2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Spine-ends sl. dam.; sl. rubbed along extremities. Good/ fine copy.
= The rare first Dutch edition, not traced in the reference works (cf. Waller 1031, for the ed. Amst., 1741).
- (Sl.) foxed/ soiled ((sl.) affecting title-p. and plates). Binding worn; backstrip dam.
= Arpots 63. With 4 nice plates, one of which shows the Burcht in Leyden and two others with skating scenes.
Laurenberg, P. Het Hernieuwde en Verbeterde Acerra philologica. Dat is: zes honderd Nutte en Gedenkwaardige geschiedenissen, Als ook zeer vermakelyke Redenkavelingen. Ed. J. Hajenius. Amst., Janssoons van Waesberge, 1734, 3rd ed., (10),728p., engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum.
- Apparently never bound with the final 28 pages (Toegift and Bladwyzer). Partly (sl.) waterst. in margins.
= Rare edition. Cf. Muller 411; Scheepers II, 760 (ed. 1675); Waller 1010.
- Bookplate of Raymond van Marle on upper pastedown; pagination of prelim. pages erratic, but complete (as in Bodemann). Covers and joints sl. rubbed. Contents fine.
= Bodemann 177.1. Rare, this ed. not in STCN.
Gellert, C.F. Fabelen in III deelen. Utr., J. van Schoonhoven & Comp., 1775, 3 parts in 1 vol., (4),361,(7)p., engr. title w. portrait vignette, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.
- One quire loosening. A fine copy. = Landwehr F106. This ed. not in the usual reference works.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Otherwise fine.
= Buisman 1306; Arents 322; cf. Rius 482 (1st Engl. ed., London, 1752). Rare.
- Bindings a few small rubbed spots. A good copy, attractively bound.
= Gay/ Lemonnyer I, p.906; Zischka p.261; Zaunmüller p.142: "Bringt viel Material über Vulgärsprache des 17. Jahrhunderts."
- Vellum dam. at top of spine.
= Interesting fictitious posthumous dialogues of famous people. Contains conversations between i.a. Louis XI and Sultan Zizim (Cem Sultan).
- Lacks first free endpaper; upper pastedown w. dam. spot. Otherwise fine.
= Scheepers I, 514 ("zeer zeldzaam"); Van der Haar M135. Extensively commented very rare 2nd Dutch edition (first 1692) of the Alcoranus franciscanorum (16th century), a paraphrase of Erasmus Albert's refutation of Barth. Albizzi's Liber conformitatum sancti Francisci cum Christo (1399).
- Later bibliographical annots. on verso first free endpaper; owner's entry ("Schotel") and identification of the author on title-p. A good/ fine copy.
= From the library of Jan Borms (stamp on final blank and lower pastedown). The second edition (first 1651) of this collection of libertine poetry. Scheepers I,127: "(...) gedenkschriften van zijn liederlijk leven te Rome, met een curieuse inleiding, waarin libertijnsche ongebondenheid wordt aangeprezen en verdedigd. Het werk werd dadelijk na het verschijnen verboden en verbrand." Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXVI.
- Bookplate and contemp. annot./ owner's entry on upper pastedown and verso first free endpaper. Good/ fine copy.
= Landwehr, Emblem and fable books F213; Scheepers II, 892.
- Bookblock sl. trimmed (at the beginning occas. nearly reaching text); occas. sl. stained and fingersoiled. Lacks backstrip.
= De Vries 441 (13th ed. Antw.); cf. Muller 599; Waller 1352; Landwehr 660; De Vries, Emblemata 194; cf. De Backer/ Sommervogel VI, 929; cf. Praz p.459; not in Buisman. "Dit werk van den "Vlaamschen Cats" was bijna even populair in Noord- als in Zuid Nederland (...)." (Muller).
- Partly sl. yellowed, otherwise fine. = From the library of M. Buisman. Waller 1457; Scheepers II, 892. Rare.
- Bookblock broken into 4 separate parts (which clearly used to be bound together) and inserted in (sl. too tight) vellum binding.
= At least two different authors were active under the pseudonym J.A. Schasz. Gerrit Paape used it between 1788-1798. The early J.A. Schaz publications are generally attributed to Pieter 't Hoen. Very rare.
- First part lacks 2 leaves (F6 and F7); one leaf sl. dam. (w. loss of a few words); final leaf frayed. Vellum sl. stained and creased.
= Provenance: Collection Buijnsters-Smets (w. bookplate) and M. Buisman (owner's entry), both on upper pastedown. Rare, only 2 copies in STCN. Buisman 1187 (under Marie M. Pioche de La Vergne, gravin de La Fayette).
- Pastedowns loose. Otherwise fine. = Waller 874; Scheepers I, 525.
BOUND WITH: (Idem). Vervolg op de Jesuiten-Kost, of de Maaltyd der Jesuiten; Bestaande in eene Uitlegging van de 663 Stellingen, of Leerstukken van hunne Religie, waar onder de meeste ten hoogsten verfoeylijk en seer Godloos sijn. Leyden, J. du Vivie, 1728, (6),376p., engr. frontisp., 1 ill.
= Rare edition. Waller 874; Scheepers I, 525.
- Sl. yellowed. Otherwise a fine uncut copy.
= Scheurleer 177; Scheepers I, 15. The first and only edition. Rare.
- Lacks 1 plate; partly trifle waterstained in outer blank margin; upper hinge weak; old catalogue entry on lower pastedown. Vellum sl. (finger)soiled.
= Waller 1622 (first part dated 1684; 12 plates); Scheepers II, 900 (ed. 1682-1690; 13 plates); cf. Muller 445 and De Vries 313 (other eds.). "Geen boek getuigt meer dan dit van de voorliefde onzer vaderen voor vieze grappen, waarbij "struiven" en "veesten" de hoofdrollen vervullen" (Muller).
BOUND WITH: Berg, I. vanden. Het gestoffeerde Winkel en Luysen Banquet, Dienstig Voor alle Winkeliers die eenige Rymen (haar Koopmanschap betreffende) voor Luyfens, Deuren, of in Pak-papieren willen zetten, wat Waren yder te verhandelen heeft (...). Ibid., J. van Royen, 1693, 158p.
= Rare.
- Lacks 2 plates and letterpress title-p. of first part. A few lvs. w. inkstains (sl. affecting 2 plates); occas. sl. soiled; bookplate on first free endpaper. Vellum sl. dam. at top of spine.
= De Vries 313; cf. Waller 1623; Scheepers II, 901; Muller 445: "Geen boek getuigt meer dan dit van de voorliefde onzer vaderen voor vieze grappen, waarbij "struiven" en "veesten" de hoofdrollen vervullen".
- Warranted on p.131. Spine-ends restored; corners showing. Otherwise a good copy.
= Scheepers II, 1132. Contains rates for indulgences and an anti-papist preface by the author.
- One page stained.
= Geerebaert CXXXVIII/ 11A: "Het Nederl. alleen. Is blijkens het voorbericht eenige maanden jonger dan de Lat.-Nederl. uitgaaf van hetzelfde jaar".
- Most leaves thumbed/ fingersoiled; partly (water)stained; old owner's entries on first free endpaper and verso final free endpaper. Recased copy.
= Provenance: Collection Buijnsters-Smets (w. bookplate) and M. Buisman (owner's entry), both on upper pastedown. Rare edition, not in the usual reference works, and no copy in STCN or STCV.