2049 - 2129     MUSIC and PERFORMING ARTS

Page 2 of 5 Results 21 - 40 of 81
79 2069 Gluck C W 79 2069 Gluck C W
79/2069 Gluck, C.W. Alceste. Tragédie. Opera en trois actes. Representée pour la 1ere fois par l'Academie R.ale de Musique le 30 Avril 1776. Paris, Boieldieu jeune, n.d. (1776), plate no.2, (2),293p., engr. title-p. and engr. full-score, sl. later hcalf, folio.

- Closed tear in title-p.; contents otherwise good/ fine. Binding worn/ rubbed along extremities.


€ (400-600)
79 2070 Gluck C W and Tschudi L T de 79 2070 Gluck C W and Tschudi L T de
79 2070 Gluck C W and Tschudi L T de 79 2070 Gluck C W and Tschudi L T de
79/2070 Gluck, C.W. and Tschudi, L.T. de. Écho et Narcisse, Opéra en trois actes, représenté pour la première fois, part l'Académie-Royale de Musique, Le Mardi 21 Septembre 1779. (Paris), printed by P. de Lormel for l'Academie, 1779, 1st ed., (2),VIII,(1),8-46p., bound in richly gilt armorial burgundy morocco, pink silk doublures, a.e.g., 4to.

- Final free endpaper and pastedown w. sm. wormhole in inner margin. Otherwise fine.

= Olivier 2549 identifies the coat of arms on the binding as that of M.-J.-L-B. Comtesse de Savoie. The opera Echo et Narcisse was one of the less succesfull operas by Glück. At its première in Paris, the response was so lacklustre that Glück never went back to Paris. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXV.

€ (400-600) 950
79 2071 Gregoir E G J 79 2071 Gregoir E G J
79/2071 Gregoir, E.G.J. Documents historiques relatifs à l'art musical et aux artistes-musiciens. Brussels/ Antw., Schott frères/ L/ dela Montagne, 1872, 1st ed., 56; 20; 64,(1)p., contemp. giltlettered hcalf (rare). Wasielewski, W.J. von. Geschichte der Instrumentalmusik im XVI. Jahrhundert. Heilbronn, C.F. Schmidt, n.d. (1878) (printer's address label pasted over orig. address Berlin, J. Guttentag), VII,(1),170p., 10 woodengr. plates, 95p. w. scores, orig. giltlettered and dec. brown cl. Sl. foxed, otherwise fine). - AND 2 others: C. HUYGENS, Musique et musiciens au XVIIe siècle. Correspondance et oeuvre musicales de -. Ed. W.J.A. Jonckbloet and J.P.N. Land (Leyden, 1882, scores, later giltlettered hmor. Backstrip sl. rubbed) and C. VAN DEN BORREN, Guillaume Dufay. Son importance dans l'evolution de la musique au XVe siècle (n.pl., n.d. (±1925), plates, music examples, sl. later hcl.).
€ (50-70)
79 2072 Gregoir E G J  ed  79 2072 Gregoir E G J ed
79/2072 Gregoir, E.G.J. (ed.). Les artistes-musiciens Belges au XVIIIme et au XIXme siècle. Brussels etc., Schott Frères, 1885-1890, 3 vols. (incl. 2 supplements), (4).486; 320; 271p., contemp. unif. gilt hmor., 4to (fine set). Idem. l'Art musical en Belgique sous les règnes de Léopold Ir & Léopold II (...). Idem, iidem, 1879, 238,(1)p., contemp. hcl. Jacquot, A. La Musique en Lorraine. Étude rétrospective d'après les archives locales. Paris, A. Quantin, 1882, XV,(1),197,(2)p., col. lithogr. frontisp., 1 engr. plate, woodengr. ills., contemp. hmor. w. blue mor. letterpiece, large 8vo. Lavoix fils, H. La musique dans l'ymagerie du moyen age. Paris, Pottier de Lalaine, 1875, (4),48p., 4 (1x double-p.) plates (incl. 1 etching), later hcl., 4to (sl. foxed). - AND 2 others, i.a. A. DE LASALLE and E. THOINAN, La musique à Paris (Paris, 1863, later giltlettered hcl. Owner's entry on htitle).
€ (80-100) 80
79 2073 Händel G F 79 2073 Händel G F
79/2073 Händel, G.F. Der Messias. Piano and song adapt. by C.F.G. Schwencke, "mit deutschen Texte von Klopstock und Ebeling." Hamburg, J.A. Böhme (publ. name pasted over w. ticket of Theune & Comp., Amst.), 1809, no plate no., (4),166p., engr. title-p. w. oval vignette, engr. score, contemp. marbled gilt hcalf w. gilt oval green mor. letterpiece on frontcover, obl. 4to.

- Contents very fine. Binding worn/ rubbed along extremities. = RISM H 740.

€ (100-150)
79 2074 Haydn J 79 2074 Haydn J
79 2074 Haydn J 79 2074 Haydn J
79 2074 Haydn J 79 2074 Haydn J
79 2074 Haydn J 79 2074 Haydn J
79/2074 Haydn, J. La Création du Monde. Oratorio en trois parties. Traduit de l'Allemand mis en vers français par Joseph A. Ségur. Arrangé pour être Exécuté au Théâtre des Arts, par D. Steibelt (Exécuté le 3 Nivose an 9e) (1801. V.S.T.). Full score. Paris/ Lyon, Erard/ Garnier, n.d. (1800), plate no. I, 324 (engr.), (26 pen and ink manuscript of the "Choro"), 4; 3 (engr.)p., stipple-engr. portrait of the composer by L. BENOIST jr. (publ. by Janet et Cotelle after 1809), engr. title-p., engr. frontisp. by P.P. CHOFFARD after RAPHAEL, contemp. polished gilt treecalf w. square gilt red mor. title-piece laid down on frontcover, contemp. (worn) board slipcase, folio.

- Publisher's address partly illegible due to removal of later added publisher's ticket (leaving only the Lyon address legible); contemp. manuscript index bound in at front; publisher's stamp in lower blank margin of portrait. A few unobtrusive small and slightly rubbed spots on binding. Very fine copy.

= Rare early edition of the full score, publ. in the same year as the first edition. Hoboken II, XXI, 2a (pointing out that the date "le 3. Nivose an 9e" on the title-p. should be read as 1800 in the Vienna Style of dating and not as 1801) and noting that this edition does not contain the final choral. These final 83 bars are supplied in contemp. fair manuscript in our copy. The final engraved leaves are the scores for the trombone (3p.) and the bassoon (4p.) to several parts of the oratorio. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIII.

€ (400-600) 475
79 2075 Haydn J 79 2075 Haydn J
79/2075 Haydn, J. Jahreszeiten. Piano and song adapt. by Ant. André. Offenbach a.Main, J. André, n.d. (±1802), plate no.1640, 176p., lithogr. title-p., engr. score, contemp. frontwr., obl. 4to.

- Rebacked w. cloth and w. later backcover. = RISM H 4692; Hoboken II, p.59f.

€ (150-250)
79 2076 Haydn J 79 2076 Haydn J
79/2076 Haydn, J. Die Schöpfung. La Création. Piano and song adapt. by F. Ries. Bonn, N. Simrock (pasted over w. booksellers ticket of L. Plattner, Rotterdam), n.d. (1800), plate no. 9, (2),135p., entirely engr. score, contemp. hcalf, obl. 4to.

- Binding (sl.) worn along extremities. = Hob. XXI/ 2 p.42.; RISM H4652.

AND 1 other: J.G. BERTELMAN, Missa (The Hague, Fr. Beuster, 1836, entirely engr. full score, with piano score, contemp. giltlettered hcalf, obl. 4to. Joints and corner rubbed, otherwise fine).

€ (80-100)
79 2077 Jones G 79 2077 Jones G
79/2077 Jones, G. History of the Rise and Progress of Music, Theoretical and Practical. London, the author, 1818, (3),286-398p., stipple-engr. frontisp., 21 engr. plates (partly recto and verso), all showing music examples, later giltlettered hcalf, 4to.

- All plates (sl.) foxed. Backstrip chafed/ worn.

= "Extracted from the Encyclopaedia Londinensis" (title-p.).

€ (50-70) 50
79 2078 König Herbert 1820 1876 79 2078 König Herbert 1820 1876
79 2078 König Herbert 1820 1876 79 2078 König Herbert 1820 1876
79 2078 König Herbert 1820 1876 79 2078 König Herbert 1820 1876
79/2078 König, Herbert (1820-1876). Lot of 12 col. caricatures of musicians, all tinted lithographs, all 28,5x21,3 cm., all signed on the stone, all without borders (prob. as published), in later hcl. portfolio.

- Several prints with (repaired) (sm.) damage in margins/ corners; one print w. closed hole; all prints w. pinholes and sl. yellowed.

= Nice caricatures of a conductor, bassoonist, hornist, oboist, flutist, trumpetist, violinist, cellist, bassist, timpanist, guitarist and harpist.

€ (100-150) 130
79 2079 Kunze C H 79 2079 Kunze C H
79/2079 Kunze, C.H. Trois Quatuors pour Cor, Violon, Alto & Violoncelle. Oeuvre 1re. Offenbach a.M., J. André, n.d. (±1801), plate no. 1573, 4 vols., engr. scores, contemp. plain blue paper wr., 4to (fine).

- Copy for the horn with receding stain on first 8 leaves; copy for the cello w. similar stain on final 4 leaves. Otherwise fine.

= Brüchle/ Lienhard, Horn Bibliographie III, p.111.

AND 3 others, i.a. H. NIESSEL, Méthode complète de cor à 3 pistons ou Cylindres. Op.21 (Paris, Schonenberger, n.d. (±1843), plate no. S 1490, lithogr. title-p. and score, modern cl., folio. Sl. foxed; contemp. owner's entry on title-p. Rare) and L. VAN BEETHOVEN, Gran Quintuor en Mi b Maj. (Offenbach/ London, ±1840, tinted lithogr. title, lithogr. full score, contemp. hcl., 4to).

€ (70-90) 70
79 2080 Maandblad voor Muziek tevens Orgaan der Wagner vereeniging te Amsterdam Ed H Viotta Year 1 5 all publ  79 2080 Maandblad voor Muziek tevens Orgaan der Wagner vereeniging te Amsterdam Ed H Viotta Year 1 5 all publ
79 2080 Maandblad voor Muziek tevens Orgaan der Wagner vereeniging te Amsterdam Ed H Viotta Year 1 5 all publ  79 2080 Maandblad voor Muziek tevens Orgaan der Wagner vereeniging te Amsterdam Ed H Viotta Year 1 5 all publ
79/2080 Maandblad voor Muziek, tevens Orgaan der "Wagner-vereeniging" te Amsterdam. Ed. H. Viotta. Year 1-5 (all publ.). Amst., Erven H. van Munster, 1888-1894, 5 vols., music examples, orig. unif. gilt dec. cl.

- Apart from some sl. foxing, a very fine set.

Symphonia. Lektuur van Muzijkale Wetenschappen. Year 1, January-June. Ed. C.L. van Langenhuijsen and T. Geers Jz. Amst., n.publ., 1839, 208p., woodengr. ills., music examples, contemp. marbled boards, 4to.

- Sl. foxed.

= All published. Rare and shortlived periodical about which J. VAN GESSEL writes i.a. that it is "(...) de meest mysterieuze verschijning onder de eerste Nederlandse muziektijdschiften. (...) Het tijdschrift is (...) opgezet als een verzameling lemma's over uiteenlopende onderwerpen (...). In maart begon men tevens met een alfabetisch lexicon van beroemde componisten, dat echter niet verder kwam dan de letter A. Verder bevatte Symphonia (...) nog wat losse anekdotes. (...)." (https://demodernetijd.nl/wp-content/uploads/DNE-2001-4a-Gessel.pdf).

€ (80-100)
79 2081 Maatschappij tot bevordering van de Toonkunst 79 2081 Maatschappij tot bevordering van de Toonkunst
79/2081 Maatschappij tot bevordering van de Toonkunst. Small archive, consisting of 10 manuscript (1x printed) letters and 2 manuscript scores, all letters dating from 1850.

= The letters all centre around the music festival ("Muzijkfeest te Haarlem") that was organized in 1850, and are addressed to i.a. C.G.V. Schneevoogt (the secretary of the Maatschappij) and J.J. Viotta, and are partly written by affiliated members of the Maatschappij that offer their help with the various arrangements concerning the festival. I.a. offering singers for the choir, concerns about the lack of urgency in preparing everything for the festival, the availability of scores for the musicians and singers (the most important part of the festival was the first performance in The Netherlands of Mendelssohn Bartoldy's oratorio "Elias" (composed only 4 years earlier). Also including 2 separate manuscript scores, i.a. one with a fair copy of the score of N. DALEYRAC's "Romance de Gulnare" (prob. a version for voice and guitar).

€ (70-90) 90
79/2082 Manuscripts  Songbook 79/2082 Manuscripts Songbook
79/2082 [Manuscripts]. (Songbook). Manuscript, Dutch text, pen and ink, n.pl., ±1850-1870, (152)p., diff. hands, contemp. hcl.

- Pages loose(ning). Rebacked w. cl.

= Contains ±50 songs, poems and short stories, i.a. Het Lied van Chassé, De Lusivers Jood, Henri's Drinklied, Het vogelnestje, De Smulbuik, Hernhutters-Avondlied, De Vleeschsoep, Het IJsvermaak, Het Pennelikkers Lied, Vijf maal Honderdduizend Duivels, De hopelooze Vrijer and De neger in de suikerplantaadje.

€ (40-60) 40
79 2083 Massenet J  Schneider L 79 2083 Massenet J Schneider L
79/2083 [Massenet, J.]. Schneider, L. Massenet. l'Homme, le musicien. Illustrations et Documents inédits. Paris, L. Carteret, 1908, (4),392p., frontisp., num. ills. (incl. musical examples), orig. richly gilt red mor. signed "A. Giraldon. 07" in lower right corner of frontcover, orig. col. lithogr. wr. pres. (identical design by the same), a.e.g., sm. folio.

- Bookplate on verso of 2nd blank. Apart from some rubbed spots along margins a very fine copy.

€ (70-90)
79 2084 Milhaud D 79 2084 Milhaud D
79/2084 Milhaud, D. David. Piano and song adapt. by the author. Tel Aviv, Israeli Music Publications, 1954, 1st ed., plate no. I.M.P. 2001, 316p., orig. wr. after M. CHAGALL, folio.

- Spine (sl.) dam. and bumped; upper right corner of frontwr. restored; frontwr. sl. creased.

€ (50-70)
79 2085 Mozart W A 79 2085 Mozart W A
79/2085 Mozart, W.A. Idomeneo Ré di Creta. Piano and song adapt. by A.E. Müller. Leipsic, Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. (±1815), plate no. 2286, (2),164p., lithogr. score, orig. wr., obl. 4to.

- Sl. foxed almost throughout; bookblock broken (i.a. first three leaves, final 2 leaves and wrappers loose); traces of former tape (used to reattached these loose leaves). Lacks backstrip.

= RISM M 4191.

AND 3 others, i.a. two bound-up vols. of 13/ 14 (collections of) songs, all for voice with piano or guitar (±1801-1830, in contemp. almost unif. hmor. w. giltlettered ("Ida"/ "Unna") lozenge-shaped mor. letterpiece on frontcover, obl. 4to).

= The latter 2 vols. contain i.a. .J. HAYDN, Lieblings-Gesänge aus Haydn's Jahrzeiten (Offenbach a.M., J. André, n.d. (±1801), plate no. 1640, lithogr. title-p. and score); L. VAN BEETHOVEN, Sechs Lieder von Gellert (Leipsic, C.F. Peters, n.d. (±1803), plate no.267, engr. score); L. SPOHR, Sechs Deutsche Lieder. Zweite/ Dritte/ Vierte Sammlung (Leipsic, C.F. Peters, n.d. (±1819), 3 vols., plate no. 1270, 1346 and 1940, engr. scores); J.B VAN BREE, Adolf by het graf van Maria (Amst., A.W. Rouwen, n.d. (±1830), plate no. 220, engr. score); W.J. TOMASCHEK, Gedichte von Goethe. Heft 7 and 9 (Prague, M. Berra, n.d. (±1815), plate no. 530 and 532, 2 vols., both w. ident. engr. title-vignette, engr. scores. Both w. vague waterstain in outer margin in the plate) and S. NEUKOMM, Trost in Tränen (Hamb./ Altona, Rudolphus/ Cranz, n.d. (±1820), without plate no., engr. title-p. and score).

€ (80-100) 80
79 2086 Mozart W A  Wyzewa T de and Saint Foix G de 79 2086 Mozart W A Wyzewa T de and Saint Foix G de
79 2086 Mozart W A  Wyzewa T de and Saint Foix G de 79 2086 Mozart W A Wyzewa T de and Saint Foix G de
79/2086 [Mozart, W.A.]. Wyzewa, T. de and Saint-Foix, G. de. W.A. Mozart. Sa vie musicale et son oeuvre. Essai de biographie critique (...). Paris, Desclee de Brouwer et Cie,1936-1946, 5 vols., plates, num. music examples, contemp. unif. gilt hcl. Malibran, A. Louis Spohr. Sein Leben und Wirken. Nebst einem Verzeichnisse seiner Schüler vom Jahre 1805 bis 1856. Frankf. a.M., J.D. Sauerländer, 1860, 1st (and only?) edition, VI,(2),247,(1)p., steelengr. frontisp. portrait, early 20th cent. giltlettered hcl.

- Lacks the facsimile called for on tiltle-p; sl. foxed; 2 lvs loose.

= Rare, no copy traced in the trade or at auction.

AND 1 other.

€ (70-90)
79 2087 Opera  Lot of ±100 program booklet and brochures 79 2087 Opera Lot of ±100 program booklet and brochures
79/2087 [Opera]. Lot of ±100 program booklet and brochures, ±1950-1970, mainly Dutch, i.a. a large number by De Nederlandse Opera and incl. programs for the Holland Festival, partly w. nice wr. by i.a. D. ELFFERS and N. WIJNBERG.

= Also incl. programs signed by various performers, i.a. Norman Bailey, Ingrid Bjoner, Helga Dernesch and Maria Stanley.

AND ±20 others similar, all concerning R. WAGNER and the WAGNERVEREENIGING, incl. various programs for the Bayreuther Festspiele, with i.a. 4 programs from the years 1959-1960 signed by various performers.

€ (70-90) 90
79/2088 Opera and operetta  Lot of ±200 program and textbooklets 79/2088 Opera and operetta Lot of ±200 program and textbooklets
79/2088 [Opera and operetta]. Lot of ±200 program and textbooklets, ±1845-1930, mainly Dutch, orig. wr., (sm.) 8vo.

- Wrappers occas. loose and frayed.

= I.a. of Vereeniging "De Phoenix", Fritz Hirsch Operette, Nationale Opera, Nederlandsche Opera, Koninklijke Zangvereeniging "Excelsior", Amsterdamsch Lyrisch Tooneel, Opera Italiana, Vlaanderen's Opera Gids and Repertoire van Duitsche Opera-Teksten.

€ (70-90) 80