= Oberlé, Bibliothèque Bachique 597, 33. Fine run with striking design and typography, often including the "feuilles volantes" that were issued with the yearly publications by Établissements Nicolas. Comprises the following years: 1930 (col. plates/ ills. by P. IRIBE), 1931 (col. plates/ ills. by A.M. CASSANDRE), 1932 (col. plates/ ills. by E. LEGRAND), 1933 (col. plates/ ills. by J. HUGO), 1934 (col. ills. by A. LATOUR), 1935 (col. plates/ ills. by DARCY), 1936 (bookdesign by A.M. CASSANDRE), 1938 (col. plates/ ills. by GALANIS), 1939 (col. plates/ ills. by C. ERICKSON), 1949 (col. plates/ ills. by DIGNIMONT), 1950 (col. plates/ ills. by R. HARADA), 1951 (tinted plates/ ills. by B. SAINT-ANDRÉ and A. LATOUR), 1953 (col. ills. by L. GISCHIA), 1954 (col. plates/ ills. by K. VAN DONGEN), 1955 (col. plates/ ills. by A. MARCHAND), 1956 (col. plates/ ills. by R. OUDOT), 1957 (col. plates/ ills. by C. TERECHKOVITCH), 1958 (col. plates/ ills. by R. LIMOUSE), 1959 (col. plates/ ills. by C. GAILLARD), 1960 (col. plates/ ills. by R. HUMBLOT) and 1961 (col. plates/ ills. by G. ROHNER). For the contributions by Cassandre, see H. Mouron, A.M. Cassandre (1985), p.103 and ills. 222-224, who mentions the price lists for 1930, 1936 and 1937.
- One plate dam. (upper portion torn off); owner's entry on title-p.; occas. trifle foxed. Binding sl. stained and dustsoiled.
- Sl. foxed. Backstrip sunned and w. sm. dam. spot.
= Ray 333: "The contrast between Nielsen's bizarre style, filled with echoes of nineties illustrators (...) and his primitive subject matter greatly enhances the piquancy of the book."
Andersen, H.C. Fairy Tales. New York. Garden City, 1932, 272,(1)p., 8 col. plates, ills., endpapers and orig. cl. by KAY NIELSEN, sm. 4to.
- First lvs. incl. title-p. sl. stained. Backstrip w. gluestains(?); spine-ends sl. worn.
- Joints and spine-ends worn; frontcover scratched.
- Very fine. = Braches 1588; cat. Ned. Boek 121.
- Halftitle browned. Backstrip browned and a few worn/ dam. spots.
Idem. Mijn huis op het water. Mijn huis op het land (Vervolg 1931-1935). Ibid., idem, 1935, (4),149-208p., (full-p.) ills. and bookdec. by the author, orig. dec. boards, large 4to.
- First and last textleaf trifle foxed. Backstrip sl. rubbed/ worn.
AND 2 others: W.J. TUYN, Old Dutch Towns and Villages of the Zuiderzee (London, 1901, full-p. ills. by W.O.J. NIEUWENKAMP and J.G. VELDHEER, orig. (soiled/ dam.) cl., t.e.g., 4to) and a duplicate copy of the first work of the lot.
- First and last few p. (sl.) browned/ foxed; owner's stamp on first blank. Binding sl. discoloured.
- Remnants of bookplate on upper pastedown.
= One of 50 numb. copies printed on papier de chine. Vicaire VI, 201; Gay-Lemonnyer II, 336.
- Fine copy.
- Spine faded; frontcover (unevenly) recoloured.
= One of 6 lettered copies (A-F) printed for the author and artist. With loosely inserted an EXTRA lithograph of the frontwr. (not called for in the colophon), monogrammed "R.N. 2009" on recto and signed in pencil by the artist on verso, and a typescript letter SIGNED "Harry en Willemien ter Balkt" (dated 21 June 2009).
- Binding partly sl. duststained. Otherwise fine.
= Roderberg 515f. One of 100 copies on Hahnemühle-Bütten "mit 7 vom Holzstock rot gedruckten Initialen."
- Fine.
Jeffers, R. Hommage à California. Three Poems. Ibid., idem, 1998, (6)p., 1 signed double-p. photogr. plate by FLORIAN STEINER, printed in 35 copies, signed by the printer in the colophon, loose as issued in orig. wr., folio.
- Slipcase sl. worn along extremities. Otherwise a fine copy. = Monod 5856.
Salmon, A. Vénus dans la balance. Paris, Éditions des Quatre Chemins, 1926, (2),96,(3)p., etched frontisp. signed in pencil by J. PASCIN, printed in 350 numb. copies (300), orig. wr.
- Frontisp. reattached, sl. browned. Otherwise fine. = SIGNED by the author on first free endpaper.
- Sl. offsetting from frontisp. on title-p., as usual. Upper joint starting near top of spine.
= Monod 7585.
= One of 35 copies (this copy numb. "11) on Saunders Cream laid paper, bound in giltlettered vellumbacked silk, in orig. stiff paper slipcase. First application of the Trinité roman wide 3, designed by Bram de Does, with loosely inserted orig. prospectus.
- Backstrip sl. faded and sl. worn at spine-ends. = Van Dijk 222.
Wichman, E. Het witte gevaar. Over melk, melkgebruik, melkmisbruik en melkzucht. Een ketterij tegen "de goden dezer eeuw". Ibid., C. Nypels, 1928, 1st ed., 33,(1)p., ills. by H. JELINGER, printed in red and black in 250 numb. copies (240), orig. wr.
- Spine worn at top of spine. = Van Laar 76.