Page 12 of 17 Results 221 - 240 of 322
81 1886 Pogàny W  Omar Khayyám 81 1886 Pogàny W Omar Khayyám
81/1886 [Pogàny, W.]. Omar Khayyám. Rubáiyát. The First and Fourth Renderings in English verse by Edward FitzGerald. London, George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1930, 171,(4)p., 12 col. mounted plates, 44 mounted ills. in black and gold and bookdec. by W. POGÀNY, orig. giltlettered cl. w. mounted plate in black and gold on frontcover, 4to.

- Spine trifle sunned.

€ (30-50) 30
81 1887 Pogàny W  Rolleston T W 81 1887 Pogàny W Rolleston T W
81 1887 Pogàny W  Rolleston T W 81 1887 Pogàny W Rolleston T W
81 1887 Pogàny W  Rolleston T W 81 1887 Pogàny W Rolleston T W
81/1887 [Pogàny, W.]. Rolleston, T.W. Parsifal or the Legend of the Holy Grail retold from Ancient Sources, with acknowledgement to the "Parsifal" of Richard Wagner. London, Harrap & Co., 1912, no pagination, 16 tipped-in coloured plates, num. (col.) lithogr. ills. (partly full-p.) by WILLY POGÀNY, printed on light-grey paper, orig. gilt pict. cl., 4to.

- Fine copy.

€ (150-250) 200
81 1888 Premstaller O  Lot of 26 sm publications designed/ publ  by Ottmar Premstaller 81 1888 Premstaller O Lot of 26 sm publications designed/ publ by Ottmar Premstaller
81/1888 [Premstaller, O.]. Lot of 26 sm. publications (designed/ publ.) by Ottmar Premstaller, various bindings, various (sm.) sizes. - AND 13 duplicates.
€ (60-80) 90
81 1889 Prop Ser J L  Salden H 81 1889 Prop Ser J L Salden H
81/1889 [Prop, Ser J.L.]. Salden, H. Intermezzo. Terhorst, S.J.L. Prop, 1985, (8)p., printed in 100 numb. copies, orig. wr. Jong, M. de. Prima Ballerina. Ibid., idem, 1985, (4)p., printed in 75 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= With prospectus signed by the published loosely inserted.

Leeuwen, H. van. Verwaaide notities. Ibid., idem, 2014, (12)p., printed in 50 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= With loosely inserted letter to "Beste mevrouw Vos" by Ser Prop.

AND 4 others published by the same.

€ (50-70)
81 1890 Proust M 81 1890 Proust M
81/1890 Proust, M. A la recherche du temps perdu. Paris, Plaisir du livre, 1962-1963, 7 vols., col. plates by GRAU-SALA, printed in 5000 numb. copies (4878), orig. unif. red mor. w. printed transparent plastic dustwr., t.e.g., 4to. Molière, J.B.P. de. Théatre. Nice, J. Pardo, 1949-1954, 8 vols., num. (pochoir col.) ills. by C. AQUIPACE, printed in 966 numb. copies (600), contemp. unif. hmor., 4to. Racine, J. Théatre complet. N.pl., Marcel Besson, 1948, 4 vols., plates by J. GRANGE, contemp. unif. hmor., large 8vo.

- Joints sl. weak.

AND 5 others, all French.

€ (100-150) 210
81/1891 Rackham A  Aesop's Fables Engl transl V S Vernon Jones Introd G K Chesterton 81/1891 Rackham A Aesop's Fables Engl transl V S Vernon Jones Introd G K Chesterton
81/1891 [Rackham, A.]. Aesop's Fables. Engl. transl. V.S. Vernon Jones. Introd. G.K. Chesterton. London/ New York, W. Heinemann/ Doubleday, Page & Co., 1912, 1st trade ed., XXIX,(1),224p., 13 col. plates (incl. frontisp.), num. textills., endpapers and orig. gilt green cl. by A. RACKHAM.

- Occas. trifle foxed. Spine-ends sl. worn. = Latimore/ Haskell p.39.

AND 1 other: MOTHER GOOSE. THE OLD NURSERY RHYMES (London, 1947, col. plates and ills. by A. RACKHAM).

€ (60-80) 80
81 1892 Rackham A  Evans C S 81 1892 Rackham A Evans C S
81 1892 Rackham A  Evans C S 81 1892 Rackham A Evans C S
81 1892 Rackham A  Evans C S 81 1892 Rackham A Evans C S
81/1892 [Rackham, A.]. Evans, C.S. The Sleeping Beauty. London/ Philadelphia, W. Heinemann and J.B. Lippincott & Co., (1920), 1st ed., 110,(1)p., col. frontisp., 3 double-p. col. plates, 1 tipped-in col. plate and num. (full-p.) ills., endpapers and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by A. RACKHAM, sm. 4to.

- Dedication and bookplate on first free endpapers; a few lvs. sl. stained in blank margins. Corners trifle/ sl. worn, otherwise fine.

= Latimore/ Haskell, p.52. Riall, Arthur Rackham, p.141. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.

ADDED: Dulac, E. Edmund Dulac's Fairy-Book. Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations. London etc., Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. (1916), (8),169,(3)p., 15 tipped-in col. plates and orig. dec. cl. by E. DULAC, 4to.

- Occasionally trifle foxed (plates unaffected). Corners and spine-ends sl. worn. = Hughey 47a.

€ (100-150) 120
81 1893 Rackham A  Goldsmith O 81 1893 Rackham A Goldsmith O
81/1893 [Rackham, A.]. Goldsmith, O. The Vicar of Wakefield. London etc., G.G. Harrap & Comp., 1929, 1st trade ed., 231,(1)p., 12 col. plates, ills., endpapers and orig. gilt cl. by A. RACKHAM, t.e.g., 4to.

- Title-p. foxed. Joints and spine-ends trifle worn. = Latimore/ Haskell p.65; Riall p.170.

Dickens, C. A Christmas Carol. London/ Philadelphia, W. Heinemann/ J.B. Lippincott Co., n.d. (1915), XI,(1),147p., 12 col. plates, ills., endpapers and orig. cl. by A. RACKHAM.

- Bookplate on htitle; trifle foxed. Upper joint split; backstrip loose(ning); spine-ends worn.

= Latimore/ Haskell p.44f; Riall p.124.

AND 2 others illustrated by the same (both w. defects).

€ (80-100) 140
81 1894 Rackham A  Poe E A 81 1894 Rackham A Poe E A
81/1894 [Rackham, A.]. Poe, E.A. Tales of Mystery & Imagination. London, G.G. Harrap & Cie, 1935, 317,(1)p., 12 col. plates, 17 monochr. plates, 11 ills., pict. endpapers and orig. gilt grey-black cl. by A. RACKHAM, 4to.

- Bookplate on first blank; upper hinge sl. weak.

= Latimore/ Haskell p.72 and 73; Riall p.189. The first edition with the illustrations by Arthur Rackham.

€ (150-250) 150
81 1895 Rackham A  Swift J 81 1895 Rackham A Swift J
81/1895 [Rackham, A.]. Swift, J. Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world. London/ New York, J.M. Dent/ E.P. Dutton, 1909, XIII,(3),291p., 13 tipped-in col. plates, 1 monochr. plate and vignettes by A. RACKHAM, 4to.

- Lacks ties. Backcover sl. soiled. Otherwise fine.

= Copy of the DELUXE large paper edition of 750 numb. and SIGNED copies bound in gilt white cloth, with gilt endpapers, t.e.g. Riall p.91, noting i.a. that this edition contains an extra plate; Latimore/ Haskell p.32-33, only mentioning a copy in red cloth. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.

€ (300-500) 425
81 1896 Rackham A  Wagner R 81 1896 Rackham A Wagner R
81 1896 Rackham A  Wagner R 81 1896 Rackham A Wagner R
81/1896 [Rackham, A.]. Wagner, R. The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie./ Siegfried & the Twilight of the Gods. English transl. M. Armour. London/ New York, W. Heinemann/ Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914/ 1911, 2nd/ 1st ed., 2 vols., IX,(1),159,(1); IX,(1),181,(1)p., 64 tipped-in col. plates and orig. unif. gilt cl. by A. RACKHAM, 4to.

- Occas. sl. foxed. Spines sl. soiled. = Latimore/ Haskell, p.37f.

ADDED: C. KINGSLEY, The Waterbabies (London, n.d. (1916), 12 tipped-in col. plates, ills. and orig. gilt cl. by J. WILLCOX SMITH, 4to).

€ (150-250) 300
81 1897 Rackham A  Walton I 81 1897 Rackham A Walton I
81/1897 [Rackham, A.]. Walton, I. The Compleat Angler or The Contemplative Man's Recreation, Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fishponds, Fish and Fishing not unworthy the Perusal of most Anglers. London, G.G. Harrap & Co., 1931, 223,(1)p., 12 col. plates, num. monochr. ills. and head- and tailpieces and dec. endpapers by A. RACKHAM, t.e.g., 4to.

- Some sl. occas. foxing; owner's ticket on title-p. Binding sl. foxed (backstrip somewhat worse).

= One of 750 numb. copies signed by the illustrator, bound in orig. gilt full vellum dec. by A. Rackham. Latimore/ Haskell p.66f.

€ (300-500) 300
81 1898 Rafalovich S 81 1898 Rafalovich S
81 1898 Rafalovich S 81 1898 Rafalovich S
81/1898 Rafalovich, S. Speculum Animae. N.pl. (St. Petersburg), Shipovnik, 1911, 98,(1)p., title-p. by V. CHAMBERS, (mounted) (col.) plates and ills. by S. SUDEIKIN, B. ANISFELD, M. DOBUZHINKSY, D. YAKOVLEV and S. CHEKHONIN, orig. wr. w. mounted oval plate on frontwr. by S. CHEKHONIN.

- Some foxing. Spine strengthened w. paper; wr. sl. frayed; lower blank corner frontwr. torn off.

= Kilgour 915. Rare Russian art nouveau publication, illustrated by members of the Mir Iskusstva.

€ (250-350)
81 1899 Rassenfosse A  Boylesve R 81 1899 Rassenfosse A Boylesve R
81/1899 [Rassenfosse, A.]. Boylesve, R. Les bains de Bade. Petit roman d'aventures galantes et morales. Paris, Société des dilettantes, 1911, 120,(6)p., 6 etched plates and head- and tailpieces by A. RASSENFOSSE (all but one printed in sanguine), printed in 250 numb. copies (200), orig. wr., 4to.

- Owner's entry on title. = Monod 1843; Rouir 1340-1346.

€ (100-150)
81 1900 Regulierenpers  Leopold J H 81 1900 Regulierenpers Leopold J H
81/1900 [Regulierenpers]. Leopold, J.H. Cheops. English transl. C. D'haen and P. Claes. Amst., Regulierenpers, 1985, 31,(4)p., parallel Dutch and English text, printed in black and blue in 75 numb. copies (60), 4to.

= This copy bound in giltlettered hmor. by the Phoenix Bindery.

Sikelianos, A. De heilige weg. Dutch transl. H. Warren and M. Molegraaf. Ibid., idem, 1986, 46,(2)p., parallel text in Greek and Dutch, 60 numb. copies, printed in black and green in 60 numb. copies (30).

= One of 30 copies bound in giltlettered hmor. by the Phoenix Bindery.

Kavafis, K.P. De Julianos-gedichten. Dutch transl. H. Warren and M. Molegraaf. Ibid., idem, 1987, 38,(1)p., parallel Greek and Dutch text, printed in black, grey and green in 60 numb. copies (20).

= One of 20 copies on Barcham Green (this copy numb. "9") , according to the colophon bound in hmor., but this copy is without binding.

ADDED: Perk, J. Ik hep een krulebol. Een brief van 31 december 1866. Introd. R. Breugelmans. Utr., Sub Signo Libelli, 1984, (13)p., facs. (printed by Jan de Jong), printed in black and blue in 68 numb. copies, orig. gilt wr.

€ (100-150) 220
81 1901 Remizov A 81 1901 Remizov A
81 1901 Remizov A 81 1901 Remizov A
81/1901 Remizov, A. Rossija v pis'menakh. Vol. 1 [all published]. Moscow/ Berlin, Helikon, 1922, 220,(6)p., orig. woodcut wr. by V. MASYUTIN.

- Unopened copy.

Muratov, P. Tri rasskaza (Three tales). Ibid., idem, 1922, 54,(6)p., ills. and orig. wr. by F.-P. BLUM.

€ (50-70) 60
81/1902 Renildis Handpers  Antiphonae Maiores 81/1902 Renildis Handpers Antiphonae Maiores
81/1902 [Renildis Handpers]. Antiphonae Maiores. N.pl. (Utr.), Renildis Handpers, 1975, (13)p., printed in 15 numb. copies signed by the printer (9), orig. wr., large 8vo.

= The 34th publication of the Renildis Handpers. One of 9 copies printed on name. This copy for H.H. Kruse pr.

€ (150-250) 150
81/1903 Renildis Handpers  Een nieuw Christelick liedt gemaect ter eeren des doorluchtigsten Heeren Heere Wilhelm Prince van Oraengien  81/1903 Renildis Handpers Een nieuw Christelick liedt gemaect ter eeren des doorluchtigsten Heeren Heere Wilhelm Prince van Oraengien
81/1903 [Renildis Handpers]. Een nieuw Christelick liedt gemaect ter eeren des doorluchtigsten Heeren, Heere Wilhelm Prince van Oraengien (...). N.pl. (Utr.), Renildis Handpers, 1968, (13)p., printed in black, red and blue in the Codex of Georg Trump in 19 numb. copies, orig. wr.

= De Renildis Handpers 1957-1987 p.13: "De aanschaf van andere lettertypen gaven de drukker ruimere mogelijkheden om voor elke gekozen tekst een geheel eigen interpretatie te maken. Gewezen kan worden op de Codex van Georg Trump, die in 1968 bij de Renildis Handpers haar Nederlandse debuut als boekletter maakte in de uitgave van het Wilhelmus, die wordt gekenmerkt door een fraaie balans van pagina, letter en kleur." The 18th publication of the Renildis Handpers.

€ (150-250) 150
81/1904 Renildis Handpers  Uit het Luikse Diatessaron 81/1904 Renildis Handpers Uit het Luikse Diatessaron
81/1904 [Renildis Handpers]. Uit het Luikse Diatessaron. N.pl. (Utr.), Renildis Handpers, 1968, 8,(3)p., printed in black, red and blue in the Codex of Georg Trump in 27 copies printed on name, orig. wr.

= The 19th publication of the Renildis Handpers. Copy printed on name of Herber Blokland. With loosely inserted New Year's wish, signed by the printer.

€ (150-250) 210
81/1905 Renildis Handpers  Van enen scolierkene die een lesse singhen soude te mettene 81/1905 Renildis Handpers Van enen scolierkene die een lesse singhen soude te mettene
81/1905 [Renildis Handpers]. Van enen scolierkene die een lesse singhen soude te mettene. N.pl. (Utr.), Renildis Handpers, 1979, (13)p., printed in the Wilhelm Klingspor in 32 numb. copies signed by the printer (22), orig. wr., sm. 8vo.

= The 43rd publication of the Renildis Handpers. One of 22 copies printed on name. This copy for H.H. Kruse pr. and Mej C.J.M. Kruse.

€ (150-250) 210