= Reigercahier 1, 2, 4 and 6; Reigersberch Edities 1-9, 11-13, (vol. 4 extra copy marked "h.s."; vol. 7 extra copy w. diff. wr., SIGNED by the author; vol.9 extra copy. Vols. 1-2 paper letter-pieces loose/ lacking) and a New Year's greeting (K.N.L. GRAZELL, Stad van volwassenheid, 1993, orig. wr.).
ADDED: 15 New Year's publications publ. by Antiquariaat Klikspaan, 1993-2009, all printed in lim. numb. copies, mostly w. tipped-in photogr. plate, mostly w. orig. wr.
= Comprises publications for the years 1993 and 1996-2009, i.a. R. PAAUW, Mooie persmuskieten (2001, tipped-in photogr. plate, printed in 215 numb. copies (15), SIGNED by the author, orig. cl.).
= Pre-publication of the first chapter of Reve's novel Het hijgend hert; New Year's gift 1997/1998 of the publisher.
Plomp, H. De ondertrouw. Een somber herenboek. Amst., De Harmonie, 1981, 3rd ed.,142,(6)p., one of 50 numb. and signed copies (40), bound by PAU GROENENDIJK in dec. cl. Grunberg, A. De jood van Borculo. Haarlem, Hof van Jan, n.d. (2020), (16)p., 3 col. ills. by T. STRUWER, printed in 100 copies, signed by the author, orig. wr. - AND 11 others, i.a. A. DE WIT and R.M. RILKE, Brieven. Dutch transl. W. Bierman (Apeldoorn, 1999, fold. col. ill. by DOORTJE DE VRIES (signed), printed in 77 numb. copies, orig. wr., 4to).
- Fine. = Published on occasion of the 12½ year anniversary of JBR Organisatie-adviseurs.
- Foxed throughout; lower outer corner waterst. throughout (touching captions below the plates); blank upper outer corner plates vaguely waterstained; printed title-p. sl. frayed. Portfolio worn, foxed and dam. along extremities.
= Die Bilderwelt im Kinderbuch 1079: "Diese freie Neufassung des Volksbuches wendet sich eher an Erwachsene als an Kinder. Darum sind auch die Bilder dem oft sehr zynischen Text entsprechend von pessimistischer Moral, und das Titelbild zeigt das böse Ende Reinekes."; cat. Goethe-Museum 143; Rümann 83; Thieme-Becker III, p.156: "Als Kynologe war Beckmann ein Autorität ersten Ranges." Rare.
AND 1 other similar: J. LOHMEYER and E. BORMANN (ed.), Reineke Fuchs. Ein heiteres Kinderbuch (Glogau, n.d., 2nd ed., chromolithogr. plates and orig. chromolithogr. clothbacked boards by F. FLINZEV, 4to. Owner's stamp in upper margin of first plate; partly w. sm. dampstain in outer blank margin).
= One of 100 "de luxe" copies with 4 etchings by E. Ausloos, all SIGNED and numb. "87/100" in pencil.
Kuyck, W. van (ed.). Kunstmap Anton Pieck 100 jaar geleden geboren 19 april 1895. Nijlen, Kimonart, 1995, 4 textleaves, 13 woodengr. plates by G. GAUDAEN, printed in 450 numb. copies SIGNED by the editor, loose as issued in orig. paper portfolio, folio (fine).
= Plates show scenes from the fable of Reynard the Fox, all SIGNED by G. Gaudaen and numb. "313/450" in pencil.
AND 1 privately bound copy of a Dutch ed. of Reynard.
= The printrun varies between 50 and 150 copies.
Cock, W. de. Het was in eenen tsinxen daghe. N.pl., n.publ. (the artist?), n.d., 10 leaves w. letterpress text and a woodcut ill., each numb. "6/40" and signed in pencil by the artist, loose in orig. paper portfolio, large 8vo. - AND 3 others similar illustrated by the same w. in total 9 woodcut ills., i.a. Houtsneden bij teksten uit het Comburgse Reynaerthandschrift (n.pl., n.d., 4 leaves w. a woodcut ill., each numb. and signed in pencil, loosely inserted in orig. paper portfolio, folio. Printrun varies between 50 (3x) and 100 copies).
= Kept together in a custom-made blue rexine dropback box w. giltlettered mor. title-piece on backstrip.
- New endpapers. Otherwise a good/ fine copy.
= Massé p.50: "The author is desirous that the version now printed should be considered as altogether superseding that which he published in 1894."
= Anti-communist and anti-Semite version of Reynard. Groeneveld, Zwaard van de geest, p.90; idem, Nieuwe boeken voor den nieuwen tijd, p.92-44 and passim: "Van den vos Reynaerde werd door De Amsterdamsche Keurkamer gepresenteerd als het 'nieuwe geestige vervolg van het middeleeuwsche dierenepos', maar was onmiskenbaar bedoeld als antisemitische propaganda. Het boek vormde een nationaal-socialistisch pleidooi voor raszuiverheid, voor een 'natuurlijke orde' waarin het volk geregeerd werd door een krachtige leider, en waarin de joden werden afgeschilderd als degenen die deze waarden ondermijnden" (p.92f).
- Occas. sl. stained/ fingersoiled.
Reineke der Fuchs. Adapt. G.O. Marbach. Leipsic, O. Wigand, 1841, 2nd ed., 262p., 21 woodcut ills. by L. RICHTER, modern private blindst. red leather wallet binding w. silk ribbon.
- Occas. sl. foxed.
- Frontisp. and title loose. = Kat. Reineke Fuchs, Goethe-Mus. 103; Rümann 1094.
- Sl. foxed as often; new endpapers; one plate sl. dam. in outer blank margin. Backstrip renewed; corners and outer margin of frontcover restored.
= Kat. Reineke Fuchs, Goethe-Mus. 103; Rümann 1094. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIX.
- Contents sl. foxed in various degrees; hinges strengthened w. tape.
= Reineke Fuchs, Kat. Goethe-Museum 105; Rümann 1095.
Hartmann, J.E. Reineke Fuchs. Dem Originale frei nachgedichtet. Leipsic/ Dresden, A.H. Payne, n.d. (±1855), (2),96,(1)p., steelengr. title-p. and 36 plates by H. LEUTEMANN, orig. clothbacked boards, 4to.
- Heavily foxed (mostly not affecting plates). Binding sl. worn along extremities and soiled.
= Rümann 1202; Seebaß II, p.758: "Leutemanns lebendige Darstellungen, wohl von Kaulbachs Bildern Goethes Reineke Fuchs beeinflußt, macht das Werk zu einem veritablen "Reineke-Bilderbuch"."
ADDED: a 19th-cent. English ed. of Reynard.
- Fine and rare.
= One of 25 Roman numb. copies bound in a flexible wooden binding by SACHA DE VEN. With loosely inserted manuscript presentation card by the printer Elze ter Harkel w. illustration of the "laatste strohalm" after PETER VOS printed in blue and w. a loosely inserted small similar woodcut illustration printed in blue.
- Cloth sl. discoloured; contents fine.
= Cat. The Children's World of Learning 1878 (calling for only 36 plates); Scheepers II, 446: "...weinig voorkomende uitgave." Very nicely illustrated edition. The first (German) edition was published in 1855.
Idem. The same work, Ibid., Gebr. Van der Post, n.d. (1872), 2nd Dutch ed., VII,(1),376p., the same plates as the preceding, modern private gilt leather w. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.
- Owner's entry on title-p.; occas. sl. foxed/ stained.
De kluchtige avonturen en listige streken van Reintje de Vos. Voor de jeugd bewerkt. Deventer, A. ter Gunne, n.d. (±1840), (2 publ. cat.)(6),151,(1)p., lithogr. title and 8 woodengr. plates, modern private leather w. mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.
- Occas. sl. stained/ soiled in margin. = Huiskamp K139. Not in The Children's World of Learning. Rare.
- Hinges strengthened. Rebacked w. red cl.; lower corner of frontcover chipped; sm. chafed spot on backcover. Otherwise fine.
Reinaart de Vos. Adapt. by P.A.E. Oosterhoff. Bussum, Gebr. Koster, n.d. (±1920), 64p., num. ills. and orig. boards w. mounted col. plate by W. HESKES, obl. 4to.
- Rebacked w. red leather backstrip. Otherwise fine.
Reintje van der Schalk, Markies van Eierstruiven, Grootmeester van het kippenhok, en Vrijheer van de druiven. Rott., D. Bolle, n.d. (±1910), 7th corr. ed., 29,(2 advert.)p., 16 col. lithogr. plates, later rexine w. facsimile of the frontwr. laid down, obl. 8vo.
- A few plates dam. (repaired w. tape) and/ or creased.
AND 1 other modern adaptation of the same work.
- Lacks 2 plates; all leaves (finger)soiled in blank margins and almost all w. lower outer blank corner restored and (restored) frayed lower blank margin
= The plates as published by the artist as an independent printseries in1826, which were later used in the edition of 1873 by F. Hirt of Reineke Fuchs. Rare series.
- Occas. trifle foxed; bookplate on upper pastedown. Both covers trifle foxed.