scheepers II, 731 and 731A. De Avellaneda is a pseudonym of Gerónimo de Passamonte, who in 1614 published this continuation of the first part of the Don Quixote by Cervantes, one year before the latter published his second part. From the collection of Simon Rustingh w. his owner's entry on title and frontcover.
- Contents fine; a few maps loose(ning). Corners rubbed; upper joint splitting at top end (over 13 cm.); some mottled catspaw spots dam. from acid bite.
= Lust 14 (ed. Paris, 1770) and 12 (ed. 1735); cf. Cordier I, p.45f; Walravens, China Illustrata 26. "Encyclopaedic survey of China, compiled from unpublished and printed works of 17 Jesuits. The maps (by d'Anville), were based on Jesuit surveys." (Lust, note to the first edition, Paris, 1735). "Der Hauptzweck dieser Kompilation war sicherlich, die von den Jesuiten erworbene Chinakenntnis breiteren Teilen der europäischen Bevölkerung zugänglich zu machen, mit dem speziellen Ziel allerdings, die Augen der Franzosen auf die Leistungen und Aufgaben der französischen Chinamission zu richten und entsprechende Unterstützung anzuregen. Dies geschah zu einem Zeitpunkt, als der Ritenstreit drohte, das idealisierte Chinabild der Missionare zu verdunkeln und Zweifel an Sinn und Methode des Missionswerkes zu wecken." (China Illustrata 26). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIV.
- Tiny professionally closed tear in outer margin of map; a few leaves w. (partly strengthened) dampstained spot in outer blank margin. Contents otherwise fine. Rebacked w. use of orig. backstrip.
= The first edition of the famous description by Nieuhof of the first embassy undertaken by the VOC to the emperor of China and one of the very few non-Jesuit sources of the period. The "Paolinxi Pagode" plate, mentioned in the binder's instructions, was actually only inserted in the Latin edition of 1668 and here as always only present as text illustration. Landwehr, VOC 539; Tiele 800; Cat. NHSM I, p.499; Lust 539; Cordier, Bibl. Sinica p.2344. Walravens, China illustrata, no. 63/64 (later German editions): "Nieuhofs Chinawerk ist bis heute eines der bedeutendsten und gesuchtesten. Allein die 150 Abbildungen und Karten, die das Buch zieren und die nach Zeichnungen des Autors aufgeführt wurden, haben beachtlichen Wert. Bis weit in das 18.Jahrhundert hinein wurden sie immer wieder nachgedruckt und nachgeschnitten und prägten weitgehend das Chinabild der Zeit". The double-p. plates mainly depicting panoramic city views. "Was aber seinem Buch den höchsten Wert verleiht ist die Fülle prachtvollster Kupfertafeln von Städten, Landschaften, Volkstypen" (Henze III, p.612). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXV.
- Lacks one plate ("Porceleine toorn"); heavily waterstained throughout; leaves occas. frayed and brittle along edges.
= The famous description by Nieuhof of the first embassy undertaken by the VOC to the emperor of China and one of the very few non-Jesuit sources of the period. The "Paolinxi Pagode" plate, mentioned in the binder's instructions, was actually only inserted in the Latin edition of 1668 and here as always only present as text illustration. Landwehr, VOC 539; Tiele 800; Cat. NHSM I, 499; Lust 539; Cordier, Bibl. Sinica p. 2344. Walravens, China illustrata, no. 63/64 (later German editions): "Nieuhofs Chinawerk ist bis heute eines der bedeutendsten und gesuchtesten. Allein die 150 Abbildungen und Karten, die das Buch zieren und die nach Zeichnungen des Autors aufgeführt wurden, haben beachtlichen Wert. Bis weit in das 18.Jahrhundert hinein wurden sie immer wieder nachgedruckt und nachgeschnitten und prägten weitgehend das Chinabild der Zeit". The double-p. plates mainly depicting panoramic city views. "Was aber seinem Buch den höchsten Wert verleiht ist die Fülle prachtvollster Kupfertafeln von Städten, Landschaften, Volkstypen" (Henze III, p.612).
= The rare first French edition of this early handbook for art historians and dealers (first published in Leipsic, 1747).
= First 4to edition. Cf. Schweiger I, p.27 (8vo ed.); Cohen/ De Ricci p.80f: "l'Un des livres les plus élégamment illustrés du XVIII siècle."
- Frontcover loose; spine dam.; covers worn along edges.
= Cohen/ De Ricci p.84. Large paper copy on papier vélin.
- Fine. = Rare ed. Geerebaert XCIII, 1b.
- Covers (sl.) chafed and wormholed; extremities sl. worn. Contents fine and clean.
= Schweiger p.64; Ebert 1130. From the library of Château de Mouchy (bookplate on upper pastedown of both vols.); see Cat. de la bibliothèque du château de Mouchy, no.417.
- Lacks final free endpaper; without "Bibliopola ad Lectorem" leaf (often missing); browned throughout; (old) owner's entries on (h)title. Top of spine dam.; headband broken.
- First few pages w. sm. receding wormhole(s); occas. contemp. annots.; 2nd part partly sl. waterstained in lower margin. Binding rubbed/ worn along extremities.
BOUND WITH: Horatius Flaccus, Q. Lierzangen en Dichtkunst. In het rijmeloos vertaelt door J. v. Vondel. Amst., L. Spillebout, 1654, (14),257,(1)p., engr. title, woodcut printer's mark.
- Lacks 2 textlvs.; occas. contemp. underlining/ annots. in pen and ink.
= Geerebaert CXI, 9; Schuytvlot 796; Unger 510.
- Lacks frontisp.; sl. dampst./ fingersoiled in margins. = Scheepers II, 78; Waller 291. Rare.
Nepos, C. Levens der uitnemende krygsoversten, Zoo Griexe, als andere. (...). Dutch transl. F. van Hoogstraten, ed. D. van Hoogstraten. Amst., S. Schouten, 1725, 3rd rev. and corr. ed., (28),250,(2)p., 10 engr. portraits in the text, contemp. vellum, 12mo.
- One leaf w. sm. tear/ hole; old owner's entry opposite title; annot. in blank margin last page.
= Geerebaert CXXI, 4b; cf. Scheepers II, 344 (1st ed. 1686) and 345 (2nd ed. 1693).
AND 3 others.
- Lower pastedown loose; bookplate on upper pastedown; waterstained and yellowed. Dam. spot in upper joint.
= First Dutch translation. Geerebaert XCVIII/ 2. Rare.
- Lacks endpapers. Spine w. dam. spots; paper ticket on frontcover; spine restored w. use of contemp. calf.
= Cicognara 1617. The earliest historical study on the military shield used by the Greeks and the Romans.