Page 10 of 16 Results 181 - 200 of 314
79 1915 Hunting and falconry  Liger L 79 1915 Hunting and falconry Liger L
79 1915 Hunting and falconry  Liger L 79 1915 Hunting and falconry Liger L
79 1915 Hunting and falconry  Liger L 79 1915 Hunting and falconry Liger L
79 1915 Hunting and falconry  Liger L 79 1915 Hunting and falconry Liger L
79 1915 Hunting and falconry  Liger L 79 1915 Hunting and falconry Liger L
79 1915 Hunting and falconry  Liger L 79 1915 Hunting and falconry Liger L
79/1915 [Hunting and falconry]. Liger, L. Amusemens de la campagne, ou nouvelles ruses innocentes, Qui enseignent la maniere de prendre aux Piéges toutes sortes d'Oiseaux & de Bêtes à quatre pieds; Avec les plus beaux secrets de la Pêche dans les Rivieres & Etangs: & un Traité general de toutes les Chasses. Paris, Saugrain/ C. Prudhomme, 1753/ 1734, 4th/ 2nd ed., 2 vols., (18),562,(2); (6),511,(1)p., num. woodcut ills., later unif. hvellum, 12mo.

- Occas. sl./ trifle stained (only affecting 1 ill.). Bindings sl. worn along edges; vol. 1 sl. warped. Otherwise a fine and complete set, containing the 4th ed. of vol. 1 and the 2nd ed. of vol. 2.

= Rare work on hunting with num. nice woodcuts depicting birds and how to catch hem. Souhart p.302; Thiébaud p.594; Mouchon p.1180; Schwerdt I, p.315.

€ (120-150) 160
79 1916 Hunting and falconry  Lindner K 79 1916 Hunting and falconry Lindner K
79/1916 [Hunting and falconry]. Lindner, K. Geschichte des deutschen Weidwerks. Berlin/ Leipsic, W. de Gruyter, 1937-1940, 1st ed., 2 vols., VI,(4),435,(1); IX,(3),477,(1)p., 40 plates and 128 ills./ 112 plates, orig. cl./ later plain cl.

= 1. Die Jagd der Vorzeit; 2. Die Jagd im frühen Mittelalter.

AND 4 others, i.a. A. GILLE, Anleitung zum Fangen des Raubzeuges (Liegnitz, Haynauer Raubtierfallen-Fabrik, 1893, 4th enl. ed., ills., contemp. hcl.).

€ (70-90)
79 1917 Hunting and falconry  Tappe E 79 1917 Hunting and falconry Tappe E
79/1917 [Hunting and falconry]. Tappe, E. Waidwerck und Federspiel. Von der Häbischen unnd Falcken natur, art, unnd eygenthumb, wie mann sie berichten, gewehnen/ ätzen, unnd von allen iren franckheyten soll erledigen. Allen Häbich unnd Falcken tregern vast nötig unnd zu wissen nützlich. Strassb., J. Scheible, (1886), no pagination, ills., printed in 250 numb. copies, modern giltlettered cl., orig. wr. pres.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Backwr. sl. creased in lower outer corner. Otherwise fine.

= Schwerdt II, p.249.

€ (100-150) 100
79 1918 Husbandry  Beekman J H Bzn 79 1918 Husbandry Beekman J H Bzn
79 1918 Husbandry  Beekman J H Bzn 79 1918 Husbandry Beekman J H Bzn
79 1918 Husbandry  Beekman J H Bzn 79 1918 Husbandry Beekman J H Bzn
79 1918 Husbandry  Beekman J H Bzn 79 1918 Husbandry Beekman J H Bzn
79 1918 Husbandry  Beekman J H Bzn 79 1918 Husbandry Beekman J H Bzn
79/1918 [Husbandry]. Beekman, J.H. Bzn. Avicultura. Geïllustreerd Weekblad voor Hoender- en Konijnenfokerij, Duiven- en Vogelteelt, Hondenliefhebberij, Jacht en Visscherij. Assen, W. van Gorcum, 1913-1918, 75 issues, 71 chromolithogr. plates, contemp. hcl., large folio.

- Plates occas. (sl.) foxed.

€ (250-350) 800
79/1919 Husbandry  Het volmaakte burger tuinboek waar in gevonden wordt Alles wat een Burger noodig heeft te weten om zijnen Tuin in de vereischte orde en vruchtbaarheid te brengen of te onderhou79/1919 Husbandry Het volmaakte burger tuinboek waar in gevonden wordt Alles wat een Burger noodig heeft te weten om zijnen Tuin in de vereischte orde en vruchtbaarheid te brengen of te onderhou
79/1919 [Husbandry]. Het volmaakte burger tuinboek, waar in gevonden wordt: Alles wat een Burger noodig heeft te weten, om zijnen Tuin in de vereischte orde en vruchtbaarheid te brengen of te onderhouden. Alsmede nette beschrijving van de beste vruchten (...), ziekten, gebreken en ongedierten (...), bloemen (...), moesvruchten (...); de wilde boom- en heester-gewassen (...). Verhandeling over de broeikunst (...), tuinoefening (...) door een voornaam liefhebber. Delft, P. de Groot, n.d. (±1810), 8th ed., (8),468,(20)p., woodcut plate, modern hcalf.

= Rare. Doc. Blad 18e eeuw no.40 (1978) p.8; Waller 360 (1769, 2nd ed.).

€ (80-100)
79/1920 Instruments  Telescope Skylux 79/1920 Instruments Telescope Skylux
79/1920 [Instruments]. Telescope Skylux, steel barrel, steel fittings w. steel and plastic eyepiece, length 68 cm., 11 cm. (diameter), on tripod stand, in cardboard box w. lid, Rhede, Bresser, 20th cent.

- Lid damaged. = Type 96-18800.

€ (40-60)
79 1921 Kaau Boerhaave A 79 1921 Kaau Boerhaave A
79 1921 Kaau Boerhaave A 79 1921 Kaau Boerhaave A
79/1921 Kaau-Boerhaave, A. Perspiratio dicta Hippocrati per universum corpus anatomice illustrata. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1738, 2 parts in 1 vol., (16),445,(3); 36,(3)p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. calf w. gilt spine and mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Covers sl. chafed and w. acid biting; corners showing. Internally fine.

= BMN I, p.63; Hirsch III, p.436-437; Bibl. Walleriana 13832; Wellcome III, p.375. "Ausser der genannten Rede ist vor Allem zu nennen: "Perspiratio dicta Hippocrates" (Leyden 1738), worin er von der unmerklichen Wasserverdunstung durch die Haut berichtet (...)." (Hirsch). Rare.

€ (80-100)
79 1922 Kepler J 79 1922 Kepler J
79/1922 Kepler, J. Gesammelte Werke. Vol. 2-10, 13-18. Munich, C.H. Beck, 1939-1959, 15 vols., ills., orig. hvellum w. dustwr. (2 vols. without dustwr.), large 4to.

- A few vols. dustwr. w. sm. imperfections (sl. frayed, sl. stained/ fingersoiled or sl. yellowed). Otherwise fine.

= A complete set consists of 22 parts in 26 vols.

€ (700-900)
79 1923 Lançon A 79 1923 Lançon A
79 1923 Lançon A 79 1923 Lançon A
79 1923 Lançon A 79 1923 Lançon A
79/1923 Lançon, A. Les animaux chez eux. Paris, Librairie d'Art, 1882, (4),136,(1)p., 16 etched plates, 16 full-p. and 163 woodengr. ills. by A. LANÇON, printed in 128 numb. copies, contemp. gilt hmor., folio.

- Sl. foxed/ yellowed; first lvs. loose. Binding sl. rubbed/ worn at extremities.

= Work orig. published in 25 instalments (1880-1882); frontwr. of 10th instalment pres. With etched plates of i.a. a Cape lion, Bornean orangutan, Russian brown bear, Indian elephant and Romanian buffalo. Not in Nissen.

€ (100-150)
79 1924 Leeuwenhoek A van 79 1924 Leeuwenhoek A van
79/1924 Leeuwenhoek, A. van. The Collected Letters. Edited, illustrated and annotated by a Committee of Dutch scientists. Vol. I-III. Amst./ Lisse, Swets & Zeitlinger, 1939-1948, 3 vols., plates, Dutch text with English transl., orig. almost unif. cl., 4to.

- Some sl. foxing (also on bindings). = The first 3 vols. of the series cover the period 1673-1683.

€ (100-150)
79 1925 Lemnius L 79 1925 Lemnius L
79/1925 Lemnius, L. De habitu et constitutione corporis, quam Graeci [krasin], Triviuales Complexionem vocant, Libri duo. Antw., W. Simons, 1561, 1st ed., (8),145,(13) lvs., woodcut printer's mark on title, modern hcalf, sm. 8vo.

- Contemp. owner's entry on original first free endpaper and title; title covered in tiny inkstains; new first endpaper loose; occas. sl. browned; bookplate of A.M. Hellman on upper pastedown. Joints worn. Despite defects in a good condition.

= The rare first edition of the popular work on the "complexions" of the human body, a compendium on the preservation of health of the body as well as the mind. Van Hoorn, Lemnius p.310; Bibl. Walleriana 5699; Durling 2765; Adams L413; BMN I, p.112; Lindeboom, DMB p.1169f.

€ (200-300) 400
79 1926 Lemnius L 79 1926 Lemnius L
79 1926 Lemnius L 79 1926 Lemnius L
79/1926 Lemnius, L. De habitu et constitutione corporis, quam Greci [krasin], Triviuales Complexionem vocant, Libri duo. Antw., W. Simons, (1561), 1st ed., (8),145,(13) lvs., woodcut printer's mark on title, modern gilt and blindst. calf, sm. 8vo.

- Restored copy. Original first free endpaper doubled; title repaired (lacks lower part); annotated throughout in contemp. hand.

= The rare first edition of the popular work on the "complexions" of the human body, a compendium on the preservation of health of the body as well as the mind. Van Hoorn, Lemnius p.310; Bibl. Walleriana 5699; Durling 2765; Adams L 413; BMN I, p.112; Lindeboom, DMB p.1169f.

€ (150-250) 160
79 1927 Lemnius L 79 1927 Lemnius L
79 1927 Lemnius L 79 1927 Lemnius L
79/1927 Lemnius, L. De miraculis occultis naturae, libri IIII. Item de vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte instituenda, liber unus. Antw., Ex officina Christophori Platini, 1581, (16),582,(24)p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. vellum.

- Sl. browned; outer lower blank margin waterstained throughout; some wormholes in hinges. Lacks ties; vellum sl. soiled and w. some wormholes.

= Van Hoorn, Lemnius p.308 ("Herdruk van 2C"); Durling 2773; Wellcome 3701; Adams L419; Voet 1515; BMN I, p.517; Lindeboom, DMB p.1169f. "It is a most heterogeneous collection, heterogeneously piled together, of notions on physiological, physical, medical, religious, and moral topics, with attempts to explain phenomena in nature which subsequent enquiry has shown do not exist at all. The collection is a very curious one, notwithstanding, and furnishes good instances of popular ideas about natural things current three hundred years ago." (Ferguson I, p.10). This edition not in Caillet and Rosenthal.

€ (300-500) 700
79 1928 Lemnius L 79 1928 Lemnius L
79 1928 Lemnius L 79 1928 Lemnius L
79/1928 Lemnius, L. De miraculis occultis naturae, libri IIII. Item de vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte instituenda, liber unus. Frankf., Ex Officina Paltheniana for heirs P. Fischer, 1598, (16),582,(55)p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. limp overlapping vellum made from 16th cent. manuscript.

- Two contemp. owner's entries on title (1x crossed out); evenly trifle browned; a few blank prelim. lvs. annotated in contemp. hand. Lacks ties; covers partly wormholed.

= Van Hoorn, Lemnius p.308; Durling 2776; Wellcome 3704; Adams L420; Rosenthal 2959; BMN I, p.517; Lindeboom, DMB p.1169f. This edition not in Ferguson and Caillet.

€ (250-350)
79 1929 Lemnius L 79 1929 Lemnius L
79/1929 Lemnius, L. Della complessione del corpo humano, libri due, sommamente necessarij à tutti coloro, che studiano alla sanita: Da quali a ciascuno sarà agueole di conoscere perfettamente la qualità del corpo suo, e i mouimenti dell'animo, & il modo del conseruarsi del tutto sano. Italian transl. Venice, D. Nicolino, 1564, (4),32,25-124 lvs., woodcut title vignette, contemp. limp vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Tiny wormhole in title; sl. foxed/ yellowed; final 3 lvs. waterstained and w. some sm. wormholes. Binding wormholed.

= The first Italian translation of De habitu et constitutione corporis (ed. Antw., 1561). Van Hoorn, Lemnius p.310; Durling 2769; BMN I, p.112; Lindeboom, DMB p.1169f. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXV.

€ (300-500) 450
79 1930 Lemnius L 79 1930 Lemnius L
79 1930 Lemnius L 79 1930 Lemnius L
79/1930 Lemnius, L. Occulta naturae miracula ac varia rerum documenta. Antw., W. Simon, 1559, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (16),192 lvs., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. limp vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Upper margin cut short, occas. touching the running title; occas. waterstained; title-p. sl. soiled, libr. stamp and a few old owner's entries in pen; hinges broken. Vellum sl. soiled/ wrinkled and small imperfections. On the whole very acceptable.

= The extremely rare first edition. Van Hoorn, Lemnius p.305-306; Durling 2770; Lindeboom, DMB p.1169f; this edition not found in the other usual reference works. The most important publication by Lievens Lemmens from Zierikzee (1505-1568), pupil of Vesalius, friend of Dodenaeus and Gesner.

€ (400-600)
79 1931 Lemnius L 79 1931 Lemnius L
79 1931 Lemnius L 79 1931 Lemnius L
79/1931 Lemnius, L. Occulta naturae miracula, ac varia rerum documenta, probabili ratione atque artifici coniectura explicata. Antw., W. Simon, 1564, (8),373,(21) lvs., woodcut title-vignette, portrait, contemp. blindst. pigskin over wooden covers w. central ornament showing Lucretia (on backcover) surrounded by ornamental border showing Christ, the Four Evangelists and their symbols, two brass clasps and catches.

- Sl. foxed; crossed out owner's entry on title. Central ornament on frontcover worn off (likely Justitia or Prudentia); backstrip worn.

= Extremely rare early edition. Van Hoorn, Lemnius, p.305; cf. Caillet 6480; cf. Dorbon-Ainé 2612; cf. Rosenthal, BMP 2952.

€ (400-600) 400
79/1932 Lepidoptera Butterflies  Showcase with 6 preserved butterflies 79/1932 Lepidoptera Butterflies Showcase with 6 preserved butterflies
79/1932 [Lepidoptera. Butterflies]. Showcase with 6 preserved butterflies, 42x62,5x7 cm.

= Attractive case.

€ (100-150) 150
79 1933 Lepidoptera  Kirby W F 79 1933 Lepidoptera Kirby W F
79 1933 Lepidoptera  Kirby W F 79 1933 Lepidoptera Kirby W F
79/1933 [Lepidoptera]. Kirby, W.F. European Butterflies and Moths. London etc., Cassell & Co., 1889, 2nd ed., XVI,LVI,427p., 62 (all but 1) handcol. lithogr. plates, orig. gilt and dec. cl., a.e.g., 4to.

- A few leaves loose; occas. trifle foxed, otherwise fine; plates erratically numbered. = Nissen, ZBI 2193.

€ (80-100) 150
79 1934 Lepidoptera  Morris F O 79 1934 Lepidoptera Morris F O
79 1934 Lepidoptera  Morris F O 79 1934 Lepidoptera Morris F O
79 1934 Lepidoptera  Morris F O 79 1934 Lepidoptera Morris F O
79/1934 [Lepidoptera]. Morris, F.O. A History of British Butterflies. London, John C. Nimmo, 1895, 8th rev. and enl. ed., VIII,234,(1)p., 79 handcol. and 2 uncol. woodengr. plates, contemp. hcalf, t.e.g., 4to.

- Contemp. owner's entry on first blank. Boardedges sl. rubbed/ chafed; spine sunned. Good/ fine copy.

= Nissen, ZBI 2892.

€ (80-100) 140