- Lower blank margin sl. foxed/ (finger)soiled; some vague oblique creases.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3320:1A.
"Namurcum Comitatus." Engr. map, 2 dec. cartouches, ±38,5x49 cm., Amst., H. Hondius, 1633.
- A few smudged inkstains (printing flaw).
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3340:1A (German text on verso).
AND 2 others.
- Small closed hole; sl. waterstained in lower (blank) margin.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman IIIB, 3360:31 (variant a); Van den Broecke 63.
"Leodiensis Dioecesis Typus." Engr. map by B. VAN DOETECUM, 2 cartouches, 33,5x49 cm., from JANSONIUS/ HONDIUS, Theatrum Imperii Germanici, ±1635.
- Yellowed; light brown stain; lower margin sl. frayed. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3360:1A.
- Sl. yellowed; some browning/ foxed spots in blank margins.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3360:2.
- Two sm. tears in lower blank margin.
"Dioecesis Leodiensis accurata tabula." Contemp. engr. map, 2 cartouches in left corners, 45,5x54,5 cm., Amst., J. Jansonius, ±1650.
- Frayed; middle fold splitting at both ends; tear in left upper margin running sl. into image; yellowed.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3360:1B.2.
- Some rubbed spots; a few sm. tears in (blank) margins (2x in middle fold).
AND 2 others similar by H. HONDIUS (±1640) and N. VISSCHER (±1670).
- Fine. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3160:2.
"Namurcum Comitatus." Partly handcol. engr. map by J. SURHON, 2 dec. cartouches, a man flanking a large compass, ±41,5x53 cm., Amst., W. and J. Blaeu, ±1645.
- Small hole in left blank margin (otherwise fine). = Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3340:2.2.
"Carte Particuliere des Environs de Liege, Limbourg et Partie de Luxembourg." Engr. map by J. HARREWYN, titled above, ±43x56 cm., Bruxelles, E.H. Friex, 1708.
- Tear in lower middle fold (closed w. paper tape); vague vertical folds; a few sm. tears in blank margins.
- Trifle foxed (one view sl. worse).
= Incl. two nice views of the zinc mines of Moresnet, a small neutral mini-state which was finally incorporated in Belgium after World War I. The other plate showing three images of the zinc foundries in Angleur. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXV.
AND 2 other lithogr. views: "Ghent" and "La Halle Bruges".
- Trifle foxed in upper blank margin.
ADDED: "Magnae Britanniae Tabula; Comprehendens Angliae, Scotiae, ac Hiberniae Regna". Engr. map w. handcol. borders, 3 (large) richly dec. cartouches, 47x56,5 cm., Amst., Covens & Mortier, ±1740.
- Two chafed spots in right part; tear of 5 cm. in middle fold in lower blank margin; sl. yellowed.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3201:2.
AND 1 other: "Afbeeldinge vande vermaerde seehaven ende stadt van Duynkercken (...) Pourtraict de la fameuse ville et havre de Duynkercke (...)" (handcol. engr. chart after P. CODDE, from BLAEU, Atlas Maior, ±1664. Creased).
- Tear of 3 cm. in upper right corner; middle fold splitting at both ends; a few sm. tears in lower blank margin.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3102:1.
"Prima Pars Brabantiae cuius caput Lovanium". Partly handcol. engr. map by M.F. VAN LANGREN, 2 dec. cartouches, 1 coat of arms and compass rose, 41x52 cm., Amst., W. Blaeu, 1642.
- A few tiny holes on middle fold; blank margins (vaguely) stained.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3110:2 (variant b, verso blank).
- (Blank) margins on the sides foxed and sl. frayed.
- Both maps a few vague creases/ printing flaws next to middle fold; 2nd map tear of 3 cm. in lower blank margin of middle fold.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3110:2 and 3111:2.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3112:2.
"Flandria Gallica Continens Castellanias Insulensem Duacensem Orchianensem Civitatem Dominiumq: Tornacense". Engr. map, title-cartouche in lower left corner, 40x50,5 cm., Amst., H. Hondius, 1638.
- Sl. creased along middle fold; image sl. rubbed in lower right corner.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3220:1.1.
= Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 3112:2.
- Some minor defects; mostly fine.
= I.a. "Antverpia. Antwerpen" (nicely handcol. engr. panoramic view by J.G. RINGLE after F.B. WERNER, Augsb., ±1750. Very rare), "Mecheln in Brabandt" (engr. view, from D. MEISNER, Thesaurus Philo-Politicus, ±1625), "Botanic Garden Brussels" (steelengr. view by H. WORMS after W.H. BARTLETT, London, ±1840), "Vue des Ruines de Beauraing" (lithogr. view by J.B. MADOU after G. DE HOWEN, Brussels, 1825) and "Abbaye de S. Amant ord de St. Benôit" (engr. view, Paris, 1770).
- Some minor defects; mostly fine.
= I.a. "Plan de la Ville d'Aire Assiegée" (engr. plan by M. POOL, Amst., 1715), "Grondtekening der Stad Ryssel" (engr. plan, ±1740), "Berg S. Winox" (engr. plan by N. DE FER, Paris, ±1690), "Béthune, ville forte des Pays-Bas" (handcol. engr. plan by N. DE FER, Paris, ±1700) and "Saint-Omer" (handcol. engr. plan by N. DE FER, Paris, ±1700).
- Each leaf w. hole and many restorations and repairs on former folds (w. sl. loss of image); without the printed text below. Sold w.a.f.
= Very rare panorama of Antwerp. Delen, Iconographie van Antwerpen, 217. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVI.
- Trimmed on right borderline.
AND 1 other similar on Brazil from I. COMMELIN: "A. Is het belegerde fort real".
- A few foxed spots; trifle yellowed. = Rare.