2685 - 3623 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Lacks portrait of M. de Ruyter. Owner's stamps on frontisp. and title-p.; frontisp. inner margin strengthened w. paper; title-p. w. tear; occas. sl. foxed (sl. affecting 2 plates); 1 plate repaired w. paper; 1 leaf loose; some lvs. sl. waterst. Backstrip dam. (lacks portion); vellum sl. soiled.
= Cat. NHSM p.844. The first edition of the most important old source on the famous Dutch admiral.
- Portrait of De Ruyter loosely inserted and sl. smaller (from another copy); part of the fold. battle-plates with some fraying and wear in lower blank margin; occas. trifle foxed in blank margins. Later matching vellum backstrip.
= Cat. NHSM p.844. The most important old source on the famous Dutch admiral.
- A few leaves trifle foxed/ yellowed. Spine-ends neatly restored. Fine copy.
= Cat. NHSM p.844. The large battle scene at "Kijkduin en Helder" in fine condition. The most important old source on the famous Dutch admiral.
- Lacks the frontisp.; portrait reattached; 2 plates w. large repaired tears; occas. sl. damp-/ waterstained. Mediocre copy.
- Trifle foxed; partly w. waterstain in lower or upper margin; a few scattered owner's entries "J.M.W. van de Hoeven" in pen and brown ink. Spine-ends worn, other extremities rubbed.
= Cat. NHSM I, p.191.
- Yellowed and some occas. foxing; partly w. waterst. in upper blank margin. Binding soiled; traces of tickets on backstrip; vellum over frontcover some sm. holes.
= Rare reissue (new title-p. only) of the first edition (publ. in Leyden, J. du Vivié and I. Severinus, 1704) of the Dutch translation of this important collection of ordonnances on maritime and commercial law. Although the ordonnances first appeared in print in Barcelona in 1494, they soon became into force across the Mediterranean Sea. In Northern Europe they were used as a supplementary law, but also as a major source for maritime legislation in various countries. The second part contains the Ordinacions de tot vexell qui armara per anar en cors e de tota armada ques faca per mar (Catalan text). Goldsmiths 4054 and Kress 2415 (both ed. Leyden, 1704 only).
- Tiny wormholes along inner blank margin throughout (occas. closed w. Japanese); outer margins of 2 plates strengthened; new endpapers; title w. repaired tear in upper inner margin. Large tear in vellum across frontcover.
= The first 2 parts on Dampier's circumnavigation; the second part is divided in 3 sections, of which the third, by L. Wafers, deals with America. The third section is of great interest for the history of New Holland and the voyage to the South Land. William Dampier (±1625-1715), "Englischer Bukanier und Weltreisender, einer der trefflichsten Beobachter pazifisch-australischer Küsten und Gewässer seiner Zeit" (Henze 2, p.10). "With the equipment of the seventeenth, he had the attitude of the eighteenth" (Beaglehole, The exploration of the Pacific, p.166). Tiele 290; Cat. NHSM I, p.135; Sabin 18388; Borba de Moraes I, p.242; Mendelssohn I, p.409-10; Van Eeghen-van der Kellen 319; Howgego pp.294-298. Very rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVIII.
- Plates (sl.) foxed; index leaf vol.2 bound with in vol.1; vol.3 wrs. and first/ final quire loose(ning). All vols. backstrip and wrs. worn/ dam.
= Cf. Cat. NHSM, p.168.
- Frontispiece dam., doubled and browned; (vaguely) dampstained throughout, mostly in lower margin; title-p. yellowed/ stained; first quire loosening; fold. plates sl. frayed in outer margin; occas. dustspotted/ wormholed. Joints split(ting) at top of spine.
= Very rare first Dutch translation of Élémens de l'architecture navale; ou, Traité pratique de la construction des vaisseaux (Paris, 1752). Duhamel was an important shipwright during the early years of French naval construction. When he wrote this well-organized manual, he relied "on the organization of basic concepts and stressed respect for rational inquiry into limits of everyday building techniques. He sought to replace routine with best practice." (James Pritchard, "From Shipwright to Naval Constructor", Technology and Culture, 28:1, p.16). Cat. NHSM p.748; cf. Bierens de Haan 1895 (ed. 1759). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXIX.
- Lacks frontisp.; title sl. fingersoiled. Otherwise fine.
= Rare second Dutch translation of Élémens de l'architecture navale; ou, Traité pratique de la construction des vaisseaux (Paris, 1752). Duhamel was an important shipwright during the early years of French naval construction. When he wrote this well-organized manual, he relied "on the organization of basic concepts and stressed respect for rational inquiry into limits of everyday building techniques. He sought to replace routine with best practice." (James Pritchard, "From Shipwright to Naval Constructor", Technology and Culture, 28:1, p.16). Cat. NHSM p.748; Bierens de Haan 1895.
- First blank dam.; lacks engr. title-p.w. portrait and 1 engr. plate; the volvelle plates lack the moving parts; 4 leaves w. closed tear (sl. glue-stained along tear); a few textleaves browned in upper margin; occas. sl. fingersoiled/ foxed/ waterstained; occas. contemp. annots.; new free endpapers. Later calf w. ties.
= Hoogendoorn Gie05-09. Rare edition SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIV.
BOUND AS USUAL WITH: Idem. De tafelen der Sinuum, Tangentium, en Secantium, Ofte der Hoekmaaten, Raecklynen en Xnylynen (...). Ibid., J. van Keulen, 1697, (2),45,(91).
- Most leaves w. brown stain in lower margin.
AND WITH: Nierop, D. Rembrantsz. Almanach, Na den Nieuwen-stijl, Van Negen Achter-een-volgende Jaren: Dat is, Van het Jaar 1693 tot het Jaar 1700. Gestelt op den Meridiaan deser Landen. Amst., H. Doncker 1693, (30)p., woodcut title vignette.
- Final 4 leaves restored in margins (affecting letters/ words). = Salman p.414.
- Engravings of the first work printed from worn plates and a (fold.) lower strip of the engr. title sl. creased/ frayed; all works sl. occas. foxing. Spine lacks letterpiece; top of spine sl. dam.; corners showing; covers a few rubbed/ sl. dam. spots.
= Hoogendoorn Gie19.2; Bierens de Haan 1657; this ed. not in cat. NHSM.
- Library and cancellation stamp on title.
= Fine copy of a very rare publication on maritime signalling. Warranted by the author. Cat. NHSM II, p.930. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIV.
- Lacks 10 leaves (title-p., 2 dedic. lvs., 1 ill. leaf and 7 final leaves), all replaced by facs. leaves; 2 leaves w. sm. dam. to blank margin; soiled and (water)stained almost throughout; some offsetting from colours; colours occas. smudged; occas. writing in child's hand on verso of plates. Sold w.a.f.
= Very rare signal book (the first naval signal book to be printed in the English language), containing 122 illustrations showing flag- and cannonsignals and 2 divisional titles "Signalls In a Fogg" as well as "Signalls By Night".
- Traces of bookplate on upper pastedown; both fold. plates sm. tear and crease at inner margin of fold.
= Landwehr, VOC, 423; Tiele 462; Cat. NHSM I, p.188; Rouffaer/ Muller p.478. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIV.
- Plates only. Plates (sl.) foxed. Wrs. defective.
= Plates present: 10, 12-15, 18, 21-24, 26, 30-34, 36-39, 43, 44, 47 and 48. SIGNED and warranted in pen and ink by the printer of the plates (Desgerrois), text (J.J. Nesser) and publisher (Kaal) on both frontwrappers. The publisher also states: "Aangeboden aan het Gemeente bestuur der Stad Amsterdam door den ondergetekende als uitgever van dit werk ter voldoening aan Art C. van de Wet van 25 Januari 1817". Each plate with the artist's embossed stamp ("PLC/ RMWO") in lower margin. Cat. NHSM p.756.
- Occas. waterst. (incl. some of the plates); first and final blanks sl. mouldy. Joints rubbed/ splitting; cloth over covers eroded.
= Warranted by the author. Cat. NHSM p.757.
- Both works contents sl. (finger)soiled, mostly in margins; owner's stamp on first free endpaper. Covers rubbed/ sl. worn. The 2nd work for the greater part waterstained, mostly in upper part.
= A very rare complete set (the 2nd work with the rare fifth part) with extra plates. All portraits w. accompanying text leaf by FRANQ VAN BERKHEY. And an extra text part describing two of the extra plates (showing a medallion and the drinking horn of Piet Hein) (F.M. 4435).
- Formerly folded (3 times). Fine copy.
= Very rare ordinance dictating the menu for each day for sailors on board war ships.