2194 - 2498 OLD and RARE BOOKS from the library of P.J. Buijnsters and L. Buijnsters-Smets
- A few leaves trifle stained in blank margin. Backstrip creased and torn at top of spine.
Merken, L.W. (van Winter) van. Germanicus. Ibid., P. Meijer, 1779, 1st ed., (8),474,(2)p., engr. frontisp., title-vignette, 16 plates, contemp. hcalf, 4to. Idem. Het nut der tegenspoeden, brieven, en andere gedichten. Ibid., idem, 1762, 1st ed., (8),344,(4)p., engr. frontisp. by J. V. SCHLEY after C. PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, title-vignette, contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to. - AND 1 other by the same.
- Binding sl. worn along extremities.
= From the collection of M. Buisman w. his owner's entry on first free endpaper. Dutch translation of the work Le Martyr de la Liberté published in the same year of the first French ed. An account of Livonian native Johan Reinhold Patkul's life and diplomatic acts that resulted in the Great Northern War of 1700-1721. Buisman 2102. No copy in STCN.
= With the often lacking 3rd vol. of Nagelaten gedichten.
- Binding worn along extremities. Otherwise fine.
= Buisman 2127; Waller 1563; Scheepers II, 580. The first Dutch translation. Rare.
- Sm. stamp on first blank. Backstrip and corners sl. worn (upper corners showing). Fine copy.
Bosch, B. de. Dichtlievende verlustigingen.Amst., G. Tielenburg, 1742, (48),312,(3)p., engr. frontisp. by J. VAN SCHLEY, portrait by J. HOUBRAKEN after T. REGTERS, title-vignette, dedication, 3 div. titles and 14 half-p. emblematic ills. by J. FOLKEMA after J. DE BOSCH, contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to.
- From the library of Albert Verwey, with his bookplate.
= Landwehr 70. First ed. of the first volume of De Bosch' collected works.
AND 2 others: J. DE KRUYFF, Gedichten (Amst., 1776, engr. title, contemp. gilt hcalf) and A. HOOGVLIET, Abraham, de aartsvader (Rott., 1746, 8th ed., engr. frontisp., title-vign., portrait and 12 plates, contemp. gilt hcalf, 4to.
- Endpapers and first / last leaf sl. foxed; number in red pen on upper pastedown. Fine copy. = Rare.
Idem. Op de bruiloft. Geschiedenis van een vielliebchen. Antw., J.P. van Dieren en Cie., n.d. (±1860), 1st(?) ed., 172p., 4 lithogr. plates on chine collé by E. DUJARDIN, contemp. richly gilt and dec. red mor., a.e.g.
- Endpapers stained in margins; first / last lvs. sl. foxed. Fine copy. = Rare.
AND 5 others by the same, i.a. Burgerdeugd (ibid., 1851, plates, orig. (dam.) wr.) and De orgeldraaier (ibid., 1854, plates, sl. later hcl.). - ADDED: Snieders, J.R. Dorpsverhalen. Antw. J.P. van Dieren en Cie., 1854, 1st(?) ed., 150p., woodengr. frontisp. by H. SCHAEFELS, contemp. gilt hcalf. - AND 2 others by the same: Doctor Marcus. Herinneringen uit het studenten-leven (Turnhout, 1858, orig. wr. Spine broken / dam.) and Op de grenzen (ibid., 1861, contemp. gilt and blindst. mor. Binding rubbed).
- Contents ocaas. trifle yellowed/ foxed, otherwise fine. Corners worn.
= Scheepers II, 873-874; cf. Waller 1785 (7th ed.); The Children's World of Learning 2170 (7th-3rd ed.): "The 24 fine aquatint [sic] plates show scenes from contemporary daily life, like a family at breakfast, lovers at night, a street-vendor selling pictures, neighbours talking, etc. The songs were contributed by various authors and composers, like M. Nieuwenhuijzen, M. van Heyst-Wed. Vinkenra, S.A. Rensing, J. Hazeu, A. Loosjes, A Fokke Simonsz., etc. From 1789 to 1791 the Society had published four parts of the new songbooks, intended to replace the more vulgar and scabrous popular songs of the old popular songbooks (...). A fifth and last part was finally published in 1806 by the Society "Tot Nut van 't Algemeen"."
- Backstrips trifle worn (affecting 1 letterpiece); paper over covers worn/ sl. dam. A good set of the 2nd ed., "Verbetert, en met Vaerzen verrykt, in plaats van de rymelooze Vertalingen der Vaerzen in den Eersten Druk" and "Van ontelbaare Zin en Drukfeilen gezuivert."
= Buijnsters, Bibliogr. 18e-eeuwse Spect. Tijdschr. 78 (1st ed., 1720-1727, 6 vols. only).
- Partly sl./ trifle browned. Binding occas. sl. chipped along edges.
= Buijnsters, Spectatoriale geschriften 26.1; Waller 1577.
- Some sl. occas. foxing. Backstrips some vague cracks (1x w. tear); top of spine of 2 vols. sl. dam.; corners showing. Good set.
= Buynsters 26.2; Buijnsters, Bibliogr. 18e-eeuwse Spect. Tijdschr. 5 (1st ed., 1731-1735).
The second edition, "Vermeerderd met het Leven van den Schryver en een Nieuw breedvoerig Register over het geheele Werk" [title].
Hartog, J. De spectatoriale geschriften van 1741-1800. Utr., Gebr. Van der Post, 1890, 2nd enl. ed., 8,323p., contemp. gilt hcalf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces (yellowed; backstrip sunned).
- Some foxing/ soiling; a few sm. annots. in ink on both titles; verso titles w. (cancelled) libr. stamp; bookplate (Collectie Buinsters-Smets) on upper pastedowns. Binding sl. worn.
= Published anonymously (Mr. V.E**). Barbier III, p.314 listing the first edition published in 1712; Buijnsters, Spectatoriale geschriften 1.7, De Vries 457 and Scheepers I, 324 all listing later Dutch editions (i.a. the first Dutch edition published in 1742-1745). Rare edition.
- Sl. yellowed. Bindings (heavily) worn along extremities.
= The first edition of the Dutch translation. Buijnsters, Spectatoriale geschriften 1.7; De Vries 457; Scheepers I, 324.
- Vol. 1 old owner's entry and bibliographic annot. on first free endpaper; occas. sl. foxed. Bindings rubbed along extremities and spines sl. creased.
= The first Zeedemeester complete with 120 issues. An enlightened-Lutheran, 'venijnig' (dixit Buijnsters) Spectator, meant to create more consensus amongst preachers, but not seldom virulently criticising their own kind. Buijnsters, Bibliogr. 18e-eeuwse Spect. Tijdschr. 71. Rare, only 2 copies in NCC. From the collection of M. Buisman w. his owner's entry on first free endpaper.
- From the library of H.A. Höweler with his bookplate on upper pastedown.
= Rare. Buijnsters, Bibliogr. 18e-eeuwse Spectatoriale tijdschriften 49. According to Buijnsters its author is R. Feith.
- First vol. waterstained. Paper over covers partly worn off.
= Rare. Buisman 2177. Dutch translation of the German gothic novel Die Geheimnisse der alten Egipzier (1798).
(Vulpius, C.A.). Rinaldo Rinaldini, Overste der Roovers. Romantische Geschiedenis. Uit de XVIIIe eeuw. Naar het Hoogduitsch. Amst., Th. Bom, 1866, 3rd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., 351; 268,(2)p., 2 diff. lithogr. titles, later hcl.
- Trifle foxed.
= Dutch translation of the German gothic novel Rinaldo Rinaldini, der Räuberhauptmann (1798) by Christian August Vulpius.
AND 2 other Dutch translations of German novels.
- Bookblock shaken. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Rare. Van der Linde 72; Wolf 643; Scheepers II, 1117 (listing Wolsgrein as the author); Knuttel, Verboden Boeken 417; Gieles/ Plak 166. Including the sequel publ. in 1697. "(...) een theologische roman waarin de geestesstromingen van de tweede helft der zeventiende eeuw behandeld worden. (...) De Roman bracht veel beroering teweeg; het eerste deel bleef buiten vervolging, waarschijnlijk omdat Voetianen en Coccejanen beurtelings een veer moesten laten. Toen het Vervolg verscheen klom de ergernis. De Haagsche Kerkeraad wist te verkrijgen, dat het den 21 Febr. 1698 bij alle boekverkopers opgehaald werd. (...) Erger kwam de boekhandelaar A. Wolsgrein er af. Hij werd wegens de in de boekjes verkondigde Spinozisterij te Amsterdam veroordeeld toteen tuchthuisstraf van acht jaar en een geldboete van f. 3000." (Knuttel).
- Library stamp of "Bibliotheca Thijsiana" on verso titles (w. ms. cancellation annot.). Spine-ends chipped and backstip creased; worn along extremities; sm. paper ticket "112" on frontcover 1st vol.
= Volume 1 and 2 in second ed. of 1734, vol. 3 in first ed. of 1731. Muller 305 (1st ed. 1730-1731). Not in Waller, De Vries etc. Rare.
- Fine copy. = Rare.
- Sl. yellowed. Otherwise a fine copy.
= From the collection of M. Buisman with his owner's entry on first free endpaper. Buisman 985; Scheepers II, 456; Mateboer 385-386.
Idem. Hendrik Stillings kindsheid, jongelingsjaaren en vreemdelingschap./ Huislijk leven./ Leerjaren. Ibid., idem, 1786-1809, 3 parts in 2 vols., (8),506,(1); (2),VI,336; (4),303p., contemp. boards w. gilt and blindst. spine/ contemp. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.
= A fourth part was published in 1817. From the collection of M. Buisman with his owner's entry on first free endpapers. Buisman 982; Scheepers II, 454 (only listing the 1st part); Mateboer 626-627 (only listing 2 parts).
AND 11 others in 15 vols. by the same, all Dutch translations and from the same collection, in various bindings, i.a. Buisman 984, 987 and 1000.
- Lacks 2 plates. Sl. foxed/ yellowed/ thumbed. Paper over covers worn/ dam.; upper joint vol. 1 split at foot of spine. From the library of Bob Luza, all vols. w. his bookplate.
= Rare. Scheepers II, 687: "In dezelfde jaren 1844-45 dat in Parijs de eerste uitgave van "Le Juif errant" verscheen, verschenen in Amsterdam 2 verschillende Nederl. vertalingen van dat werk." (The other ed., titled "De wandelende Jood", was publ. by Gebr. Diederichs, Amst.)
Diderot, D. De kloosterling. Haarlem, F. Bohn, 1798, 3rd ed., 335,(1)p., engr. title w. ill. by R. VINKELES, modern hrexine.
- Some sl. occas. foxing; title sl. soiled; free endpaper browned. From the library of M. Buisman, w. his owner's entry.
= Rare. Scheepers II, 610: "Eerste Nederl. vertaling van Diderot's posthuum verschenen roman, waarvan de groote letterkundige verdiensten dikwijls voorbij gezien worden door de al te stuitende bijzonderheden, die de schrijver van het kloosterleven geeft."
ADDED: F.T.M. DE BACULARD D'ARNAUD, Uitgeleezene verhaalen, ter verbetering van het verstand en het hart. Naar het Fransch (Amst., J.B. Elwe, 1790, 3 (of 4) vols, engr. plates, contemp. unif. hcalf. Without vol. 4; stamp on htitles and (erased) on frontcovers; bindings sl. worn).