- Tipped onto mount.
= Hugo de Vries, botanist specialized in cell-physiology and experimental genetics. Explaining that he soon will be retired and that he will then have time to react on the proposal of the addressee (possibly to consider a publication) and also mentioning that his successor prof. Th Stomps "aan wie ik Uw brief liet lezen, is echter bereid reeds nu met U te onderhandelen over de opname van eene beschriijving van zijne reizen naar America, Algiers en de Caucasus in Uw serie."
= Bernard George Ziedses des Plantes was trained as specialist in nervous diseases, but his lifelong passion was to improve X-ray imaging of living tissues. In the 1930s he not only built the first machine for planigraphy, in which the X-ray tube and the film moved together around the plane of interest, but he also designed the subtraction method to improve images after injection of contrast agents. Eventually a full-time radiologist, he also developed the 'somersault' technique of ventriculography and pioneered isotope scintigraphy. (source: www.researchgate.net).
In this letter, that accompanied the signature card below, Ziedses des Plantes writes about the way he got the idea for developing the machine for planigraphy and explaining the way it works (lacks the addenda with figures to which he refers). "(...) Ik kwam op het denkbeeld in mijn eerste jaar van medische studie 1921-22. (...) Onze docent in de radiologie zag er niets is. Ik heb er toen enige tijd niets aan gedaan. Pas in 1928 toen ik als arts was afgestudeerd ben ik met de bouw van een toestel begonnen. In 1931 kon ik de eerste resultaten publiceren. (...) Bartelink radioloog in Wageningen was de enige die ook tot toepassing en vroege publicatie is gekomen. Bijna gelijktijdig. We waren beiden onwetend van elkaars werk en van de bestaande octrooischriften. De radiographische subtractie heb ik in 1933 uitgevonden en in 1934 gepubliceerd (...)".
WITH: Idem. AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE CARD "[signature] Bloemendaal 29-1-1992. Docent neurologie Rotterdam (1950-1953)/ Hoogleraar Radiologie A'dam (1953-1972) Tomografie (1931) en Subtractie (1934)", blue ballpoint, recto only. - AND with a brochure "Wat is Radiodiagnostiek" (n.d., (8)p., ills.).
= Prob. a draft, w. several erasures and corrections.
- Hinges weakening; a few lvs. cut from the book. Covers sl. scuffed, otherwise fine.
= A "Receuil de Chansons" started by C.P. Steenhardt in 1819, containing many pages of song lyrics and a few pages of music-notation. The flipside of the book contains recipes for remedies and other common household applications, as well as three drawings/ sketches in pencil. The book continued to be used by Steenhardt's family members, evolving to be used for excerpts, quotes and some personal thoughts. The last entry was in 1951, with a small drawing of flowers on the opposite page.
ADDED: a manuscript notebook with recipes for soups, sauces, cakes and more by J.F. Verschoor, 1882, partly blank, w. the last few recipes in a different hand, contemp. hcl. (worn, contents partially loose).
= The Firma Oosterbaan was a business in fabrics, fashion articles, wallpaper and matrasses and was located in Woldstraat 18-20 in Steenwijk from 1866 to 1952. Comprises i.a. customers' orders for clothing/ fabrics (180x, 1920-1952); quittances and payment receipts (1922-1948, partly w. orig. envelope); a large quantity of advertising brochures and correspondence (mostly early 1950's); purchases and invoices (1937-1948); application letters (1941); 2 accounting books recording customers' outstanding debts and payments (1924-1928 and 1933-1935); wage statements; tax returns; as well as private administration and correspondence concerning the purchase of a sailing yacht and the construction of a boat house in Giethoorn.
= Contains several legal documents concerning Jaarsveld and surroundings, i.a. "Aan Jacob de Jong is toegestaan, dat hij zijn kind mag laaten doopen te Jaarsveld - als wonende bij de Kerk aldaar, doch behoorende tot Lexmond" (1803) and "Wij Willem, bij de gratie Gods, Koning der Nederlanden (...) op de voordragt van Onzen Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken (...) hebben goedgevonden en verstaan, te benoemen en aanstellen (...) tot Hoogheemraad van den Lekkendijk Benedendams en IJsseldam, en tot Polderschout van de Polders onder Jaarsveld, Provincie Utrecht in plaats van Warnardus Verhagen, overleden, Zacharias de Klein" (1832); minutes, i.a. "Voor uittreksel [of the meeting] conform de Secretaris der Waterschappen Batuwe e.a. onder Jaarsveld, J.F. de Gier Heemraad" (1871), and various songs, i.a. a manuscript 'psalmberijming' titled "Nevens, Buiten, Voor en Over U" (anonymous) and H. VAN ALPHEN, "Zelfsbeproeving, avondzang".
= Contains several notarial acts, i.a. "Provisionele rekening, verantwoording en scheiding van den boedel en nalatenschap van wijlen Benjamin Verveer en zijne vooroverledene huisvrouw Annigje Bos" (Noord-Polsbroek etc., 1811); "Expeditie scheiding tusschen Teunis de Groot en Adriana de Groot beiden te Lexmond woonachtig van eenige onroerende goederen, hun aangenomen uit de boedel van wijlen Aart Kleijn" (1842); a venia aetatis of Sara Maria Santijn "woonende binnen de Stad Leyden oud ruim een en twintig jaaren" (on vellum, with (partly dam.) wax seal, 1759), and letters, i.a. "Lieve tantes, gisteren heb ik voor de piano een groote vijf gehad, ik was er erg blij mee. Mijnheer heeft mij gisteren lesgegeven omdat ik vrijdag met Mijnheer was wezen visschen." (Ameide, 1894).
= Deed by which Susanne Rolwagen, niece and heiress of Leonard Ras (former mayor of Alkmaar) transfers "seven morgen driehondert en sestig roeden lant" to Daniel Ras. Wieringerwaard was poldered in 1611.
- A few foxed spots. = Cf. Buijnsters-Smets p.53.
AND 3 others similar: Marriage wishes (2x)/ New Year's wish, dated 1815-1865 (all sl. creased/ (water)stained). - AND 1 other.
- Two brown stains in left margin; sm. tear in fold. = Buijnsters-Smets p.208.
AND 3 others similar, 1x published by the same.
= Joseph Bramah worked as locksmith from 1784 onwards. The firm changed its name into Bramah and Son in 1814, making 1814 the terminus ante quem. Very attractive portable writing desk in fine condition. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXX.
- First and final blank lvs. sl. foxed/ soiled. A good/ fine copy written in a neat hand.
= One of several transcripts of Michielse's famous (but unpublished) so-called "Burlesque Notulen", humorous notes written while attending the often boring meetings of the Staten van Zeeland. The work starts off with the following couplet: "Ik schrijf een coddig Rijm, voor al die 't willen Lezen; Wat dat de Wereld is, of watze schijnd te Wezen; Hoe alle soort van volk, word bij de Neus geleijt, Door Eygenbaat en List, tot slaafsze dienstbaarheijt." The first entry (13 June 1676) begins with the lines: "Zoo dra d'Eerst' Edele was gekomen, Heeft men terstond een Boo vernomen; Die zey dat men op zaturdag, De staten te gemoete zag." Usually the works starts on 13 January, but perhaps in this case the date of 13 June is a mistake by the copyist. Numerous local events, disputes, intrigues etc. are elaborated upon. On Michielse see Nagtglas III, p.170-172.
- Binding w. worn spots and a large scratch on frontcover.
= Light Cavalry Division: Général de brigade Andre Thomas Perreimond. Register of all the outgoing letters by the General, to whom, when and with the (summary of the) contents of the letters. I.a. to various officials and officers in Zeeland, the Netherlands, related to the Walcheren Campaign of the British Army in 1809. I.a. 30 December to a "General Gillij": "Mon General, les hollandais qui sont dans l'isle de Walcheren doivent en partir demain. Mr. le marechal [Bessieres] duc D'Istrie a decédé qu'il seraient remplacés par la brigade du General Bourk en consequence cette brigade doit passer demain le Sloop vis a vis la batterie No.9 Siton(or Sinon?) quelle Sera de l'autre coté vous la dirigez sur les point de Werskapelle (Westkapelle), forth Den Baak et Veere (...).