- Lacks ties as usual.
= One of 50 numb. copies on Hollandsch paper, bound in orig. richly gilt limp overlapping vellum, t.e.g. With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION: "aan Vrouwe J.S. Clifford Kocq van Bruegel, Thurkow en Jhr. J.R. Clifford Kocq van Bruegel als een vriendsch. aandenken aan hun huwerlijksdag, 19 October 1911, van P.C. Boutens." Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.8; Rijkse 2.30.
- First and last few lvs. sl. foxed. Fine copy.
= Copy bound in orig. full gilt vellum, t.e.g., unif. w. the deluxe editions of i.a. Zomerwolken. Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.8; cf. Rijkse 2.13.
Idem. Carmina. Ibid., idem, n.d. (1912), 1st ed., (4),196p., orig. richly gilt cl., unif. w. the above.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION "aan mijn vriend J.R. Clifford Kocq van Breugel van P.C. Boutens, 3 Mei 1912". Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.11; Rijkse 2.34.
- Wrappers trifle foxed. A fine copy.
= One of 30 numb. deluxe copies on Japanese, numb. "4" and SIGNED by the author. Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.21; Rijkse 2.55.
- Some sl. occas. foxing. = One of 120 copies on Hollandsch paper, bound in gilt hvellum, t.e.g.
- Some sl. occas. foxing. Fine copy.
= One of 12 numb. deluxe copies on Hollandsch Van Gelder paper, bound in full gilt vellum, t.e.g. Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.7; Rijkse 2.40. - WITH loosely inserted: "Feestwoorden tot Dr. P.C. Boutens (hem gezegd aan den vrienden-maaltijd te 's-Gravenhage op 1 December 1922 door L. van Deyssel)." (1 fold. printed leaf, (3)p., offprint. Cf. Rijkse 8.23. Rare).
- First and last few lvs. trifle foxed. Fine copy.
= One of 25 numb. deluxe copies on Hollandsch paper, signed by the author and bound in full gilt vellum, t.e.g. With autograph dedication: "aan Vrouwe J.S. Clifford Kocq van Breugel, Thurkow, in dank voor zooveel hartelijke genegenheid van P.C. Boutens. den Haag, 4 Dec. 1922." Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.12; Rijkse 2.74 ("De 25 exemplaren op geschept papier bevatten in plaats van een portrettekening door Toorop, een reproductie in 'kooldruk' van een gedeelte van een olieverfschilderij (portret P.C. Boutens) door W.A. van Konijnenburg").
- Binding partly sl. sunned.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION "aan J.R. Clifford Kocq van Breugel met hartelijken groet van zijn vriend P.C. Boutens. den Haag 24 nov. 1922." Rijkse 2.75.
Idem. Perzen. Dutch transl. P.C. Boutens. Ibid., idem, 1928, 52,(2)p., printed in red and black in 600 copies, orig. gilt dec. cl. unif. w. the above, large 8vo.
- A few occas. foxed spots.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION "voor J.R. Clifford Kocq van Breugel ter herinnering aan 19 maart 1932, van zijn vriend P.C. Boutens". Rijkse 2.94.
AND 4 others (transl.) by the same, all publ. by the same, unif. bound with the above: Agamemnon (1915. Bindings trifle dampstained, backstrip sunned. Rijkse 2.43), Doodenoffer (1919. Binding partly sl. sunned; Rijkse 2.59), Zeven tegen Thebai (1928. Rijkse 2.93) and Smeekelingen (1930. Rijkse 2.99).
- Fine copy.
= Rijkse 2.8; Stols, Bibliografie Boutens, p.13. With loosely inserted letterpress proof leaf for 4 stanzas on pages 2-3 and a proof leaf for page 25 with corrections in pencil and in pen and ink (both lvs. folded).
- Wrappers foxed (frontwr. sl. browned); spine-ends trifle dam.
= Trajectum ad Mosam 7, with the orig. prospectus loosely inserted. Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.18; Rijkse 2.77; Van Dijk 22. One of 11 copies marked A to H, printed for the author (colophon: "Dit exemplaar werd gedrukt voor [in red:] den auteur No.H", with AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION: "aan Vrouwe J.S. Clifford Kocq van Breugel, Thurkow, met gevoelens van hoogachting en vriendschap. P.C. Boutens. 21 Juni 1924."
= One of 30 numb. copies on Japanese, bound in full gilt and embossed bronze col. leather, t.e.g. and signed by P.C. Boutens. Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.20 (not mentioning a deluxe copy); Rijkse 2.37.
- The 2nd work orig. bound as a blockbook, but (partly) opened due to the rebinding; first and last blank w. narrow waterstain in blank margin; mounted portrait of Boutens by J. Toorop on prel. blank. Covers some vague soiling.
= Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.17 and 8; Rijkse 2.11 and 2.12, "Kennelijk verstond Ed. Verbeke beter de kunst op glad Japansch, dan op ruw Hollandsch papier te drukken." (A.A.M. Stols, P.C. Boutens als uitgever). Fine copy in a nice contemp. binding by R. GRISPIGNI, Rome (ticket on verso first free endpaper). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- Vellum (dust)soiled.
= The Halcyon Press 1. Probably deluxe edition, with the prospectus loosely inserted. Rijkse 2.95; Van Dijk 164; The Ideal Book p.110.
Aischylos. Prometheus geboeid. (...) in Nederlandsche verzen overgebracht door P.C. Boutens. N.pl. (The Hague, the translator), 1914, 53,(1)p., printed in black and red on Van Gelder en Zonen in 70 copies by JOH. ENSCHEDÉ & ZONEN, orig. vellum paper wr., 4to.
- Some sl. foxing. Upper corner bumped; the vulnerable vellum paper wr. sl. yellowed and w. only a few sm. defects.
= Stols, Bibl. Boutens p.13; Rijkse 2.38.
Boutens, P.C. Gedichten gekozen uit zijn lyrische werk 1894-1929. Ed. and introd. J.W.F. Werumeus Buning. Haarlem, Joh. Enschedé & Zonen, 1930, 190,(1)p., printed in black and red in 160 copies (135), orig. gilt cl., 4to.
- Backstrip and part of upper margin of frontcover sunned. = Rijkse 3.7.
- Both works wr. sl. yellowed and (dust)soiled. = Stols, Bibliogr. Boutens p.17; Rijkse 2.29 and 2.21.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION by the printer to calligrapher Ben Aalbers in colophon.
ADDED: 4 others, i.a. H. SABO, Time Caresses so Silently my Breath (Mainz, 2001, calligraphies by K. PIEPER, orig. hcl. SIGNED by the calligrapher) and D. ETTY-AALBERS (ed.), Ben Aalbers. European Calligraphy (Rott., 1996, (col.) ills., orig. wr., sq. folio).
- Boards sl. foxed/ soiled; corners sl. rubbed. Otherwise fine copies.
= Lehnacker 15 and 16; Rodenberg p.58 (15 and 16); Schauer II, p.70.
- Usual sl. foxing and sl. offsetting of the plates on opposite page. Vellum trifle soiled. Fine copy.
= One of 100 DELUXE copies bound in gilt full vellum, t.e.g. (this copy not numb. and signed). With ms. dedication on title: "Eindhoven, September 1914. Voor Trees en Ies, die mij zooveel hartelijkheid gaven in de eerste Oorlogsmaand van 1914. Rie Brusse". W.L. & J. Brusse 2i.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Spine sl. sunned. = Reid A8b; Van Dijk 290. One ill. present in duplicate. Rare.
= Fortis Age Reeks 1.
Idem. De uittocht van de vlinders en andere miniaturen. Voorburg, Vos, 1982, 29,(3)p., printed in 50 numb. and signed copies, orig. giltlettered cl. Idem. XXII kwasi kadavers. Wijhe, H. Elferink, 1985, 28,(4)p., printed in 100 numb. copies, orig. wr., large 8vo. - AND 2 others by the same.
- Binding trifle dustsoiled. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.