- Spine trifle sunned.
- Fine copy.
= With prospectus signed by the published loosely inserted.
Leeuwen, H. van. Verwaaide notities. Ibid., idem, 2014, (12)p., printed in 50 numb. copies, orig. wr.
= With loosely inserted letter to "Beste mevrouw Vos" by Ser Prop.
AND 4 others published by the same.
- Joints sl. weak.
AND 5 others, all French.
- Occas. trifle foxed. Spine-ends sl. worn. = Latimore/ Haskell p.39.
AND 1 other: MOTHER GOOSE. THE OLD NURSERY RHYMES (London, 1947, col. plates and ills. by A. RACKHAM).
- Dedication and bookplate on first free endpapers; a few lvs. sl. stained in blank margins. Corners trifle/ sl. worn, otherwise fine.
= Latimore/ Haskell, p.52. Riall, Arthur Rackham, p.141. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
ADDED: Dulac, E. Edmund Dulac's Fairy-Book. Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations. London etc., Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. (1916), (8),169,(3)p., 15 tipped-in col. plates and orig. dec. cl. by E. DULAC, 4to.
- Occasionally trifle foxed (plates unaffected). Corners and spine-ends sl. worn. = Hughey 47a.
- Title-p. foxed. Joints and spine-ends trifle worn. = Latimore/ Haskell p.65; Riall p.170.
Dickens, C. A Christmas Carol. London/ Philadelphia, W. Heinemann/ J.B. Lippincott Co., n.d. (1915), XI,(1),147p., 12 col. plates, ills., endpapers and orig. cl. by A. RACKHAM.
- Bookplate on htitle; trifle foxed. Upper joint split; backstrip loose(ning); spine-ends worn.
= Latimore/ Haskell p.44f; Riall p.124.
AND 2 others illustrated by the same (both w. defects).
- Bookplate on first blank; upper hinge sl. weak.
= Latimore/ Haskell p.72 and 73; Riall p.189. The first edition with the illustrations by Arthur Rackham.
- Lacks ties. Backcover sl. soiled. Otherwise fine.
= Copy of the DELUXE large paper edition of 750 numb. and SIGNED copies bound in gilt white cloth, with gilt endpapers, t.e.g. Riall p.91, noting i.a. that this edition contains an extra plate; Latimore/ Haskell p.32-33, only mentioning a copy in red cloth. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Spines sl. soiled. = Latimore/ Haskell, p.37f.
ADDED: C. KINGSLEY, The Waterbabies (London, n.d. (1916), 12 tipped-in col. plates, ills. and orig. gilt cl. by J. WILLCOX SMITH, 4to).
- Some sl. occas. foxing; owner's ticket on title-p. Binding sl. foxed (backstrip somewhat worse).
= One of 750 numb. copies signed by the illustrator, bound in orig. gilt full vellum dec. by A. Rackham. Latimore/ Haskell p.66f.
- Some foxing. Spine strengthened w. paper; wr. sl. frayed; lower blank corner frontwr. torn off.
= Kilgour 915. Rare Russian art nouveau publication, illustrated by members of the Mir Iskusstva.
- Owner's entry on title. = Monod 1843; Rouir 1340-1346.
= This copy bound in giltlettered hmor. by the Phoenix Bindery.
Sikelianos, A. De heilige weg. Dutch transl. H. Warren and M. Molegraaf. Ibid., idem, 1986, 46,(2)p., parallel text in Greek and Dutch, 60 numb. copies, printed in black and green in 60 numb. copies (30).
= One of 30 copies bound in giltlettered hmor. by the Phoenix Bindery.
Kavafis, K.P. De Julianos-gedichten. Dutch transl. H. Warren and M. Molegraaf. Ibid., idem, 1987, 38,(1)p., parallel Greek and Dutch text, printed in black, grey and green in 60 numb. copies (20).
= One of 20 copies on Barcham Green (this copy numb. "9") , according to the colophon bound in hmor., but this copy is without binding.
ADDED: Perk, J. Ik hep een krulebol. Een brief van 31 december 1866. Introd. R. Breugelmans. Utr., Sub Signo Libelli, 1984, (13)p., facs. (printed by Jan de Jong), printed in black and blue in 68 numb. copies, orig. gilt wr.
- Unopened copy.
Muratov, P. Tri rasskaza (Three tales). Ibid., idem, 1922, 54,(6)p., ills. and orig. wr. by F.-P. BLUM.
= The 34th publication of the Renildis Handpers. One of 9 copies printed on name. This copy for H.H. Kruse pr.
= De Renildis Handpers 1957-1987 p.13: "De aanschaf van andere lettertypen gaven de drukker ruimere mogelijkheden om voor elke gekozen tekst een geheel eigen interpretatie te maken. Gewezen kan worden op de Codex van Georg Trump, die in 1968 bij de Renildis Handpers haar Nederlandse debuut als boekletter maakte in de uitgave van het Wilhelmus, die wordt gekenmerkt door een fraaie balans van pagina, letter en kleur." The 18th publication of the Renildis Handpers.
= The 19th publication of the Renildis Handpers. Copy printed on name of Herber Blokland. With loosely inserted New Year's wish, signed by the printer.
= The 43rd publication of the Renildis Handpers. One of 22 copies printed on name. This copy for H.H. Kruse pr. and Mej C.J.M. Kruse.