2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Years on the 3 htitles corrected w. pen and ink; first part sl. wormholed/ waterst. in (blank) margins. Binding fine.
= Resolutions of the State of Holland and West-Friesland between February 13, 1646 and December 22, 1648.
- Free endpapers browned; sm. contemp. annots. in blank margin, otherwise contents fine.
= Knuttel 1477.
ADDED: a small number of unrelated 18th century letters and notarial documents.
- Occas. sl. frayed/ worn; mostly fine.
= I.a. on taxes, trade in comestibles, lead theft, Laurens Jansz. Coster, hayfires, guilds etc. Comprises i.a. "Dese naervolgende punten zijn gepubliceert vant Stadthuijs der Stadt Haerlem den eersten Septembus. 1583" (letterpress pamphlet, Haarlem, 1583); "Al soo de Stadt Haerlem onder andere marckten (...)" (letterpress broadside, woodcut vignette, ibid., A. Roman, 1627); "Heeren van den Gherechte deser Stadt Haerlem, bemerckende ende by daghelijckse expertentie ondervindende dat de keuren ende Ordonnantien (...)" (letter press broadside, Ibid., idem, 1638); "De Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt" (letterpress broadside, woodcut vignette, The Hague, J. Scheltus, 1671); "Gelyheid, Vryheid, Broederschap. Proclamatie." (letterpress broadside, woodcut vignette, ibid., 'S lands Drukkerij, 1797); "Beschryving van het feest, dat na vier honderd jaren, tot Laurens Kosters eer, gevierd is aan het Sparen, gevierd te Haarlem, den 10 en 11 July 1823." (letterpress broadside, 4 letterpress poems divided by typographical borders, publ. Amst., J. Wendel en Zoon, 1823); "Programma [for the celebrations of the invention of printing]. Is de boekdrukkunst eene der heerlijkste proeven, (...) is de uitvinding dier kunst door ondervinding gebleken, een der belangrijkste voorvallen te zijn geweest in de geschiedenis der wereld (...)" (letterpress broadside, Haarlem, J. Enschedé en Zonen, 1823).
- Armorial bookplate of Wadham Wyndham Esq. on upper pastedown; occas. light offsetting from plates. Sl. rubbed along extremities. Otherwise a fine copy w. large margins.
= Beddie 712; Hill 1309; Howgego I, C173; Sabin 58787. First edition of one of the principal visual accounts of Cook's First Voyage. Parkinson joined Cook's expedition as natural history draughtsman at the behest of Sir Joseph Banks, which also included some of the earliest European views of the South Pacific. His valuable observations include the first published use of the word 'kangaroo' (as 'kangooroo', p149), and his vocabularies of South Sea languages cover the "languages of Otaheite, New Zealand, New Holland, Savoo, and Sumatra, the Malayan language spoken at Batavia, called the low Malay, and the language of Anjenga on the coast of Malabar, called the high or proper Malay" (Hill). After exploring Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, and the Great Barrier Reef, the expedition reached Batavia, where Parkinson contracted malaria and dysentery, dying shortly after the departure for the Cape of Good Hope. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXIV.
- Occas. sl. foxed/ yellowed. Backstrip w. dam. spot. Otherwise fine.
- Contents trifle/ sl. foxed. Bindings sl. soiled. A good copy.
- Foxed/ browned; scattered annots. in the first part. Rebacked w. modern cl.
- Frontisp. cut sl. short in lower margin (w. loss of artist's name); occas. sl. uneven printing; partly sl. (damp)stained; 4 lvs. w. smaller outer margin (perhaps rebound from another copy); bookplate of "Henn Wolfram Riedesel Freiherr zu Eisenbach" on first free endpaper. Otherwise fine.
= Continuation of J. SLEIDANUS, De statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo V Caesare commentarii (Strasb., 1555). First and only ed. of this rare work on the history of the Spanish Netherlands under Philip II by Henricus Paulinus (†1602), published only 60 years after his death. With an appendix on the history of West and East Frisia at that time, in which Paulinus describes i.a. his misadventures as a negotiator on behalf of East Frisia. In this capacity, he was sent to Franeker to discuss the Dutch occupation of the Ems (during the war with Spain) and the privateers devastating the East Frisian sea trade. He was arrested, however, and exchanged in 1586 for Onno van Ewsum, who had been captured by East Frisia. De Buck 2303/ cf. 2017; Van der Aa XV, p.124. A rare Emden edition.
- Last part waterst. in lower margin; modern owner's stamp on title and final leaf.
= The Waldenses or Waldensians began as a Christian religious sect about 1170 in the south of France. They were persecuted as heretical in the period before the Reformation and later adopted Calvinist teachings. Rare. Comprises: J.P. PERRIN, De Historie vanden Waldensen (...); IDEM, De Historie vande Christenen toeghenaemt de Albigensen (...); B. LYDIUS, Dry Historische Tractaetgens. t'Eerste Van de Kercke, waer die gehweest is, van de tijden der Apostelen, tot de tijden der Reformatie, door de Waldensen. Het tweede, Van de verscheyden namen der Waldensen, ende de oorsaken van de selve benaemingen. Het derde, Van het Geloove der Waldensen, volgens d'eygen bekentenissen ende Historien der Papisten (...).
- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Sm. crack in backstrip. Otherwise good/ fine.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 380b; cf. Muller 783 (ed. 1665).
- Hinges cracked but holding well; title-p. w. sm. hole; later (early-mid 19th cent.) annots. on final free endpaper; occas. trifle waterst./ browned in blank margins. Joints splitting at lower end; foot of spine sl. dam.; backstrip (sl.) creased/ cracked; leather attachments of clasps to back cover (sl.) worn and lacking some rivets.
= De Wind p. 451; Haitsma Mulier/Van der Lem 380c.
- Sl. yellowed.
= Rare German edition after A.H. Anquetil-Duperron's translation of the Avesta, the main body of religious texts of Zoroastrianism.
- Without the four maps that Tiele 813 calls for w. reference to the identical ed. of this text by Jan Jansz.; occas. trifle fingersoiled in margins. Otherwise a good/ fine copy.
= Tiele 814, note, stating i.a. that the ed. published by Hartgers is a reprint of the edition by Jan Jansz., and that that edition in itself is, according to the preface by the publisher to the work by Olearius listed under Tiele 813, "maer een gedeelte van 't (oorspronk.) werck, 't welck loops-wyse hier en daer is uytgetrocken" (the orig. work has over 964p.). Cf. Cox I, p.248; Hilll 1257; Cat. NHSM p.133; Henze III, p.638f (listing the first edition published in Schleswig, 1647); Atabey 884 and Wing O269. Excerpts of the first Dutch edition of a famous travel account written by A. Olearius (Ölschläger) while he accompanied the mission sent by the Duke of Holstein to the King of Persia in 1633-39 as secretary. During his travels Olearius collected much valuable information on Russian customs and tradition.
- Occas. trifle foxed. Spine-ends sl. chipped.
= Encyclopedia of Philosophy II, p.180: "Condillac's Traité des sensations, which he published in 1754, established him as the great French métaphysicien, or clarifier of ideas by reference to experience."
- Lacks the frontisp. Vellum trifle soiled. = All vols. in first edition.
AND the 1st and 2nd part of the same work, same edition, bound in contemp. calf w. richly gilt spine. With the engr. frontispiece.
- All vols. bookplate and owner's entry on first free endpaper; occas. sl. yellowed and fingersoiled.
- Vol. 1 one vignette and portrait sl. stained; 1 quire loosening; vol. 2 prelim. lvs. w. stamps; first and final few lvs. sl. waterst. in margin. Bindings sl. soiled/ stained. A good set.
- Sm. waterstain on title.
= Cf. Cat. Thema thee 233 (ed. 1696); cf. Bibliotheca Gastronomica 67-69, editions 1696, 1697 and 1709. Rare.
= Collection of these additions to almanacs, which were popular with travellers to kill time with on their often tedious journeys. They were almost always printed without publisher's address and date, and usually fall into the categories of humour, anecdotes and occas. useful knowledge. Comprising: De Cino Caser, Of de Amsterdamse Pakhuis-vreugd; De vliegende Faam, Uitblazende eenige vermakelyke Gezangen; De algmeene Concert-zaal, Leverende een verzaameling van Nieuwgemaakte en fraaije Zangstukjes; Het christelyk A, B, C; Samenspraak Tusschen Kryn, Neeltje, Jaap en Pleuntje; Onderrigtinge Voor de Vryery-Lievende Vryers; Een christens Hoogste Volkomenheyd in dit leeven voorgesteld in een Samenspraak, tusschen een Ryken en Armen man; De Zingende Apollo, Op Blygeestige Toonen; De Bedrogen Waakzaamheid (...); Eenige Geestelyke Liederen, op de Geboorte onzes Heeren Jezu Christi; Vermaak der Jeugd, of derde vervolg op de Rotterdamsche Zanggodin; De Vrolyke Matroos; Den geestelyken Byenkorf, Gevult met zoeten Honing (...) and Den geestelyken Trompet. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXV.
- Frontisp. stained; a few pages w. black (soot?) stains/ sl. soiled; lacks free endpapers; later upper pastedown; upper hinge weak.
= Buisman 60; De Vries 76; Scheepers II, 599. Cf. Waller 180-181; Muller 60-64.