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79 1688 Wittenberns E 79 1688 Wittenberns E
79 1688 Wittenberns E 79 1688 Wittenberns E
79/1688 Wittenberns, E. Doorzichtigheid. 0-nummer. Utr., Salix Alba, 1981, (6) text lvs., 3 (col.) etchings by H. VAN DER HAAR, A. VAN DER HAAR and G. VAN ROOY, each numb. and signed in pencil by the artist, printed in 40 numb. copies, orig. wr., large folio. Brugman, T. 5 klankgedichten. Heemstede, Lojen Deur Pers, 1981, 8 lvs. (incl. colophon and introd.), printed in 97 numb. copies (10), loose as issued in orig. (sl. foxed) wr., folio.

= One of 10 copies to which some extra proofs were added.

Kemp, P. Ik ruik het heden. Ed. by P. de Vroomen. Ibid., idem, 1981, (25)p., printed in 175 numb. copies (25).

= One of 25 Roman numb. copies bound in full cloth by Jutta Swakowski, w. ms. dedication by the printer ("Voor Serge. Den Haag, Margenacht 16 januari 1982") and signed by the binder and printer on the colophon.

AND 7 others (incl. 2 duplicates) by the Eikeldoorpers and De Lojen Deur press.

€ (80-100) 80
79/1689 Witteveen Pim  A Thing of Beauty Verjaardagsdoos voor Pim Witteveen 79/1689 Witteveen Pim A Thing of Beauty Verjaardagsdoos voor Pim Witteveen
79/1689 Witteveen Pim  A Thing of Beauty Verjaardagsdoos voor Pim Witteveen 79/1689 Witteveen Pim A Thing of Beauty Verjaardagsdoos voor Pim Witteveen
79/1689 [Witteveen, Pim]. A Thing of Beauty. Verjaardagsdoos voor Pim Witteveen. N.pl., Het Genootschap O Salutaris Hostia Sacra, 1999, comprising 22 (of 23?) (incl. introd.) contributions by various Dutch private presses, printed in approx. 35 (numb.) copies, various bindings, kept in an asymmetrical cardboard box w. a wooden strip on each side, square 4to.

= Published on occasion of the 50th anniversary of Pim Witteveen (De Breukenpers). Contains contributions by i.a. Frans de Jong, Hester Verkruissen, Hinderickx & Winderickx, Pers No. 14, Statenhofpers and Ser Prop.

€ (100-150)
79 1690 Wolfe H  ed  79 1690 Wolfe H ed
79 1690 Wolfe H  ed  79 1690 Wolfe H ed
79/1690 Wolfe, H. (ed.). A Winter Miscellany. London/ New York, Eyre and Spottiswoode/ Viking Press, 1930, 1st ed., 351,(1)p., woodengr. ills. by F. ADAMS, printed in 225 numb. and signed copies, orig. gilt hvellum, slipcase. - AND 14 others, i.a. C. KERNAHAN, A World without a Child (London, 1905, privately bound gilt green mor. (partly sl. sunned), a.e.g.); C. WHITFIELD, Mr Chambers and Persephone (ibid., 1937, woodengr. ills. by D. BRABY, orig. giltlettered cl., orig. frontwr. pres. Bookplate of C.J. ASSELBERGS on upper pastedown) and HUI-LAN-KI, The Story of the Circle of Chalk. English transl. F. Hume (ibid., 1953, col. plates by J. BUCKLAND WRIGHT, orig. pict. cl.).
€ (50-70) 50
79 1691 Wolkers J 79 1691 Wolkers J
79 1691 Wolkers J 79 1691 Wolkers J
79/1691 Wolkers, J. Op de vleugelen der profeten./ On the wings of the prophets. Deventer, Ypse Fecit, 1990, 27,(2)p., printed in 1250 copies (30), orig. cl.

- Fine copy except for sm. owner's entry on upper pastedown.

= One of 30 hardcover copies. With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION and ORIG. DRAWING in col. felt-tip pen on htitle.

€ (100-150) 100
79/1692 [Ysbrant]. Campert, R. a.o. Ysbrant. Zwolle, Waanders/ Stichting Vrienden van Ysbrant, 2002, 177,(3)p., 2 loosely inserted etchings by YSBRANT (= IJ.D. van Wijngaarden) (both 16,8x11,8 cm., signed "Ysbrant" and "53/200" in pencil), col. plates, ills., printed in 200 numb. and signed copies by the artist, orig. red cl., 4to.
€ (100-150)
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