Page 14 of 17 Results 261 - 280 of 322
81 1926 Sherry J 81 1926 Sherry J
81 1926 Sherry J 81 1926 Sherry J
81/1926 Sherry, J. Venus unbound. New York, Granary Books, no pagination, richly illustrated w. prints from metal plates and sm. collage plates, printed in 41 numb. and signed copies (30), orig. cl., in orig. pink cl. dropback box w. mounted plate on front, 4to.

= One of 30 copies published for the market.

€ (500-700) 500
No image found 81 1927 Sicilia J M  Pound E 81 1927 Sicilia J M Pound E
81 1927 Sicilia J M  Pound E 81 1927 Sicilia J M Pound E
81/1927 [Sicilia, J.M.]. Pound, E. Canto XCII. Amst., Picaron Editions, 1996, 3 loose fold. lvs. (as issued), (12)p., 1 tinted lithograph and 1 lithograph in gold (laid down on verso frontcover) by J.M. SICILIA, published in 30 numb. and monogrammed "JMS" copies, orig. cl. folder, 4to.
€ (100-150)
81 1928 Somm H  Halévy L 81 1928 Somm H Halévy L
81 1928 Somm H  Halévy L 81 1928 Somm H Halévy L
81/1928 [Somm, H.]. Halévy, L. Mariette. Paris, L. Conquet, 1893, (4),36,(2)p., ills. by H. SOMM on each page surrounding the text, printed in 400 numb. copies (250), contemp. blue mor. w. gilt spine, orig. wr. by H. SOMM pres., large 8vo.

- Two sm. annots. and remnant of a label on first blanks.

= Monod 5800; Carteret IV, 99. Monogrammed "LC" by the publisher.

AND 1 other: J. MONTASSIER, Rose Foncé. Vert Sombre (ibid., 1885, etched title and plate by H. SOMM, orig. wr.).

€ (50-70) 50
81 1929 Songs  Delmet P 81 1929 Songs Delmet P
81/1929 [Songs]. Delmet, P. Nouvelles Chansons. Paris, H. Tellier, n.d. (±1900), 96p., scores, lithogr. title-ill., portrait and full-p. ills. by A. WILLETTE, contemp. hmor., 4to.

- Binding worn along edges.

Mac-Nab, M. Chansons du Chat Noir. Ibid., Ménestrel, (1892), 114,(2)p., scores, num. ills. and orig. col. lithogr. wr. by BAC, 4to.

- Frontwr. sl. stained; spine-ends worn.

AND 3 others similar, i.a. J. FERNY, Chansons Immobiles (Ibid., 1896, scores, num. ills., col. lithogr. title-p. and orig. wr. by J. DÉPAQUIT, 4to)

€ (70-90) 70
81/1930 Souvenir de la Fancy Fair Hôtel Whettnall 1875 81/1930 Souvenir de la Fancy Fair Hôtel Whettnall 1875
81/1930 Souvenir de la Fancy Fair Hôtel Whettnall 1875 81/1930 Souvenir de la Fancy Fair Hôtel Whettnall 1875
81/1930 Souvenir de la Fancy-Fair Hôtel Whettnall 1875. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (Bruges, Ve. J. Petyt, 1875), (7) illuminated leaves in colours and gold in medieval manuscript style by J. HELBIG and A. LEPAS, orig. gilt dec. blue cl., folio.

- Corners sl. worn, otherwise fine.

€ (60-80)
81/1931 Spectatorpers  Adieu Lettergieterij Enschedé Het einde van een bijna 250 jarig bestaan alfabetisch betreurd door 26 medewerkers de oprichter vormgevers de laatste stempelsnijder directe81/1931 Spectatorpers Adieu Lettergieterij Enschedé Het einde van een bijna 250 jarig bestaan alfabetisch betreurd door 26 medewerkers de oprichter vormgevers de laatste stempelsnijder directe
81/1931 [Spectatorpers]. Adieu Lettergieterij Enschedé. Het einde van een bijna 250-jarig bestaan alfabetisch betreurd door 26 medewerkers: de oprichter, vormgevers, de laatste stempelsnijder, directeuren, stagiairs, letterontwerpers, chefs en andere betrokkenen. Aartswoud, Spectatorpers, 1993, (39)p., printed in black and brown by BRAM DE DOES in 90 numb. copies (58), orig. wr., 4to. Braches, E. The Steadfast Tin Soldier of Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem. Enschedé English-bodied Roman No.6. Aartswoud/ Amst., Spectatorpers/ Just Enschedé, 1992, 53,(2)p., printed in black, blue and red by BRAM DE DOES in 195 numb. copies (175), orig. boards, 4to.

- Unnumb. copy, marked "hors commerce" on the colophon. = With the orig. prospectus loosely inserted.

Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso. Eerste zang. Dutch transl. I. Cialona. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1994, (6),81,(9)p., printed in red and black by BRAM DE DOES in 175 numb. copies, orig. boards, sm. 8vo.

= One of the unnumb. copies for contributors, with a signed dedication by the printer on the colophon.

AND 3 others printed or published by Bram de Does/ De Spectatorpers.

€ (80-100) 110
81 1932 Spectatorpers  Nabokov V 81 1932 Spectatorpers Nabokov V
81/1932 [Spectatorpers]. Nabokov, V. Carrousel. Laughter and Dreams. Painted wood. The Russian Song. Introd. D. Nabokov. Aartswoud, Spectatorpers, 1987, 27,(2)p., printed by B. DE DOES in 150 numb. copies (40).

= One of 40 Roman numb. hardbound copies by E. Schots (this copy marked "H.C."), with the original prospectus loosely inserted. The text was originally written in 1923 for "Karrusel", a Russian cabaret, and was never reprinted since. See also the annotation to the second work in this lot.

Idem. Carrousel. Three texts by Vladimir Nabokov. Ibid., idem, 1987, 31,(1)p., printed by B. DE DOES in 100 numb. copies (40), obl. sm. 8vo.

= One of 40 hardbound copies. "The texts had already been printed when we received Mr Dmitri Nabokov's detailed Introductory Note. We then decided to make two separate editions, one, in a large format, with the introduction, consisting of 150 copies, and this one, hors commerce, without the introduction" [Publisher's note]. Both works w. dedication by the printer on the colophon.

€ (100-150) 150
81 1933 Statenhofpers  Reve G 81 1933 Statenhofpers Reve G
81/1933 [Statenhofpers]. Reve, G. Het leven is een barre verschrikking. Brieven van Gerard Reve aan Edith Visser (1988-1991). Introd. and annots. Nop Maas. The Hague, Statenhofpers, 2009, 1st ed., 75,(4)p., printed in 100 numb. copies (80), orig. red cl. ("Balonnetlinnen"), sm. 4to.

= With the orig. prospectus (numb. "2/25") loosely inserted.

€ (100-150)
81 1934 Sterne L 81 1934 Sterne L
81/1934 Sterne, L. life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy Gentleman. London/ New York, John Lane/ Dodd, Mead and Company, 1928, XXI,(3),557p., 17 woodengr. plates and various cliché ills. by JOHN AUSTEN, bound in full speckled calf w. richly gilt spine w. 2 contrast. mor. letterpieces by RIVIÈRE & SON, t.e.g. Walters, E. The Serpent's Presence. London, The Golden Cockerel Press, 1954, 105,(1)p., 8 woodengr. plates by C. WEBB, printed in 290 numb. copies (230), orig. cl. w. gilt vignette on covers. - AND 5 others, i.a. C. DICKENS, The Personal History of David Copperfield (London, 1970, plates, printed in 1560 numb. copies, bound in full green mor., a.e.g., large 8vo. One of a limited number bound in morocco) and G. DE LORRIS and J. DE MEUN, Le Roman de la Rose (Paris, 1976, col. lithogr. plates by L. FINI, orig. richly gilt and blindst. mor., t.e.g., board slipcase, 4to).
€ (100-150) 100
81 1935 Stichting De Roos  Barbey d'Aurevilly J 81 1935 Stichting De Roos Barbey d'Aurevilly J
81/1935 [Stichting De Roos]. Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. La vengeance d'une femme. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1973, 38,(2)p., 6 etchings by R. CHAILLOUX, typography by K. NIEUWENHUIJZEN, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. cl., 4to. Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. Trois contes cruels. Ibid., idem, 1951, (6),60,(3)p., 15 etchings and typography by J.P. VROOM, printed in 175 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. wr., board chemise and slipcase, 4to. Bertrand, A. Gaspard de la nuit. Ibid., idem, 1956, 2 vols., 85,(4); 63,(4)p., 51 full-p. lithogr. ills. by M.T. KOORNSTRA, typogr. by M. KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. cl. in orig. pict. board slipcases, 4to. - AND 6 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies and in good/ fine condition, i.a. G. DE MAUPASSANT, La maison Tellier (1970, ills. by K. LÖB, orig. cl., slipcase) and G. FLAUBERT, Lettres à Mme X... 1846-1847 (n.d. (1948), copperengr. frontisp. portr. by E. REITSMA-VALENÇA, typogr. by C. NYPELS, printed in black and orange, orig. gilt cl., 4to).
€ (70-90) 70
81/1936 Stichting De Roos  The Book of Psalms Printed according to the authorised version of the Holy Bible MDCXI 81/1936 Stichting De Roos The Book of Psalms Printed according to the authorised version of the Holy Bible MDCXI
81/1936 [Stichting De Roos]. The Book of Psalms. Printed according to the authorised version of the Holy Bible MDCXI. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1947, 261,(1)p., typography by J. VAN KRIMPEN, printed by J. ENSCHEDÉ & ZONEN in 175 copies, orig. giltlettered hmor., t.e.g., large 8vo.

- Fine copy. = SIGNED in pen and ink by the typographer on colophon.

€ (250-350) 300
81 1937 Stichting De Roos  Kloos W 81 1937 Stichting De Roos Kloos W
81/1937 [Stichting De Roos]. Kloos, W. Gedichten 1880-1893. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1959, 197,(4)p., typogr. by S. HEYNEMANN, printed in black and red in 175 numb. copies, orig. gilt vellumbacked boards, t.e.g., 4to (covers sl. discoloured). De Harp. Ed. J. Engelman, M. Nijhoff, A. Roland Holst. Ibid., idem, 1946/ 1948, 2 vols., 63,(1); 46,(2)p., woodengr. plate by D. VAN GELDER, orig. etching by C. VAN DEN STEENE, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. clothbacked boards, 4to.

- Endpapers (partly) sl. browned. Covers partly sl. discoloured.

= With a SIGNED (1x) suite of the plates loosely inserted.

Vondel, J. van den. Lucifer. Treurspel. Ibid., idem, 1954, 128p., ills. and typogr. by H. KRIJGER, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered hcalf, 4to. Emants, M. Inwijding. Haags leven. Ibid., idem, 1949, 2 vols., 222; 193p., ills. by J. ROËDE, printed in 175 numb. copies by Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to. - AND 9 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies and in good/ fine condition, i.a. ELCKERLIJC (1951, woodengr. ills. by ST. MROZEWSKY, orig. cl.); C. NOOTEBOOM, De koning is dood (1961, ills. by PAUL CITROEN, typogr. by KAREL BEUNIS, orig. gilt cl. Copy printed on the name of K. Beunis, w. a loosely inserted visiting card of Chr. Leeflang w. a short manuscr. note); J. ENGELMAN, Kindje wiegen (1975, orig. wr.).

€ (100-150) 100
81 1938 Stichting De Roos  Leopold J H 81 1938 Stichting De Roos Leopold J H
81/1938 [Stichting De Roos]. Leopold, J.H. Omar Khayam. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1953, 35,(2)p., typogr. by H. SALDEN, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. gilt vellumbacked boards, 4to. Het leven van Lazarillo de Tormes en over zijn wederwaardigheden en tegenslagen. Dutch transl. C.F.A. van Dam. Ibid., idem, 1953, 106,(2)p., woodengr. ills. and typography by JAN BONS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. hvellum, 4to. Camoëns, L. de. Saudades en andere verzen. Dutch transl. D. Verspoor. Ibid., idem, 1953, 41,(4)p., frontisp. portr. by J.B. SLEPER, printed in black and red in 175 numb. copies, orig. clothbacked boards, t.e.g., 4to. Andersen, H.C. De Schaduw. Dutch transl. M. van Eeden-Van Vloten. Ibid., idem, 1992, (24)textp., 24 lvs. w. ills. and orig. dec. hcl. by M. BODE, printed in 175 numb. copies, folio. Gilgamesj, De elfde zang. Dutch transl. F.M.Th. de Liagre-Böhl. Ibid., idem, 1985, 28,(3)p., lithogr. ills. by J. KRUYFF, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. cl. - AND 6 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies and in good/ fine condition, i.a. Cantico di santo Francesco intitolato del sole. Het zonnelied van den heiligen Franciscus (n.d. (1947), lithogr. frontisp. by J.B. SLEPER, typography by S.H. DE ROOS,orig. dec. boards, folio).
€ (80-100) 100
81 1939 Stichting de Roos  Melville H 81 1939 Stichting de Roos Melville H
81/1939 [Stichting de Roos]. Melville, H. Bartleby. Utr., Stichting de Roos, 1969, no pagination, printed in 175 numb. copies, lithogr. ills. and orig. wr. by JAN BONS, slipcase. Swift, J. Directions to servants. Ibid., idem, 1972, 79,(1)p., typogr. A. WITTE, ills. M. KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. gilt cl., large 8vo. Cuney, W. Puzzles. Ibid., idem, 1960, XV,(1),79,(4)p., 8 two-colour woodcuts by RU VAN ROSSEM, printed in 175 numb. copies, bound as a blockbook, orig. dec. boards by RU VAN ROSSEM, slipcase, folio. - AND 5 others publ. by the same, all printed in 175 numb. copies and in good/ fine condition, i.a. E.A. POE, The Raven (1983, ills. D. DOOIJES, bound as a blockbook, orig. cordbound wr., 4to).
€ (70-90) 70
81 1940 Stichting De Roos  Nijhoff M 81 1940 Stichting De Roos Nijhoff M
81/1940 [Stichting De Roos]. Nijhoff, M. Het Uur U. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1989, 2 vols., (48); (2)p., 1 orig. signed silkscreen and 23 ills. by JEROEN HENNEMAN, design by A. BEEKE and J. WAN KIM, printed on Japanese paper in 175 numb. copies, orig. unif. wr., together in orig. cl. portfolio, obl. 8vo.

- Edges (sl.) foxed, occas. extending into blank margins. = Copy marked "h.c."

Siebelink, J. 'Drie Verhalen'. Ibid., idem, 1998, 90,(6)p., lithogr. ills. by G. TEN BOSCH, typography and bindingdesign by IRMA BOOM, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. limp boards, sm. 8vo.

- Copy marked "h.s."

AND 4 others publ. by the same: F. ABRAHAMS, Dagen met Kafka (2008); CASANOVA, Het Duel (1999); FOLGORE DA SAN GIMIGNANO, De Maanden (1979); J.W. VON GOETHE, Buch Suleika (2007). - ADDED: 2006>2007 New Year's wish of Stichting de Roos, designed by IRMA BOOM.

€ (120-150) 120
81 1941 Stichting De Roos  Vestdijk S 81 1941 Stichting De Roos Vestdijk S
81/1941 [Stichting De Roos]. Vestdijk, S. De bruine vriend. Utr., Stichting De Roos, 1982, 60,(3)p., 5 etchings by SIMON KOENE, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. cl. Idem. Barioni en Peter. Ibid., idem, 1974, 78,(3)p., typogr. and ills. by MART KEMPERS, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. dec. cl. Idem. De verdwenen horlogemaker. Ibid., idem, 1984, 55,(1)p., ills. by JAC. PRINCE, printed in 175 numb. copies, orig. blindst. cl.

- Each vol. w. bookplate on first free endpaper. Fine copies.

€ (70-90) 80
81 1942 Stols A A M  Bloem J C 81 1942 Stols A A M Bloem J C
81 1942 Stols A A M  Bloem J C 81 1942 Stols A A M Bloem J C
81/1942 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Bloem, J.C. Liefde. The Hague, A.A.M. Stols, 1950, 1st ed., 9,(5)p., printed in black and red in 75 copies, orig. wr., large 8vo.

- Wr. trilfle yellowed.

= Van Dijk 856. "Voor 'De Vrienden van J.C. Bloem' in den Zomer van 1950 gedrukt in een oplage van 75 exemplaren op de Ando-Pers te 's-Gravenhage onder leiding van F. Tamminga en A.A.M. Stols". SIGNED by the author.

€ (100-150) 160
81 1943 Stols A A M  Duinkerken A van 81 1943 Stols A A M Duinkerken A van
81/1943 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Duinkerken, A. van. Onder gods ogen. Maastr., A.A.M. Stols, 1927, 65,(1)p., printed in 350 numb. copies (75).

= Trajectum ad Mosam 22. One of 75 numb. copies printed for "vaste inteekenaren". Printed on name of M.B.B. Nijkerk. Bound by BINDERIJ PAU in gilt dec. hmor., orig. wr. pres. Van Dijk 112.

Cremers, M. Nieuwe loten. Ibid., idem, 1923, 36,(4)p., printed in 200 numb. copies (30).

= Trajectum ad Mosam 3. One of 30 Roman numb. copies, bound by BINDERIJ PAU in giltlettered hmor., orig. wr. pres. Van Dijk 2.

Shakespeare, W. Sonnets. Ibid., idem, 1923, (6),CLIV,(1)p., printed in red and black in 200 numb. copies (30), orig. wr.

= Trajectum ad Mosam 2. One of 30 Roman numbered copies not for sale. Van Dijk 8.

€ (100-150) 100
81/1944 Stols A A M  Erasme Revue mensuelle consacrée aux relations culturelles franco néerlandaises No 1 24  year 1 and 2  all published 81/1944 Stols A A M Erasme Revue mensuelle consacrée aux relations culturelles franco néerlandaises No 1 24 year 1 and 2 all published
81/1944 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Erasme. Revue mensuelle consacrée aux relations culturelles franco-néerlandaises. No.1-24. (year 1 and 2) [all published]. The Hague, A.A.M. Stols, 1946-1947, 24 parts in 17 vols., plates, orig. unif. wr., partly in orig. board slipcase (year 1). - WITH: supplement vol. to no. 17: P. DE MARIVAUX, Les fausses confidences (The Hague, 1947, orig. wr.).

= Started by Stols, to initiate cultural (literary) interchange between France and the Netherlands. Van Dijk, p.256 and p.517 and on the supplement volume: Van Dijk 771. Mostly contributions by French authors, but also some translated poems from Dutch poets, i.a. A. Roland Holst, M. Nijhoff, H. Marsman, M. Vasalis and S. Vestdijk.

€ (70-90)
81 1945 Stols A A M  Jannyn J 81 1945 Stols A A M Jannyn J
81/1945 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Jannyn, J. Alternances. Maastr., A.A.M. Stols, 1935, XX,(2)p., printed in black and red in 50 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= Van Dijk 344. Copy on papier de Chine (5), but this copy marked in pen "hc. sur chine/ d'archives" and signed by the publisher in the colophon.

Valéry, P. Le retour de Hollande. Descartes & Rembrandt. Ibid., idem, 1926, 1st ed., 25,(2)p., woodcut portr. by J. FRANKEN PZN, printed in black and red in 400 numb. copies by J. Enschedé en Zonen (300), orig. wr.

- One portrait foxed. Otherwise fine.

= Van Dijk 100. One of 300 copies on Pannekoek, unnumb., but instead with: "Cet exemplaire a été tiré pour les archives de l'éditeur" printed in the colophon. With autograph signed dedication of A.A.M. Stols to J.W.F. Werumeus Buning and with autograph signed dedication by J.W.F. Werumeus Buning to D. Oud.

AND 4 others by the same, publ. by the same, i.a. Existence du symbolisme (Van Dijk 469).

€ (80-100) 90