= De Roos 212. Also issued in poster size.
AND 5 other NSB-related (small) publications, i.a. M. VAN SANTEN, 5 Landverraders. Mussert, Krekel, Rost van Tonningen, Max Blokzijl, Smit (Amst., n.d., orig. wr.) and 2 program booklets.
- Backstrip sl. yellowed.
= Rare foldable metamorphosis caricature of Hitler.
AND 1 other: HET LAATSTE NIEUWS VAN ADOLF HITLER (satirical obituary of Hitler, 1 leaflet).
- Wrappers trifle foxed; otherwise fine. = Very rare.
= 'Certificate' handed out to a prisoner of Centraal Bewaringskamp Amersfoort, the former German concentration camp which served as an internment camp for i.a. collaborators and camp guards during 1945-46. Showing i.a. a guard tower and 2 bunk beds and listing ±60 signatures.
"O. en O. 10c. Opening: J. Soetmulder". Manuscript and drawing, pencil, ±21x28,5 cm.
= Listing 11 sketches/ songs to be performed during one of several variety shows organised by the camp prisoners, and showing i.a. a movie projector.
(Interior of a camp barrack). Drawing, pen and brown ink, ±32x25 cm.
- Sl. frayed/ creased.
AND 1 other.
= Announcement leaflet of a convention in Hotel Krasnapolsky at which "boerenleider" Evert Roskam will give a promotional speech on behalf of the Nederlandsche Oost Compagnie. The NOC was established by Meinoud Rost van Tonningen in 1942 in order to economically exploit occupied Soviet territory.
- Formerly folded and sl. creased; traces of glue on verso.
= The letter V crushing the caricature of a Jew wearing classical army dress. De Roos 126.
"Yankee-Engelsman-Bolsjewiek dansen naar de pijpen van de Jodenkliek". Leaflet, 19,5x13 cm., n.d. (±1943).
- Formerly folded. = De Roos 87.
AND 3 other small publications, i.a. "Proletariërs en Plutocraten aller landen vereenigt U!" (sm. fold. leaflet showing a joined Wilhelmina monogram and the hammer and sickle).
- Wr. trifle browned along spine.
= Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 22d. "Aangeboden aan het Naziregiem dat ons tijdens de vijf terreurjaren zoo prachtig behandeld heeft, met ons in concentratiekampen, tuchthuizen, werkkampen en strafgevangenissen te stoppen, ons daar met de dood bedreigde en dat niet naliet, dit laatste zelfs ten uitvoer te brengen" [introd.].
- Vol. 1 endpapers sl. foxed/ soiled. A fine copy.
- Without vol. 1. Endpapers sl. foxed. A fine copy. = One of 50 copies printed in brown, not for trade.
- Without the 1st vol. Occas. sl. stained/ soiled. Vellum sl. stained. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 102.
- Signed by 40 (presumably) schoolgirls attending the school.
= Small booklet "Prospectus van de meisjes kostschool der Evangelische Broedergemeente te Zeist" loosely inserted (8p.).