2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Occas. dampstained/ soiled in lower margin (sometimes affecting the text); sm. cancel stamp in lower corner of title-p.; upper left corner of frontisp. sl. dam. Vellum browned/ dustsoiled.
= Buisman 2381; Waller 1806; Muller 117; Scheepers II, 788.
- Owner's dedication and entry on first free endpaper and first blank; first and final lvs. sl. browned/ waterst. Joints starting; spine-ends sl. dam.
= Contains No.1-30 (25 May - 4 September 1699) (all published?).
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; later annots. on first free endpaper; 2 textlvs. sl. stained w. trifle loss of text; lower pastedown detached.
= Scheepers I, 471; Waller 294 (1st ed., 1669). Translation of Boccalini's Pietra del paragone politico (1615).
- Partly trifle/ sl. wormholed/ waterst. in blank margin. Both vols. lack letterpiece; extremities sl. rubbed.
= Rare. Waller 1666; Scheepers II, 373.
- Portrait sl. foxed. Good/ fine copy.
= Description of a country-wedding in coarse language. NNBW IV, p.343; Versnel sale 721; Scheepers II, 88: "Satirisch beeld van de zeden ten plattenlande. De op den titel aangekondigde platen zijn niet verschenen." Rare.
- Frontisp. from a later (1720) ed. and cut sl. short in lower margin (w. loss of some text); new endpapers; a few lvs. repaired w. paper; occas. sl. (water)stained.
= Rare, first Dutch transl. and illustrated ed. Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 94; Klaversma/ Hannema 323; Gieles/ Plak 50.
- Frontisp. dam. and repaired/ reattached w. tape; occas. sl. foxed/ soiled. Rebacked w. later leather; extremities sl. worn.
= Cf. Klaversma/ Hannema 316 and 317 (2nd and 4th ed.). Waller 354; not in Muller/ De Vries/ Scheepers.
- Lacks final free endpaper. Otherwise fine. = Muller 67 (attrib. the frontispiece to P. Nolpe). Very rare.
- Sl. yellowed throughout; frontisp. loosening and sl. waterstained in inner margin.
= Owner's entries of M. Buisman Jr on upper endpaper. First Dutch translation of Cotolondi's Arlequiniana ou les bon mots (Paris, 1694). Waller 171; Scheepers II, 752, note. Very rare.
- First part lacks htitle fold. plate strengthened on fold. Fine copy.
= First part warranted by Van Esveldt. Waller 1740 (the first part only and incomplete). Very rare. SEE ILLUSTRATON PLATE CXXXV.
- Lacks 2p. of bookseller's cat. Upper hinge broken; receding waterst. in margins.
= First Dutch edition of Fielding's parody of S. Richardson's Pamela (1740). Waller 543; Buisman 569.
- First 3 textlvs. top margin strengthened w. paper on verso; owner's entry on title-p. ("F.C. Krahmer"); sl. foxed throughout; occas. thumbed/ dust-/ water/ inkstained mainly in blank margins.
= From the collection of L.M.A. Buijnsters-Smets (her bookplate on first blank). Waller 622; De Vries 307; cf. Scheepers II, 752 (on 1st ed. 1716). Rare.
- Joints weak; modern owner's entries on first free endpaper (Prof. Dr. G. Kuiper; P.J. Verkruijsse(?)); modern annots. on a few pages of the introduction. Rare.
- Partly (sl.) foxed/ browned; owner's entry on title-p. Boardedges sl. rubbed.
= Scheepers I, 522: "Zeldzaam". Rare Dutch treatise on Pope Joan, a legendary female pontiff said to have reigned between 855-858. Bookplate of Jean Grandjean Perrenod Comtesse on upper pastedown.
- (Sl.) foxed. Extremities (sl.) worn.
= Mateboer 92; Buisman 776. The "prototype" of all Dutch arcadian novels, interspersed with many interesting articles on witchcraft, magic, Dutch history, East Indies, Dutch folklore etc.
- Final 8 quires stained in upper margin, partly affecting the text; occas. sl. yellowed. Otherwise fine.
= Much expanded second, and first authorized edition. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 138 (calls for a blank between the text and the errata leaf, which is present in our copy); Simoni H-168; Waller 826; Scheepers I, 108: "Dichterlijke beschrijving van de buitenplaats "de moffeschans" bij Terneuzen en van het dagelijksche leven aldaar, door Pieter de Hond, geb. te Vlissingen, overl. in 1621 of 1622."; Nagtglas II, p.404-407: "Even buiten Terneuzen lag een stuk grond bekend als de Moufenschans (...). Die verlaten grond werd verkocht aan den Burgemeester Serlippens, een vertrouwd vriend van Hondius, die zestien jaren bij hem inwoonde en aan den predikant deze plek afstond voor den aanleg van zijn beroemden tuin. Hier leefde deze op ruimen voet en met onbekrompen gastvrijheid (...)". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXVI.
- All vols. w. owner's entry on (h)title; occas. sl. foxed. Bindings trifle rubbed. A good set. = Rare.
- Partly sl. wormholed/ (water)stained. Good/ fine copy.
= Cf. Waller 878 and De Vries 421 (both ed. 1740). Very nice and early edition of this plea for moderation of torture, based on Graevius' Tribunal reformatum. At the end a special extra chapter: "Gevoelen van Thomas Morus, Dat dievery met de dood niet behoort ghestraft te worden (...)."
- Binding sl. rubbed; corner sl. worn.
= Waller 923; Muller 526; Scheepers II, 833; Van der Steur, cat. 25, L2107.
Weyerman, J.C. Den Persiaansche zydewever, Demokriets en Herakliets, Brabandsche voyagie, de Hollandsche zinlykheyt, den Antwerpsche courantier, en de gehoornde broeders, benevens eenige uyt het Grieks vertaalde gezangen van Anakreon, voorzien met de sleutel van het geheele werk. N.pl., "Gedrukt voor den autheur, en zyn te bekomen by de voornaamste boekverkopers in de Hollandsche steden", n.d. (1727), 5 parts in 1 vol., engr. frontisp. by A.V.L.B. after C. TROOST, 20th cent. plain cl., 4to.
- Num. annotations in pencil in margins of the dedication; occas. some faint dampstaining in upper outer corner.
= Scheepers II, 301. Rare with the allegorical frontispiece.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Bindings sl. worn along extremities. Otherwise a good set.
= Buisman 1072; Saalmink II, p. 1749; De Vries 159. The most popular work by Dutch Enlightenment author W. Kist (1758-1841).