2194 - 2498 OLD and RARE BOOKS from the library of P.J. Buijnsters and L. Buijnsters-Smets
- Browned/ foxed. Lacks backwrapper (replaced by modern plain wrapper tipped in w. tape along inner margin).
= Waller 756; Muller 689 ("Met curieuse, oude houtsneden").
De Schoone Historie van Fortunatus Borze en van zyn Wensch Hoedeken. Antw., J. Thys, n.d. (±1830), 1-64,83-90p., 11 woodcut ills. (incl. on title), contemp. simple wr., sm. 8vo.
- Browned/ foxed; pagination erratic but complete.
= Cf. The Children's World of Learning 5327. "(...) chapbook with the story of Fortunatus' purse and his "wish-hat", a fairy-like folktale from the 15th century, which remained popular as a children's book for centuries."
- Final leaf remargined; ±10p. sl. wormholed; trifle foxed.
= Cf. Muller 665 (ed. Amst., J.A. Alberdingk Thijm, 1861): "Het middeleeuwsch gedicht, dat tot een volksboek werd omgewerkt, is verloren gegaan. Het volksboek, waarvan o.a. een druk met adres de Wed. Jac. van Egmond bekend is, is ook zeer zeldzaam."
- New endpapers. = Waller 757.
- Sl. cut short in lower margin, only affecting the printer's address on title; contemp. owner's entry on title in blank margins; modern annot. on frontwrapper in ballpoint.
= Very rare chapbook.
- Contemp. owner's entries on verso of both wrappers. A good copy.
= The Children's World of Learning 1805; Waller 760; cf. Van Heurck, p.86ff.
- New endpapers; verso p.6 w. smudged inkstain.
Ribadeneira, P. and Puente, L. de la. Het leven ons heere Jesu-Christi, Gedeylt in dry deelen, Met schoone Leeringen op elke verholentheyd des zelfs. Dutch trans. F.B. Ibid., idem, ±1763, 56p., 7 woodcut ills., contemp. simple wr.
= Van Heurck p.110-111.
= Contains De neef van Curaçao.
Hasebroek, J.P. (under pseud. Jonathan). Waarheid en droomen. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1840, 1st ed., (4),257,(1)p., steelengr. title-p., contemp. clothbacked boards.
- Foxed. Lower joint splitting.
AND 4 others, i.a. A.J. VAN LOON, Schetsen uit het menschelijk leven (Amst., 1843, steelengr. title-p., contemp. cl. From the collection of M. Buisman. Sl. foxed.)
- Outer margin of first 25 lvs. cut short; p.49 and opposite plate stained. Large stain on frontcover.
= From the library of J.W. Six. The very rare first edition. Buisman sale 762; Muller 395; Waller 409; De Vries 73 and Scheepers II, 746. According to Muller the plates are from the "Atelier van C. de Passe".
= Comprises: (1). Lambrecht Hensmans (Antw., J.-E. Buschmann, 1847, 2 parts in 1 vol., plates/ ills., hmor.); (2). Geschiedenis van graef Hugo van Craenhove en van zynen vriend Abulfaragus (1852, plates, richly gilt and blindst. mor., a.e.g.); (3). De kwael des tyds (1859, 2 vols., plates, unif. hmor.); (4). Bella Stock (1861, 2 vols., unif. hmor. (Erased) libr. stamps); (5). De burgers van Darlingen (1861, 2 vols., plates, unif. hmor.); (6). Baes Gansendonck (1862, 4th ed., plates, hcl. Ex libr. copy); (7). Koning Orland (1872, plates, hmor.); (8). De twee vrienden (1872, plates, hmor. Backstrip dam.); (9). De oom van Felix Roobeek (1877, 2 parts in 1 vol., plates, hcalf); (10). De schat van Felix Roobeek (1878, 2 parts in 1 vol., plates, hcalf); (11). Geschiedenis mijner jeugd (Leyden, A.-W. Sijthoff, (1888), orig. dec. cl.); (12-14). Eene O te veel/ Het geluk van rijk te zijn/ Een slachtoffer der moederliefde (...) (Brussels, J. Lebègue & Cie, n.d., 3 vols., unif. giltlettered hcl., large 8vo); (15-18). De gierigaard/ De keus des harten/ De plaag der dorpen/ Schandevrees (ibid., idem (first 2 works) and Amst., Van Holkema & Warendorf, n.d., 4 vols., orig. unif. dec. cl. ("Hendrik Conscience Geïllustreerd"), large 8vo).
- Waterstain in upper margin, almost throughout. = Buisman 414.
Baucherij, R. De giftmenger of de familie-erfenis. Uit het Fransch. Dordr., F. Boekee, 1839, 2 parts in 1 vol., VIII,206; 196p., 2 engr. titles w. identical ill., contemp. hcl. w. gilt spine.
- Yellowed; occas. foxed and soiled. Binding worn at extremities. = Buisman 2616.
AND 2 others similar, both transl. from the French (bindings worn): E. BERTHET, De katakomben van Parijs. Eene geschiedenis uit den tijd van Lodewijk XV en Lodewijk XVI (Amst., 1858, 3 parts in 1 vol., 3 ident. lithogr. titles, contemp. plain hcl. w. paper letterpiece. Buisman 2619) and E. CAPENDU, De pluimgraaf. Dutch transl. J. Speijer Klerk (The Hague, 1866, contemp./ sl. later plain hcl. Volks-editie No.2. Buisman 2641).
= All vols. from the library of M. Buisman, with his owner's entry on first free endpaper.
- Upper hinge strengthened w. scotch tape. = Gouda Quint 49.
Hofdijk, W.J. Helene. Ibid., Gebroeders Kraay, 1854, (6),229p., steelengr. frontisp. and 4 plates, engr. title, orig. gilt and blindst. cl., a.e.g. Kate, J.J.L. ten. In den bloemhof. Beelden en droomen. Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman, (1851), XII,147p., 10 handcol. lithogr. plates, orig. gilt and dec. cl., a.e.g.
- Spine-ends sl. worn. = Remarkable flowerplates, strongly inspired by Grandville.
Kloos, W. Verzen. Amst., W. Versluys, 1894, 1st ed., (6),262p., orig. giltlettered full vellum. - AND 11 other works of poetry in 13 vols., i.a. by K.L. LEDEGANCK, J.P. HASEBROEK, J.J.A. GOEVERNEUR and E.J. POTGIETER.
- Pages 161-162 and 217-218 lack portion of outer blank margin (w. some loss of letters). Frontcover detached but holding on cords; spine-ends chipped
= Reichelt 88; cat. Memento Mori, Dansen met de dood 39. Not in Oppermann etc. The rare first Dutch edition of the Besonders meublirt und gezierte Todten-Capelle, oder Allgemeiner Todten-Spiegel.
- Title sl. foxed. Otherwise a fine copy.
= The first and only Dutch edition of a rather rare Dance of Death. Waller 1553; Scheepers II,1079. Not in Oppermann etc.
- Hinges broken but holding on cords; bookblock broken; crossed out owner's entries on letterpress title; first ±15 lvs. w. repaired upper outer blank corner (w. pink paper); sl. foxed. Small tear in upper joint at top of spine.
= Reichelt 28; cat. Memento Mori, Dansen met de Dood 26; De Vries, Ned. emblemata, 197; Praz p.539. Not in Oppermann and Langlois. The first edition. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXV.
- Upper outer blank corner of poem cut out.
TIPPED-IN BEFORE: Horatius Flaccus. Hekeldichten en brieven. Ed. B Huydecoper. Amst., W. Barents, 1726, L,(2),210 p., engr. frontisp., armorial plate and 1 ill. after A. HOUBRAKEN, title-vignette, contemp. calf w. richly gilt spine and leather letterpiece. - BOUND WITH: Idem. Hekeldichten, brieven en dichtkunst. Ed. B. Huydecoper. Ibid., J. Ratelband and H. Uitwerf, 1737, (20),292,(1)p., engr. frontisp., portrait of B. Huydecoper.
= The poem by Aagje Deken is tipped into a translation by B. Huydecoper. Another work by Huydecoper was presented to her by the "Kunstgenootschap Diligentiae Omnia" as an inspiration for future writings: "Haar poëtische kwaliteiten trekken in 1770 de aandacht van Cornelis Ploos van Amstel en door zijn bemiddeling vernemen nu ook diens medeleden van het Amsterdamse Diligentiae Omnia (Alles met naarstigheid) ervan. Dit in 1765 gestichte kunstgenootschap telde in 1770 een zeventiental leden. Joannes Lublink den Jongen was hun voorzitter en verder behoorden er onder anderen toe: Jacob Ploos van Amstel, J.H. Roullaud en de toen zeer geziene dichter Lucas Pater, die als secretaris optrad. (...) Deze heren nu bogen zich over een Theologies-Metaphijsis vaers van Aagje Deken, bevonden het treffend van gedachten, doch aan ontelbare gebreken in de kunst laboreerend en besloten daarom haar als aanmoedigingspremie een exemplaar te schenken van Balthazar Huydecopers Proeve van Taal- en Dichtkunde" (Amsterdam 1730) (Buijnsters, Biografie (...), 1984, p.168). The first work contains a few contemp. ms. corrections. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXV.
- Foxed/ yellowed/ occas. browned/ soiled.; both vols. waterst. in lower part; one leaf in vol.1 loose and frayed; owner's entry/ stamp on both titles.. Bindings rubbed/ worn.
= One orig. frontwr. preserved. Scheepers II, 527. First Dutch edition of The Pickwick Papers (1837).
Idem. De bezeten man, of het verbond met het spook. Dutch transl. Iz.J. Lion. Amst., Gebr. Diederichs, 1849, VIII,168p., lithogr. title w. ill. and frontisp., contemp. giltlettered cl.
- Yellowed; title-p. and frontips. sl. foxed and w. sm. waterst. in blank margin. Binding partly sunned; spine-ends worn/ sl. dam.
= Rare, no copy in NCC; not in Scheepers. First Dutch edition of The haunted man and the ghost's bargain (1848).
AND 3 later Dutch editions of works by the same: Leven en lotgevallen, bevindingen en opmerkingen van David Copperfield den jongen (Haarlem, 1855-1856, "goedkoope editie", 3 vols., lithogr. portrait and 8 plates, contemp. unif. hcl.) and Nelly/ Slechte tijden (Schiedam, n.d., 2 vols., woodengr. ills., contemp. unif. giltlettered hmor., 4to).
- Second vol. w. owner's stamp on title. Backstrip worn; paper over covers heavily worn.
= From the collection of M. Buisman w. his owner's entry on first free endpapers. Rare, only 2 copies in STCN.
- New endpapers. From the library of M. Buisman, with his owner's entry.
= Buisman 479; Waller 478; Scheepers II, 109; Muller 266: "Donker Curtius is de schrijver van dit geestig stukje, vooral merkwaardig om den lossen stijl. De invloed van Sterne is blijkbaar. Zeldzaam."
- Pagination erratic, but text complete. Foot of spine chipped; upper joint splitting at spine-ends; corners showing.
= The rare first edition of the collected poems by Heiman Dullaert (1636-1684), posthumously published by D. van Hoogstraten with dedication, introduction and a short biography of the author. Scheepers I, 102; Scheurleer 200.
- Upper joint starting; backstrip worn.
Jacobs, F. Herfst-avonden in de pastorij te Mainau. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Haarlem, Wed. A. Loosjes Pz., 1822, (2),226p., contemp. handcol. engr. frontisp., contemp. boards. - AND 1 other in 2 vols.