2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Lacks all plates and maps, except the portrait; old wax seal on engr. title-p. Otherwise fine.
BOUND WITH: Idem. Le grand routier de mer. Ibid., idem, 1638, (4),181,(1)p., engr. title-p. - AND BOUND WITH: Idem. Description de l'Amerique & des parties d'icelle (...). Ibid., idem, 1638, (2),86p., engr. title-p. w. a fine oval view of ships at sea, surrounded by 4 small oval panoramas of "Antwerpen", "Amstelredam", "Middelburch" and "Enchuysen".
- Apart from the lacking maps and plates a fine copy.
- Lacks all but one maps and plates (the remaining plate is: "Vera effigies et delineatio Insulae, Ascenscio nuncupatae (...)").; first part htitle, title and portrait creased and frayed; a few leaves torn or damaged. Binding damaged. Sold w.a.f.
= Tiele, Mémoire, p.100; Tiele, Bibl. Land- en Volkenkunde 682; Henze III, 243-244 ("Verfasser des berühmten Itinerario (1596), des bedeutsamsten geographischen Werkes seiner Zeit"). The description of America occupies the greater part of the third part. Rare.
- Lacks all maps and plates; lacks first 8p. incl. title and prelim. lvs. to the 3rd part; bookblock loose. Sold w.a.f.
= Tiele, Mémoire, p.100; Tiele, Bibl. Land- en Volkenkunde 682; Henze III, 243-244 ("Verfasser des berühmten Itinerario (1596), des bedeutsamsten geographischen Werkes seiner Zeit").
AND another stripped copy of the same work.
- Partly waterst.; bookplate on upper pastedown. Untrimmed.
= With prize "(...) door Commissarissen over het Vaderlandsche Fonds ter aanmoediging van 's Lands Zeedienst tot een geschenk gegeven aan Jan Erents Schneebeek" (1810). Cat. NHSM II, p.1021: "Een zedekundig handboekje, in hoofdzaak bestaande uit samenspraken tussen een oud en een jong matroos." Printed in the same year as the first edition, with the exact same pagination. Contains chapters such as: "Over de pligten jegens de kapitein", "Over de scheepsondeugden", "Over het gedrag in vreemde landen".
- Partly yellowed; partly w. (faint/ marginal) foxing/ waterstains; two of the four volvelles lacking the revolving part, and one volvelle lacking a second movable section; the title-p. to the second part lacking; several leaves at the end of the second part w. closed wormholes in inner margin. Otherwise fine.
= Provenance: the library of Boudewijn Büch, sold in our rooms in 2003-2004. "Een klassiek zeevaardersboek [navigatieboek of 'pilot'] in superieure staat. Pedro de Medina's Arte de navegar... verscheen voor het eerst in het Spaanse Valladolid in 1545. De Nederlandsche vertaling van vijfendertig jaar later is extreem zeldzaam. (...) De Medina (1493-1567) behoort tot de allergrootste zeevaartdeskundigen van de moderne geschiedenis. Michel Coignet (1549-1628) was een Franse maker van astronomische instrumenten en wiskundige. Zijn oorspronkelijke Instruction des points les plus excellent et nécessaires en touchant l'art de naviger - waarvan hier dus een vertaling - kwam in 1581 [sic] van de pers." (Een heel huis vol. Beredeneerde catalogus).
Bibl. Belg. IV, 311; Allen/ Landis 580/45. Crone Library 82 mentions an extra fold. leaf, not incorporated in the printed signatures, with a map of North and South America, not present here (but a facs. of the map is loosely inserted) and not mentioned in the few copies we traced. This Dutch translation not in Sabin, Harrisse, Adams or STC Dutch.
Extremely rare first Dutch edition of the Arte del Navigar (1545) and "the first great book in Dutch on the art of navigation and (...) consequently an enormous stimulus to Dutch seamanship" (Nico Israel, cat. 22, no.75). As far as we know only three different copies were recently sold at auction (Sotheby's 1965, Hartung & Karl 1980 and this copy twice in our own auctions: auction 13, 1990, lot. 2010 (this copy before restoration, in (poor) contemp. limp vellum binding) and auction 41 (Boudewijn Büch sale), 2004, lot 678). On leaf 14r a small circular worldmap encircled by eight cherubic windheads (Shirley 84). This map is repeated in slightly diff. form and in diff. setting on leaf 84v. On this translation etc. see also W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns, 'Nico Israel, Ernst Crone and Pedro de Medina's "De Zeevaert oft Conste van ter Zee te varen"' (Theatrum orbis librorum. Liber amicorum Nico Israel, p.31-38). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIV.
- Partly waterst. in upper half of the book; cut short along upper margin, sometimes w. loss of running title; hinges weak(ening); w. (contemp.?) annot. in brown ink on verso first free endpaper; some pages a tad browned. Vellum soiled and sl. stained; some damaged spots on front cover; foot of spine (sl.) worn/ chipped.
- Fine copy.
= Very rare practical maritime handbook, only 1 copy in NCC and only one copy traced at auction 1970-2022 (sold in our rooms in 2003). Cat. NHSM p.755 and cf. p.749. Not in Crone Library; not in E.O. van Keulen a.o., 'In de Gekroonde Lootsman', Het kaarten-, boekuitgevers en instrumentenmakershuis Van Keulen te Amsterdam 1680-1885. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXV.
- Contemp. illegible owner's entry in pen on first free endpaper; title-p. sl. inkstained; partly sl. yellowed. Top of spine dam.
= The four folding plates at the end are numb. XV-XVIII and come from "Klügels Encyclopädie Th.IV, zweyte Auflage". Plate no.XVII is an original drawing copied from that source. Rare.
= Bierens de Haan 3776; Cat. NHSM, p.70 (3rd ed. 1791). Not in the Crone library. Rare.
= Cat. NHSM, p.144; Howgego III, P44; not in Tiele. Rare account of the first of James Prior's two voyages. Initially only bound for the Cape of Good Hope, Prior's expedition then proceeded to the Indian Ocean visiting i.a. the Seychelles and wintering on Mauritius. In 1811 Prior joined the British invasion of Java. Very rare.
- Bookplate of "Kammer Director Moll" on upper pastedown first vol.
= First edition and complete copy of this nautical encyclopedia. Cat. NHSM 1001; Zischka S75; Graesse VI, 146. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXV.
- Plate no.19 (fold. map of South-East Asia) w. large repaired tear in inner margin (±19cm.); plate no.24 w. repaired tear in lower blank margin; 3 lvs. w. repairs in upper magin; trifle yellowed. Otherwise a fine copy in contemporary binding.
= Complete and rare first French edition of the famous voyages around the world by Joris van Spilbergen, Willem Cornelisz Schouten and Jacob le Maire (first Dutch ed. publ. in Leyden, 1619). Hill 1619: "Spilbergen had succeeded in establishing the power and reputation of the Dutch East India Company. In Java he took on board the crew of Le Maire and Schouten whose vessels had been confiscated. Le Maire and Schouten had discovered several small islands, Staten Landt, and the Straits of Le Maire, and had been the first to round Cape Horn"; Howgego S159: "Spilbergen's voyage was the most succesful Dutch circumnavigation to date. The fleet had kept together, there had been little loss of Dutch Life, and the expedition had netted a considerable profit for its sponsors"; Borba de Moraes p.827: "The Mirror is an extremely important book for the history of Dutch navigation"; Tiele 1030; Cat. NHSM I, p.115; Landwehr, VOC 362; Sabin 89451. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVI.
- Fine copy.
= The enlarged edition with a "Lyste van de Hollandsche Koopvaardij-scheepen genomen onder de Prinse vlag, door de Moorsche kapers." Tiele 1049; Muller 857; Cat. NHSM I, p.166; Waller 1609 (all other editions).
- Hinges weak; 1 leaf loose; 1 quire loosening; title-p. sl. soiled/ stained. Spine-ends dam.; paint on vellum flaking.
= Cat. NHSM p.683; Bierens de Haan 4789 (first ed., 1787).
Bangma, O.S. Kort begrip der stuurmanskunst. Behelzende eene duidelijke naauwkeurige voordragt van de voornaamste regelen en voorschriften dezer wetenschap (...). Ibid., Gebroeders Diederichs, 1831, 3rd rev. ed., VIII,150,(1 publ. cat.)p., contemp. limp boards.
= Cat. NHSM p.687; Bierens de Haan 135.
Swart, J. Handleiding voor de praktische zeevaartkunde. Ibid., Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen, 1856, 3rd rev. ed., XII,465,(2)p., 5 fold. plates/ charts, ills., contemp. hcl.
- Two lvs. lower corner torn off (repaired w. paper tape); 1 leaf w. closed marginal tear; occas. sl. ink-/ fingerstained.
= Cat. NHSM p.693; Bierens de Haan 4702 (first ed., 1845).
= The first shows the head of a bearded man against a background of the sea, looking along his cross staff, with the words "Horison" and "De Kimmen" on the horizon. The second block shows a slightly different bearded man without the background of the sea, looking along his cross staff with the letters A, B, C and D along the horizon (C and D) and the upper line of vision (A and B).
WITH a 20th cent. hardwood box w. sliding lid and with engr. on the lower side: "Simon Jansssoon Hoen", on the lid "1645" and on both long vertical sides "1601", without contents, but apparently intended to contain the small protective darkened viewing glass to be used when looking along the cross staff towards the sun.
- Frontisp. and title-p. laid down (w. upper part of title-p. remargined and filled-in due to partial loss of text); outer edges of first and final 4 text lvs. professionally repaired/ remargined; first 2 text lvs. reattached; first map of Nova Zembla lower blank remargined; lower blank margin occas. waterstained; outer margin of leaf 42 strengthened. Despite defects, a good, complete copy of this exceedingly rare work.
= Tiele 1178 (listing under "Voyagien (Oost-Indische ende West-Indische)"): "Met uitzondering van 't eerste hebben al deze reisverhalen afzonderlijke titels met de jaartallen 1617-1619, en zijn als zelfstandige uitgaven bij de oudere vermeld. Bovenst. algemeene titel in letterdruk wordt voorafgegaan door een titelplaat in koper met dit opschrift "journalen vande Reysen op Oost-indie (...)"; Tiele, Mémoire p.105; Alden/Landis 599/94; Cat. NHSM I, p.104. Account of the first three Dutch voyages in search of a northeast passage to China, undertaken in 1594, 1595 and 1596. Gerrit de Veer took part only in the second and third voyage and based the account of the first voyage on the papers of his friend Willem Barentsz., who made all three voyages but died on his way home during the last voyage. Although the northeast passage had not been discovered, the travels were successful in providing much new geographical and climatological information. Apart from this information, the perils of especially the third voyage, on which i.a. Spitzbergen was discovered and the men had to spend the winter in a selfmade house on Nova Zembla after which they had to continue their travel in open boats since their ship got stuck in the ice, made this account worldfamous. Within a few years it was translated into French, German, Latin, English and Italian. First part of the series of collected voyages publ. by Michiel Colijn, Oost-indische ende West-indische voyagien. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVI.
- Bookblock loose; lacks pastedowns. Spine dam.
= The second of in total 12 vols. published up to 1780. Compilation of numerous important legal and official proclamations, ordinances, of interest for whaling and herring fishery, VOC and WIC affairs, maritime law, etc. Cat. NHSM p.347.
- Title-p. dam. and restored in outer margin; lacks first free endpaper; upper hinge closed. Vellum sl. duststained.
= Cat. NHSM p.944; Dekkers p.178, nos.1 and 5.
- Fingersoiled and occas. (ink)stained from frequent use. Binding w. equally clear traces of frequent use (at sea?).
= Very rare manual. Cf. Crone Library 533 (note).
BOUND WITH: De tafelen Sinuum, Tangentium, en Secantium, Ofte der Hoekmaten, Raaklynen en Snylynen, Als mede de Tafel der vergrootende Breete (...). Amst., I. Swigters, n.d. (±1740), without pagination.
- Occas. sl. fingersoiled.
= Hoogendoorn, Loots01.10; Crone Library 496; cf. Cat. NHSM p.672 and Bierens de Haan 1076 (both ed. 1714).
- Fontisp. remargined w. loss of part of publisher's address. Vellum (dust)stained.
= Large paper copy. Scheepers I, 574; Klaversma/ Hannema 1480; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 134. Not in Waller, Muller and De Vries. Rare.