5648 - 5930
(incl. drawings of Haarlem and surroundings from the collection A.M. van den Broek)
- Some craquelé.
AND 1 other anonymous oil on panel of a river landscape with a farmhouse on the left, late 19th/ early 20th cent.
= Incl. flowers and a few nice views of Zaandam.
- Very thin scratch on horsedrawn cart.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, w. his collector's stamp on verso; sold in auction Sotheby's Amsterdam, April 1987 (lot 148). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVI.
- Pinholes in upper blank margin.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek; sold in auction, Sotheby's Amsterdam, ±1983. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXV.
- Sl. browned; laid down on stiff board (probably by the artist).
= Probably Westeinde, Den Haag. Provenance: the collection of A.M. van den Broek with his collector's mark on vers; sold in auction van Stockum, The Hague, December 1982 (lot 1062).
- "Wilhelmina" in a later hand in ballpoint in upper margin; a few small waterstains.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, w. his collector's stamp on verso; sold in auction, Van Stockum, The Hague, December 1982 (lot 1057). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVI.
= Title in later pen on verso.
- Mounted on board under passepartout.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek. with his annotation in pen on verso. Sold in auction at R.W.P. de Vries, December 1931. The Noordhollands archief holds an almost exact copy of this drawing (inv.no. 43426). With later attributions to Cornelis Pronk and Paulus van Liender. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVII.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, with his collector's mark on verso. Bertichen emigrated to Brazil in 1833.
AND a small drawing of the same gate by F. VOS.
- Vague grease(?) stain in right part.
= On paper with a watermark showing the coat of arms of Amsterdam. The Rijksmuseum holds what appears to be a preliminary drawing (RP-T-1993-89).
- Foxed. = Benjamin Bolomey was a court portraitist in the service of Stadtholder Willem V.
- Some craquelé, especially in the centre. Needs cleaning. Frame sl. dam. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVI.
= Prepatory sketch for the painting, now in the collection of the Dutch royal family. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek, w. his collector's stamp on verso; sold in auction Sotheby's Amsterdam, November 1982 (lot 356A); former collection of J.A.G. baron de Vos van Steenwijk. Displayed in the centenary exhibition of 1917 in The Hague. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVII.
= With attribution in pencil on verso.
= Provenance: the collection of A.M. van den Broek with his collector's mark on verso mounts. Views of villages in West-Friesland. Hendrik de Winter drew partly the same views in 1744 (now in Noord-hollands archief). It is not certain whether the artist copied them (with small differences) or that he revisited the same places and stood on the same spot. But it appears he must have seen them. The accompanying texts (all but one) give extra topographical and historical information. It is unknown if these drawings were used for engravings. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVIII.
- Partly sl. browned. = On blueish laid paper.
- A few spots and some foxing.
= Perhaps the surroundings of Domenico Zampieri (1581-1641). But the composition also reminds us of the later artist Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi.
- Trifle yellowed. A few chipped spots on frame. = A fine view. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXVIII.
- Vaguely waterst./ sl. foxed; old handling creases.
= Mount with unidentified collector's stamp (Lugt 2111). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXIX.