2501 - 3523 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Final textleaf attached to final blank along inner blank margin.
= Allegoric tale of a traveller (Justus) who visits an island and helps its inhabitants build a rightful and just society. Extremely rare.
- Backstrip worn off; wr. worn and dam.
= Defence of Joan Derk van der Capellen tot den Pol (1741-1784), author of the famous Aan het Volk van Nederland.
Capellen van de Marsch, R.J. van der. Memorie van den Heere Van de Marsch: bij vonnis van den hove van Gelderland, den 8 Augustus 1788 na de geweldige Pruissische omkeering der Republiek, verwezen tot de straffe des doods. Duinkerken, Van Schelle & Comp., 1791, XXX,437,(7)p., contemp. limp boards.
- Backstrip strengthened w. paper; covers worn.
= Robert Jasper van der Capellen van de Marsch was Joan Derk van der Capellen's cousin and like him, an influential patriot. After the Prussian invasion of 1787 he was sentenced to death (later commuted to banishment).
- Binding worn and waterst. = Knuttel 20706.
- Sl. yellowed. Wrappers worn.
= Knuttel 21756; Cioranescu 45223; Martin/ Walter III, 24427. The (extensive) accomp. notes were written by P.-H. Marron.
Rapport van de Heeren, door hun Hoog. Mog. gecommitteerd, Tot het onderzoek wegens de redenen van non-executie van hun Hoog. Mog. ordres, tot het verzenden van tien schepen naar Brest. Dordr. etc., Blussé etc., n.d. (1785), (2),335,(1)p., contemp. limp boards.
- Trifle foxed.
= On the so called "Brest Affair" (1783), in which the Dutch States General failed to send a flotilla to the French naval base in Brest, a scandal which was exploited by the patriot faction.
- Partly unopened copy; sl. yellowed.
= Complete run of this very rare pro-orangist periodical. Possibly by Leendert Grendel. Cf. Van Doorninck/ De Kempenaer I, p.238.
- One vol. title-p. loose, otherwise contents fine. Binding occas. sl. soiled. A fine set.
= "(...) in de Patriottentijd, toen de burgerij zich heel nadrukkelijk met binnenlandse politiek ging bezighouden. Deftige herensociëteiten werden plotseling getransformeerd tot politieke clubs. Het koffiehuis diende nu als aktiecentrum voor het opstellen van petities. Maar de moraliserende weekbladen hebben deze politieke emancipatie niet begeleid, laat staan gedirigeerd. Zij bleven als voorheen vertogen leveren over abstracte thema's als vrijheid en vaderlandsliefde. Concrete invulling van die idealen werd overgelaten aan diverse partijbladen die in de jaren tachtig ontstaan, zoals de patriottische Post van den Neder-Rhyn (1781-1787) van Pieter 't Hoen en zijn orangistische tegenhanger, De Ouderwetse Nederlandsche Patriot (1781-1782) van Rijklof Michaël van Goens." (Buijnsters, Spectatoriale geschriften, p.76).
= A signed entrance ticket to the "Vryheids-feest" loosely inserted: "Vryheid, gelykheid, broederschap. De Burgeresse [blank] wordt verzogt te Compareeren op Woensdag den 4den Maart, 1795".
AND 1 other on the Brabant Revolution: P.J. ECKE, Copye van eenen brief uyt Loven van den 15 Meert 1789 aen d'heer Ernestus (Brussels, n.d., contemp. wr.).
- Corners trifle rubbed, otherwise fine.
- Contents partly sl. browned, particularly affecting textblock; otherwise contents fine. Vellum sl. soiled and w. ticket on spine.
= Dekkers 153.
- Fine copy.
= Schimmelpenninck's doctoral thesis, in which he defends Rousseau's principle of popular sovereignty. Rare.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Spine chafed.
= Knuttel 22540: "Bestemd om de overdreven eischen der heftigste revolutionnairen te matigen."
Vorstelyke koninglyke en princelyke atlas, en dagboek van Nederlandsche gebeurtenissen, In de laatste Jaaren voorgevallen. En oprecht vaderlandsche, staat- en stadhouderlyk A.B. Boek, Benevens de echte vaderlandsche staat- en stadhouderlyke Catechismus (...). Ibid., W. Coertse, n.d. (1790), (8),78p., 12 engr. plates each w. 2 ills., contemp. wr.
- Lacks one textleaf (A1); sl. fingersoiled. Covers worn.
= Buijnsters, BNK 1189; Ki.la.ki.le. 6; Van Veen sale, part 2, no.47; De hele Bibelebontse berg p.225; Knuttel 21859. A rare pro House of Orange abecedarium, counterpart of the patriotic "Vaderlandsch A.B.-Boek voor de Nederlandsche Jeugd" by Swildens. "Het lijkt niet waarschijnlijk dat deze politieke satire ooit als kinderboek heeft gediend" (Buijnsters).
- Final plate and two textlvs. w. large waterstain; title-p. sl. browned; some foxing.
= Knuttel 20409 ("Gedichten tegen van Goens, op van der Capellen tot den Pol, op de expeditie naar Brest enz.").
Le Voici. Of pourtrait en byzonderheeden, aangaande den politiek-vertoog-schryver, Ryklof Michaël van Goens: zig voorgeevende, Beschermde Gunsteling, van Zyn D.H. Willem den Vde, cum suis. N.pl., n.publ., 1782, 2 parts in 1 vol., (2),42; 31,(1)p., engr. portrait on title-p. ("Le Traitre, R.M. van Goens. Je ne dois qu'a moi seul, ma Triste ignominie"), contemp. limp boards.
- Portion cut from blank margin of title-p. and restored; partly waterst. Spine strengthened.
= Knuttel 20260. Fierce attack on Van Goens.
AND 8 others, i.a. [EERSTE]/ TWEEDE/ DERDE SAMENSPRAAK TUSSCHEN DRIE GRONINGER BURGERS, Over de noodzakelykheid, dat onse regeringsvorm, niet aristocratis, nog democratis, maar democratis bij representatie moet zyn (n.pl., 1786, 3 vols., sl. later unif. wr.).
- First half waterstained in upper part/ outer corner.
- First half w. receding wormhole in lower inner margin (affecting one plate, but not affecting text); most leaves fingersoiled in blank margins; occas. sl. stained.
= Tiele 80; Rouffaer/ Muller p.21; Cat. NHSM p.188; Mendelssohn I, p.101; Scheepers I, 584. A large part is devoted to Atjeh: "He then sailed on to Acheh (= Banda Atjeh) in Sumatra in 1620. Two of the ships were captured by the Dutch, but the third, piloted by Tellier, arrived back at Le Havre on 1.12.22." (Howgego B54). The first and only Dutch edition.
- Trifle yellowed. Spine rubbed; letterpiece dam./ partly worn off. = De Backer/ Sommervogel I, p.1106.
- Bookblock splitting; owner's entry on first free endpaper. Binding sl. rubbed along extremities; portion of paper over backcover torn off.
- Occas. sl. (water)stained; pastedowns loose; upper pastedown dam. Binding sl. creased/ soiled/ rubbed; sm. hole in frontcover.
= Later/ contemp. owner's entries of "Petrus Londeel" (on upper pastedown) and [illegible].
BOUND WITH: Ordonnantien politicque ghestatueert ten lande vande vryen. Ibid., idem, 1646, (2),66,(2)p., (ident.) woodcut title-vignette.
- Sl. yellowed; 18th cent. owner's entries on title in pen and ink by "R" and "J.P. van Dinghen". Vellum sl. dam. at top of spine; lacks ties.
= Contains a list of forbidden books.
- Title-p. loose; p.431-433 stained (due to offsetting of plates?). Rebound w. use of contemp. leather.
Bewick, T. A General History of Quadrupeds. Ibid., E. Walker for T. Bewick and S. Hodgson, 1807, 5th ed., VIII,525,(1 advert.)p., woodengr. title-vignette, 225 ills. and 111 vignettes by T. BEWICK, contemp. calf w. mor. letterpiece and gilt supralibros of THE SIGNET LIBRARY on both covers.
- A few quires stained in (blank) margin; later endpapers. Rebacked w. 19th-cent. morocco; covers and extremities sl. rubbed/ worn.
= Roscoe 5; Nissen ZBI 351; Ray 49 (edition 1790).
- Owner's entry in pencil by "Lady Legard - Dorffield - July". Upper joint broken; lacks part of letterpiece.
Somervile, W. The Chase; a poem. London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1802, XXIII,(1),105p., 13 (incl. title-vignette) (full-p.) woodengr. ills. by T. BEWICK, contemp. gilt green hmor., t.e.g.
- Sl. waterstained/ sl. soiled; preliminary lvs. browned; contemp. owner's entry on first blank. Paper over covers partly worn off and frontcover dented.