- First 4 illustrated cards w. some wormholes; a few cards paper loosening from board; sl. fingersoiled. Box worn.
= Nice and rare lottery game. Paper Toys, p.124 (the final lottery game described). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE III.
- Trifle yellowed and frayed along edges.
= Playing track around a central scene showing the Dutch royal family, with four corner scenes (i.a. "Binnenhuis op Marken" and "Daar is niets meer aan te doen"). The playing track itself contains i.a. a policeman, postman and several historical figures, i.a. Alexander von Humboldt, Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld and Charles Guiteau, the assassin of US president James A. Garfield. Cf. Papertoys p.259 (larger size).
"Nieuw vermakelijk ganzenspel." Amst., J. Vlieger, n.d. (±1900), fold. col. lithogr. spiral track table game, 36x49,5 cm., in orig. envelope. - AND 6 other paper table games, i.a. D. HOEKSEMA, Veluwe-Spel (1928); VAN MELLE'S WAFELSPEL (±1930. Waterst.; sl. torn) and HET NIEUW ARLEQUIN SPEL (±1830. Doubled; creased/ worn; corners cut).
- Lacks portion of upper right corner. = Cf. KVCS (Wijnhoven Hendriks) p.840, no.56.
AND 8 others, all paper games, incl. 'koningsbrief' (wed. C. Kok) and a 'Koningskroon' (cf. Buijnsters, p.115, the same as the crown in the collection Van Gijn and van Tweel, but this is a late 19th cent. print).
- Waterstained and browned.
= Papertoys p.152; F.M. 6070. Running from "Aankomst der Batavieren" to "Algemeene Vrede" (1815).
AND another contemp. engr. spiral track game: "Jeu royal de la vie d'Henry IV" (Paris, Basset, ±1820. Laid down w. large waterstain).
- Sides of box partly splitting. = Nice World War II themed board game, based on Ganzebord.
ADDED: Linde, A. van der. Zoo was Nederland in de winter 1944-1945. Vastgelegd in 18 reproducties naar aquarellen door -. Utr., "Vens", n.d. (±1945), 18 col. plates, loose in orig. board box (sl. defective).
- Two col. lithogr. cards w. tear and wear, the other cards occas. sl. foxed; sides of upper lid dam.
= Papertoys p.323, listing the game under the heading "Veilingspel", with a variant description of the plate on upper lid and with tentative date of ±1870 (our copy probably earlier), and 29 lithogr. cards (not coloured, our copy has 36 col. cards) as well as 29 smaller name-cards of the items shown on the lithographed cards (not present in our copy). Our copy has 103 number counters which Papertoys does not call for. Extremely rare auction game.
= Contents: stone blocks and metal pieces, various shapes and colours and 3 booklets ("Bauvorlagen" no.4, 6 and 8).
AND 1 other similar smaller collection of stones.
- Apparently complete. Die-cuts almost all cut out; occas. sl. foxed. Box sl. worn.
AND 6 other die-cut booklets/ models: "Shirley Temple standing Dolls"; a paper doll model of SHIRLEY TEMPLE (almost life-sized, cut-out); cut-outs of the Dionne quintuplets (mounted in book); "Princess Elizabeth's Little House"; "Het huisje van H.K.H. Prinses Beatrix" and "Kasteel Drakensteyn" - AND 3 other publications on SHIRLEY TEMPLE.
= "Kerstvlucht van het K.L.M. vliegtuig "De Snip" naar Curaçao via Paramaribo in de 2e helft van december 1934" (on verso frontcover).
"Het Radion Circus-Spel". Chromolithogr. building board w. several loose parts, 41,5x26,5 cm., n.pl., Radion, (1934), in folder (rare).
- Folded; a few brown spots.
= Cf. Buijnsters, Paper toys, p.105f. On laid paper with coat of arms watermark topped by a fleur de lis.
(Uilen-spel). Woodcut circular track, 58x49 cm. (leaf), 35x36 cm., woodcut, letterpress rules below, Rott., J. Hendriksen, 1820.
- Folded. = Buijnsters, Papertoys, p.107.
- One card lacks lower section. Box inevitably sl. worn.
= Paper Toys p.311. "Bericht. Dit Hoogst Amuseerende Spel, kan van meerder Personen gespeeld worden; een neemt het Bovengedeelte, de ander het Middelgedeelte en de derde het Ondergedeelte. Ieder mengt zijne Bladen door elkander, de eerste legt het Bovengedeelte neder; de tweede voegt het Middelgedeelte, dat hem convenieerd er bij, en de derde eindigt het Beeld met het Ondergedeelte. De allergrappigste Figuren komen alsdan ten voorschijn, die in duizende Gedaantens kunnen te zamen gesteld worden." The complete sets i.a. showing a man in eastern dress w. a glass and a bottle, a man riding a donkey, a man carrying a sheep, a man on a crutch with a pipe and a pint, a piper, a navy admiral, a messager, a woman holding a basket of flowers, a jester and a man holding a mirror. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE III.
- Folded once. Fine. = Papertoys p.97; De Koning 632; Van Veen III, 284.
- Apparently complete. Board parts and box sl. worn/ rubbed at extremities; frontcover of box stained w. dam. to image.
= Rare Dutch ed. of orig. German table game "Fahrt ins Mühltal" (Sala nr. 4294). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE IV.
- A few sl. frayed.
= Seven Dutch and 4 Italian table-games, i.a. "Marathon. Een vroolijk, onderhoudend en origineel gezelschapsspel met berijmeden tekst van Clinge Doorenbos" (n.pl., n.publ., in (dam.) orig. envelope); "Tramspel " (Amst., J. Vlieger, in orig. envelope); "Het Apenspel" (ibid., idem. Trifle frayed in left blank margin); "Schoolmeester en collectant" (ibid., idem); "Vermakelijk harlekijnspel (ibid., idem); "Giuoco Sport. Cara di resistenza a piedi" (Milan, E. Macchi); "Giuoco del Giro del Mondo" (n.pl., n.publ.) and "Le Corse dei Cavalli" (Milan, Piccoli. Sl. frayed and sm. chip in top margin).
- Box sl. defective. Nevertheless fine.
= The four series, each with its own colour (yellow/ red/ grey/ blue decorative borders), respectively represent a castle, mansion, garden and mill, each with 9 representatives/ attributes: the resident and his wife, son, entrance, dog, cat, key, banner and mouse trap. Very rare.
AND 2 other quartets games, i.a. VOGELKWARTETSPEL (Neede, ±1915, 48 chromolithogr. playing cards, in orig. paper wr. (sl. worn)).
- Box trifle worn.
= Nice quartet game, each set of cards representing a family composed of father, mother, son and daughter. I.a. the family of a doctor, artist, merchant, taylor, butcher, professor and an African ruler ("koning Tip-Po-Foe").
AND 2 decks of chromolithogr. playing cards (6,5x4,2 cm.) publ. by B. DONDORF, Frankf. a.M., ±1900.
- Price annots. in pen and ink throughout; faint unobtrusive vertical fold. Backwr. fingersoiled.
= Nicely illustrated trade-catalogue containing i.a. model trains, cars and ships.
- Spine contemp. rebacked w. cloth.
= Attractively illustrated book with 12 rebuses. Rare, not in the usual reference works.
- Contents occas. trifle foxed; endpapers waterstained. Joints split(ting); lacks part of backstrip.
= Lust en leering, p.337: "Zo stijf-conventioneel als het taalgebruik van de verteller en van de kinderen zelf is, zo levendig en origineel zijn de acht handgekleurde illustraties die uitdrukking geven aan hun spelvreugde." Rare.
Bloemkorfje voor de Nederlandsche jeugd. Amst., C. Schaares, 1823, 2nd ed., (6),124p., 6 handcol. engr. plates, orig. publ. boards, sm. 8vo.
- Contents occas. (sl.) fingersoiled. Covers soiled and frayed/ worn along extremities.
AND 4 others, i.a. Frits en Rika, of Broeder en Zusterliefde, prentgeschenk voor lieve kinderen, welke hun voorbeeld willen volgen (Amst., n.d. (±1850), woodcut title-vignette, ills., contemp. marbled stiff wr.) and W.O. VON HORN, James Watt, of wat er van een veehoeder al groeijen kan (Leyden, n.d. (±1865), handcol. lithogr. plates, contemp. gilt and blindst. cl., sm. 8vo).