= The 32nd publication of the Renildis Handpers. One of 12 copies printed on name. This copy for H.H. Kruse pr.
= The 31st publication of the Renildis Handpers. Copy printed on name of H.H. Kruse.
- Covers foxed.
= Contains 4 extensive letters by Kousbroek (1x) and Reve (3x), all in facsimile. One of 30 copies for the publisher and authors.
AND 1 other by the same: De Jongste Voordracht (Amst., 2003, dvd in orig. wr., produced in 2000 numb. copies). - ADDED: 14 col. photostats of autograph (drafts of) poems by the same.
= Contains 2 letters by Reve and 2 letters by 't Hooft, all in facsimile. WIth loosely inserted a picture postcard showing the portrait of Charles Baudelaire, with on verso a manuscript dedication by Gerard Reve, signed "Charles Baudelaire/ Paris, Noel. 1883".
Idem. A Prison Song in Prose. Amst., Athenaeum Polak & Van Gennep/ Thomas Rap, 1968, 1st ed., (24)p., photogr. portr. by E. POSTHUMA DE BOER, 3 ills. and frontwr. by T. KOOLHAAS, printed in 3000 copies, orig. wr. w. dustwr., 4to (fine).
- Paper letterpiece of vol. 1 sl. nibbled on by silverfish. = With the prospectus loosely inserted.
Horatius Flaccus, Q. Opera omnia. Ed. E. Wickham. Ibid., idem, 1910, (12),290,(1)p., printed in 1016 numb. copies (1000), orig. clothbacked boards, t.e.g. - AND 3 others by the same publisher, each printed in a lim. numb. copies on handmade Riccardi paper, all unif. bound w. the preceding: C.J. CAESAR, Commentarii rerum in Gallia (...) (1914); CATULLUS, TIBULLUS and PROPERTIUS, Carmina quae extant omnia (1911) and APULEIUS, Psyche et Cupido (1913).
= Cat. Balkema, Vijf Ponden Pers no.1; De Jong 697; Simoni R12.
Baudelaire, C. Conseils aux jeunes littérateurs. Rosières, P. Mangart (= The Hague, A.A.M. Stols), 1944, 22,(2)p., printed in 150 numb. copies, orig. wr., sm. 8vo.
= De Jong 70; Van Dijk 626.
AND 4 others, i.a. NOVALIS, Die Gedichte von Friedrich von Hardenberg genannt Novalis (The Hague, De Zilverdistel, 1915, printed in 200 copies, (sl. later) plain wr.).
- Contents fine. Covers partly sl. browned; backstrip dam. (partly repaired).. = Rare.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sl. foxed. Spine sunned; upper joint splitting and dam. at top.
ADDED: Crane, W. Queen Summer or the Tourney of the Lily & the Rose. London/ Paris etc., Cassell & Comp., 1891, 1st ed., 40,(2),8(advert.)p., (full-p.) col. lithogr. ills., endpapers and orig. clothbacked dec. boards by W. CRANE, bound as a blockbook, 4to.
- Covers sl. dampstained and worn along extremities. = Spencer, Walter Crane p.137/ 138; Massé p.41.
- First and final leaf sl. browned as usual. Spine faded as often.
= From the library of Siep van den Berg, with his bookplate on upper pastedown. Van Dijk 380. Halcyon Pers 6.
Idem. Ex Tenebris Mundi. Haarlem, Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1926, 1st ed., 63,(1)p., printed in black and red in 150 copies, orig. boards.
- Free endpapers browned. = With the orig. prospectus (foxed; final p. browned) loosely inserted.
- Foxed; under passepartout.
- Each vol. w. bookplate or owner's entry in pen on upper pastedown.
= Comprises Vierentwintig sonnetten (1954); Vrienden ter gedachtenis (1955); Twintig nagelaten gedichten (1957); Wat het oosten mij schonk (1958); Portretten en verzen (1959); Het rijkere leven en andere literaire beschouwingen (1960); Gebroken kleuren (1961); Vroegste sonnetten (1962) and Erasmus herdacht (1963). Good set.
= Monod 10038; Carteret IV, p.353.
- A few foxed specks; otherwise good/ fine.
= No.1 of Sandberg's famous series "Experimenta Typografica". De Jong 258; Petersen/ Brattinga p.33, 35 and 198 (diff. wr.); Purvis p.186-187. The work was published w. 2 variant wrappers: of brown crêpe-paper with large woodtype number "1" printed in red on frontcover, and an edition with stereotype-stamped boards.
- Joint sl. dam.
Shakespeare, W. The Tragedy of King Richard III. N.pl. (London), Ballantyne Press, 1903, CXXIII,(2)p., bookdesign by C. RICKETTS, orig. blindst. cl. (backstrip sm. dam.). Wassenaer Crocini, L. van. Poesia Neerlandese. Verona, Alberto Fiorini, 1978, 137,(1)p., 9 etchings by JOHAN BREUKER, printed in black and red in 259 numb. copies, orig. wr., folio. - AND 3 others similar.
- Contents sl. yellowed and sl. foxed along margins. Binding generally sl. worn, bumped, "fingersoiled" and (water)stained
= "Werd als eerste (en waarschijnlijk laatste) deel in de Reflex Reuzen Reeks uiitgegeven."
- Portfolio sl. foxed and soiled.
= Fine copy of this remarkable Art Déco publication, designed by the editor of the periodical Wendingen.
- Vertical crease in htitle; otherwise fine. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVI.
= Facsimilé edition of the Weimar ed. 1928 by the Cranach Presse.
Wilde, O. Epistola in carcere et vinculis. German transl. M. Meyerfeld. Berlin, S. Fischer, 1925, (10),182,(1)p., orig. giltlettered vellumbacked boards, large 8vo. - AND 3 others.