434 - 583
= Contributions by i.a. Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, John Weiners, Ed Dorn, LeRoi Jones and Robert Kelly. Clay and Phillips, p.134f.
- First issue w. vertical fold, sl. soiled and w. "Mac Low" on frontcover in ball point (Signed?); possibly all, no.4 perhaps never printed.
= With an AUTOGRAPH SIGNED LETTER to "Jackson Mac Low" by the editor loosely inserted, asking for permission to publish some of his work. Contributions by i.a. William Burroughs, Charles Plymell, Theodore Enslin, Rochelle Owens, Andrei Codrescu, Ann Kim, Susan Ruel, Ira Cohen and Jerome Rothenberg. Clay and Phillips, p.294.
- Fine.
= Poetry journal edited by Japanese-American Shig Murao, longtime factotum at City Lights Books who was arrested for selling a copy of Howl to the police. City Lights owner Lawrence Ferlinghetti contributes poems under a pseudonym (Sadie Monsanto) in issues no.1 and 2. Issue no.3, published nine years after the first, is satiric, listing Shig as the only contributor and consisting entirely of variations of the same photograph by Beth Bagby of Shig holding a toy wooden bird on a stick. With a duplicate of the first 2 issues. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XX.
= Facsimile edition of the entire run of the mimeographed magazine The Sinking Bear. The Sinking Bear arose from a loose circle of artists associated with various downtown New York scenes, particularly centered around the poetry newsletter Floating Bear, edited by Diane di Prima and LeRoi Jones.
- Backstrips trifle soiled.
= Contributions by i.a. Charles Bukowski, Paul Celan (translated by Pierre Joris), Allen Ginsberg, Jeff Nuttall, William S. Burroughs, Paul Blackburn, Bill Butler, Allen Fisher, Jack Kerouac, Eric Mottram, Peter Finch, Allen Fisher, John Giorno, Bill Griffiths, Robert Kelly, Eric Mottram, Asa Benveniste, John Weiners, Ted Berrigan, Bob Cobbing, John Giorno, Jackson Mac Low, Alice Notley, Tom Pickard, Jerome Rothenberg, David Antin, Lee Harwood, Carolee Schneemann, Armand Schwerner, Anne Waldman and Jonathan Williams. Issue no.1 mimeographed. Issue no.7/8 special on Paul Blackburn.
= Fine consecutive set by the famed Black Sparrow Press published monthly without interruption from 1972 to 1978. Each pamphlet devoted to the work of a single poet. Sometimes two poets share a pamphlet. Several booklets by Charles Bukowski, Robert Creeley, Diane Wakoski, Robert Kelley, Joyce Carol Oates, Fielding Dawson, Larry Eigner, Tom Clark, Michael McClure, Jerome Rothenberg, Gerard Malanga and Charles Olson. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XX.
- No.1 sl. nibbled by silverfish; no.2 w. sm. price ticket on frontcover.
= A literary magazine of poetry, photos and reviews. The first issue includes a first state of William S. Burroughs's cut-up contribution, "Coldspring News," tipped in. With other contributions by i.a. Phillip Whalen, LeRoi Jones, Anselm Hollo, Carl Larsen, Diane di Parma, Gerard Malanga, Piero Heliczer and Maurice Naughton.
- Without the 7th issue.
= Contributions by i.a. Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Paul Krassner, Studs Terkel en Neal Cassady. Issue no.6 is "The Special Neal Cassady Issue" with previously unpublished work. Clay and Phillips. p.296.
= Comprising a complete run of Raphaël Sorin's legendary but short-lived literary review including contributions by and translations of i.a. Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouac, Olivier Cohen, Jurij Moskvitin, Gérard Guégan, Philippe Delaroche, Alain le Saux, Richard Brautigan, Charles Olson and Raymond Chandler.
= Complete run of this newsletter devoted to the life and work of Charles Bukowski.
= Contributions by i.a. Babette Deutsch, Denise Levertov, Ben Shahn, Philip Whalen, Diane Wakoski, Thomas Clark, Jason Miller and Norman Porter. Clay and Phillip, p.298.
= Concerning the politics of art. With contributions by i.a. Henry Miller, Kenneth Rexroth, Douglas Blazek, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Snyder. Interviews with Alexandro Jodorowsky, Ira Cohen, William Burroughs and Philip Glass.
= With contributions by i.a. Connie Akins-Davis, Charles Bukowski, Randy Waterman, Lesie Sternberg, Douglas Blazek, Peter Fentin and Mark Browning.
- Fourteen issues are folded, 5 issues of which carry a postage stamp.
= A complete run of this very scarce and important '60s Canadian mimeo poetry magazine inspired by The Floating Bear. First 31 issues unfolded. Clay and Phillips, p.300. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXI.
- No. 1 wrappers partly sunned.
= Contributions by i.a. Deb Owen, Mary Ferris, George Mattingly, Tim Hildebrand, Ted Berrigan, Gerard Malanga, Phillip Whalen, Larry Laskar, David Morile, lan Appel, Jim Bateman, John Giorno, Anselm Hollo, Charles Platt and Carter Ratcliff. Clay and Phillips, p.300.
- Corners sl. dustsoiled.
= Literary magazine with an accent on Jewish mysticism. Contributions by i.a. Jack Hirschman, Louis Zukofsky, Nathaniel Tarn, William Blake, Laura DeWitt James, Gerard Malanga, Harris Lenowitz and Lenny Bruce. The final issue is a translation by Harris Lenowitz of Saying of Yakov Frank. Clay and Phillips, p.301.
- Inconsistent numbering of publications and various types of binding and forms of publication but the following issues are present: vol.1, no.1-4 (4 vols.); vol.2, no.1/2-4 (3 vols.); vol.3 no. 2 (1 vol.); no.12 (1 vol.); vol.4, no.1-4/5 (4 vols.); no.21-26 (6 vols) and vol. 13 (1 vol.).
= Vol.1 no.4 is SIGNED by ALLEN GINSBERG, JOHN WESLEY and DAVID BERRIGAN. Contributions by i.a. Robert Crumb, Charles Bukowski. Clay and Phillips, p.302 (mentions only 14 issues).
- Without issue no.15. First 6 issues (vol.1 no.1-3 and vol.2 no.1-3) bound together in later cl. (ex-library copy).
= An almost complete run of this rare and irregularly published magazine with a strong emphasis on Beat poetry. Contributions by i.a. Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Diana di Prima, Gregory Corso, Joanna McClure, Robert LaVigne, Paul Krassner, Kenneth Patchen, Herbet Huncke, Charles Plymell, Carolyn Cassady, William Burroughs and John C. Holmes. No. 6 and 9 published as broadsides.
- Fine, complete set.
= Clay and Phillips, p.245: "For all but one of its nine issues, Vort followed the same pattern in its plain, large-format issues, creating a little critical universe for each of two authors (...) Perhaps more an encyclopedia in parts than a magazine or journal, the issues included a photograph of each author, a small collection of each author's work, three or four critical studies, homages, commentaries, and long and detailed interviews with each author by editor Alpert (...) Vort is an unfortunately unfinished encyclopedia of the New American Poetry, but is still very useful for the information it contains and still important "for those to whom criticism is a fine art."" Concerns the following artists: Ed Dorn and Tom Rayworth, Anselm Hollo and Ted Berrigan, David Bromige and Ken Irby, Fielding Dawson and Jonathan Williams, Robert Kelly (only 1 artist), Gilbert Sorrentino and Donald Phelps, David Antin and Jerome Rothenberg, Jackson MacLow and Armand Schwerner and Guy Davenport and Ronald Johnson.
- Two sm. dam. spots on backwr.; sm. brown stain on frontwr.
= Contributions by Tuli Kupferberg, Ted Berrigan, Will Inman, George Montgomery, Manson Hardesty, Jerry Giroulot, Carol Manco, Charles Bermpohl and Jef Hackett.