2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Trifle foxed.
= Rare work on the brother's Naerebout who saved approx. 87 people from the shipwreck Woestduin of the coast of Walcheren, Zeeland in july 1779. Landwehr, VOC 445. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVII.
- Frontisp. laid down on upper pastedown; two repaired holes in title-p. w. pink discolouring on and around restoration. Occas. foxed/ sl. browned.
= Important collection of ordonnances on maritime and commercial law, translated here for the first time into Dutch. Although the ordonnances first appeared in print in Barcelona in 1494, they soon became into force across the Mediterranean Sea. In Northern Europe they were used as a supplementary law, but also as a major source for maritime legislation in various countries. The second part contains the Ordinacions de tot vexell qui armara per anar en cors e de tota armada ques faca per mar (entirely in Catalan). Goldsmiths 4054; Kress 2415.
- LARGE PAPER COPY. Outer blank margin of first few lvs. strengthened w. Japanese (incl. frontisp.); first part waterstained in upper inner margin; new endpapers; dam. spot in text on p.33-34; p.59-62 w. repaired tear. Joints splitting and restored.
= One of the two great 17th cent. Dutch works on shipbuilding (the other one being C. van Yk's De Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw-Konst). Cat. NHSM, p.743; Bierens de Haan 5368. The very rare first edition, first issue, with p. 474/475 (which were left out in the second issue for political reasons) describing the battle of Chatham (see i.a. W. Nijhoff, De anglophobie van N. Witsen). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVII.
- Sl. yellowed; title strengthened along outer margin and sm. portion of inner margin on verso. Vellum sl. warped; frontcover sl. stained.
= One of the two great 17th cent. Dutch works on shipbuilding (the other one being Witsen's Architectura Navalis). First edition, second issue (with the cancels **1 and **2 in which the author has replaced his comment on the 1690 edition of Witsen by a list of contemporary works on shipbuilding mainly in French and English. In this list the Architecture Navalis is ascribed to Samuel Pepys, who himself never wrote a book on the subject). Cat. NHSM, p.745; Landwehr, VOC 1109; Klaversma/ Hannema 1503; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 309; Bierens de Haan 5401. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVIII.
- Old libr. stamp on title-p. (Koninklyk Instituut van ingenieurs); a few trifle worn spots on covers. A fine copy.
= Bierens de Haan 5481; Cat. NHSM II, p.748. The rare first edition. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXIX.
- Occas. vaguely (water)stained. Bindings trifle rubbed.
= Scheepers II, 654; Buisman 1559. From the collection of P.J. Buijnsters, both vols. bookplate on upper pastedown.
- Frequently mispaginated, but complete; (vaguely) waterst. in lower part almost throughout; upper hinge sl. weak.
= Rare edition. De Vries 436 ("21e editie").
- Lacks first free endpaper; upper hinge weak. Otherwise fine.
- "J. de Marre/ Toneel Poezy." written in contemp. pen in "mirror" area on frontisp.; owner's stamp on first title-p. Fine.
= Interesting copy, with bound in (extra?) an invitation to the play "Het eeuwgetyde van den Amsteldamschen Schouwburg" (a fold. leaf with letterpress text: "Werd verzocht, benevens deszelfs Huysvrouw, of een Dame, en een eigen Kind, dat zich zelve redden kan, om het Eeuwgetyde (...) by te woonen (...)"; and with written in contemp. hand in margin of the "Personaadjen" the names of the actors (i.a. Jan Punt, Maria Duim, Izaak Duim, Maurits van Hattum).
- Joints splitting; corners sl. worn. Contents fine. = Rare.
- New endpapers; first and final lvs. sl. browned; a few lvs. w. tear repaired w. tape; occas. sl. soiled in blank margin; fore-edge vaguely waterst. Spine-ends restored w. cloth; upper joint starting; covers sl. scratched. A good copy.
= Springer/ Klassen 1675 (other printers); Bibl. Belg. B176; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 93; Klaversma/ Hannema 292; Kühler, p.247: "Dit boek, hoewel met weinig kritiek samengebracht, is over het geheel betrouwbaar, en de hoofdbron gebleven voor hen, die het godsdienstig leven der Doopsgezinde martelaars in zijn volle diepte en rijkdom willen leeren kennen". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVII.
- Title-p. and first page margins damaged and restored (doubled/strengthened); first 80 pages lower corner waterstained and partly mouldy; later pastedowns. Spine restored. Title in later hand on spine.
= Biogr. Woordenboek van Protestantse Godgeleerden in Nederland IV p.480/481: a posthumous answer on H. Faukelius' attack on baptists "Babel, dat is verwerringhe der Wederdooperen" (publ. Middelb., 1621).
- Binding sl. worn along extremities. A fine copy.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper pasted over w. paper. Covers trifle rubbed. A fine, large paper copy.
- Preliminary and first few textpages of part 1 waterstained; otherwise occas. foxing in both vols. (plates and map not affected).
= Sabin 16962; Howgego C195; Henze I, p.731ff. "The letters are properly numbered, second, third and fourth. An excellent preface and introduction are added, with additional notes, and an appendix, completing the life of Cortes" (Sabin). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIX.
- New endpapers; bookblock cut short. Top of spine restored w. modern vellum.
= Thijssen-Schoute, Nederlands Cartesianisme p.578-592; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 43 (note); cf. Klaversma/ Hannema 1082 (earlier ed.).
- Partly (sl.) foxed; a few leaves sl. soiled in lower or outer margin; crossed-out owner's entries on title-p. of "R.[?] von Ilten" and Christian Rettberg (dated "1673"), and on upper endpaper ("L. von Löw" and "Leo von Weiher"); first blank loose. Top of spine sl. chipped; corners and foot of spine sl. worn; extremities of both covers rubbed.
= Cf. Sloos 05014 and cf. 05016; Kossmann, Boekhandel te 's Gravenhage p.72-73. Interesting copy: the first engraved title-p. differing from Sloos 05014 (our copy reads: "Particuliere Exercitie Memorie (...)" instead of "Memorie der Particuliere Exercitie") and the printed title also different from Sloos 05014 (which begins with the words "Vertoogh Van de Kryghs-oeffeninge (...)"). A similar difference is to be observed on the second engr. title (our copy: "Generale Exercitie memorie (...)" instead of "Memorie der Generale Exercitie (...)"). Contrary to Sloos, our copy has no printed title to the second part. Extremely rare (variant) first edition of this Dutch military manual. The plates depicting the individual use of muskets and pikes and the drilling of companies. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIX.
- Trifle yellowed; 2 (index) lvs. at the end of vol. 2 misbound. Bindings rubbed; corners showing; one letterpiece loosening.
= Pohler III, p.471; Lipperheide Qk4; Colas 794.
- All plates w. a former vertical fold; occas. trifle/ sl. foxed and w. some tiny ruststains. Binding sl. scuffed.
= The first French edition of the famous manual on how to handle muskets and pikes by Jacob de Gheyn (1565-1629). For the complex history of publication of the various Dutch, German, English, French and Danish editions in the years 1607-1608, see the catalogue Le héraut du dix-septième siècle. Dessins et gravures de Jacques de Gheyn II et III, no.37 (Paris, Institut Néerlandais, 1985, with literature). See also F.M. 1117; Jähns p. 1005-1007; Cockle 79 (other editions); Hollstein 3b, 346-457; Cicognara 1659. The work is also of great importance for costume history, given the fact that all the 117 figures are depicted full length (Hiler p.377; Lipperheide Qb18 (ed. The Hague, 1607)).
BOUND WITH: Breen, A. (Maniement d'Armes de Nassau, avecq Rondelles, Picques, Espees et Targes). (Ibid., n.publ., 1618), engr. title, (8)p., 34 and 16 engr. plates.
- Unfinished engr. title w. contemp.(?) ms. additions (proof?); leaf C1 w. printed overslip.
= The first French edition of the extremely rare COMPLETE series of plates by A. van Breen, showing how to hold shields, pikes and rapiers. The first Dutch edition was published in the same year. F.M. 1116; Lipperheide Qb 33. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXX.
- All vols. owner's entry on upper pastedown and on title-p.; first quire and frontisp. of first vol. yellowed; frontisp. sl. frayed and doubled; a few leaves lack small portion of blank margins; 1 plate w. printing flaw. Covers chafed/ sl. worn.
= Thimm p.24; cf. Colas I, p.474 and Lipperh. Of 7 and Of 10. Rare complete set.