- Fine copy. = Matla BOMME 1.2.
Jong, A.M. de. De wereldreis van Bulletje en Bonestaak. No.13, 14 and 16-18. Ibid., De Arbeiderspers, 1958-1959, 5 vols., ills. by G. VAN RAEMDONCK, orig. unif. wr., obl. 4to.
= Matla BULLE 6.13, 14, 16-18.
- One vol. w. horizontal tear in spine; all sl. frayed along extremities.
= Matla PANDA 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4.
AND 4 others illustrated by the same, i.a. Z. ARK, De Zwerftocht van Pels Pluis en Pier Pegel and D. DE JONG, Knikkernik, Knakkernak en Knokkernok. - ADDED: 3 others.
- Worn along extremities.
Idem. Miezelientje en Wol de Beer./ Miezelientje en prinses Rosmarijn./ Miezelientje en de kakelende kip./ Suzebol en Bijdepink./ Olli Fant uit Poppelo. Ibid., idem, 1975, various eds., 5 vols., ills. and orig. pict. boards by P. DICK and M. TOONDER, 4to.
- One vol. dam. at foot of spine.
AND 2 others by the same.
= Drawings by i.a. Jan Steeman (1933-2018), Martin Lodewijk, Karel Biddeloo, Henk Kuijpers, Robert van der Kroft, Peter de Wit, Hanco Kolk, Gerard Leever and Uco Egmond (unsigned). Probably collected on comic conventions.
- Various defects, but mostly in good condition.
= Contains i.a. issues from the series De avonturen van het zeilschip "De Vrijheid"/ van Kapitein Rob; De avonturen van Bruintje Beer; Tijs Wijs de Torenwachter and Avonturen van Tom Poes.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Covers sl. soiled; extremities sl. worn. = Cat. Ned. Boek 119.
Burgmein, J. Le Roman de Pierrot et de Pierrette. Historiettes Musicales. Milan etc., Ricordi, n.d. (±1900), 75,(1)p., col. lithogr. ills., bookdec. and orig. clothbacked wr. by A. EDEL, scores by J. BURGMEIN, 4to.
- Stamp on htitle. Spine-ends sl. worn; repaired tear on frontwr. Good copy.
= Cat. The Children's World of Learning 4120: "Musical romance with four-hand piano scores for child and teacher, printed on facing pages". Nice illustrations.
AND 14 other (mostly Dutch) children's song books, i.a. illustrated by R. CRAMER, B. LARK, M. RENAULT and N. VOLKER VAN WAVERVEEN.
- Corners and frontcover trifle rubbed, otherwise fine.
= Nice A.B.-book published for the wounded of World War I. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.
Idem. Rhymes of the Red Triangle. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1915), (60)p. (incl. endpapers), 27 col. lithogr. plates on grey background, pict. endpapers and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by J. DENNYS, text printed in red and brown on grey background.
- Owner's entries on upper endpaper. Contents fine. Covers rubbed along extremities; backstrip sl. worn.
= I.a. original designs by HANS STURRIS (14x), HENRI LOUMAR (for Pleuntje Pukkel series), KARIN VERHOEF, MORIËN and RUDI VAN GIFFEN and CHRIS OVERBEEKE.
= Complete series: Gokhallenrel; Scheepsoproer; Platenvervalsing; Filmsabotage; Hondenjacht; Vrachtwagenroof; Vliegtuigsmokkel; Wijnzwendel.
Idem. "Onrust op de Schobbejak". "Jan Boom vergaat niet". Two orig. watercolours for the frontcover and backstrip of the two books, 24x25 and 23,7x27 cm. and 6 drawings for the illustrations of "Jan Boom vergaat niet", pen and ink, each 21x14 cm.
= WITH copies of the books Onrust op de Schobbejak by ARY C. BAARDMAN and Jan Boom vergaat niet by NANNE BOSMA (Apeldoorn, 1978/ 1981).
Idem. "Spanning op de 'Ruige Hoek". Original drawing for the frontcover, watercolour and pen and col. ink, 27,4x27 cm., signed "Reint de Jonge" in pen and ink and 6 drawings by AD DEKKERS for the illustrations, pen/ brush and ink, each ±21,5x15 cm. Idem. "De Schat uit het scheepswrak". "Telefoon voor Toon". Two original drawings, watercolour and pen and col. ink, 21x22 and 23,5x26,7 cm., signed "Reint de Jonge" in pen and ink/ white gouache.
= Rein van Looy is most famously known as the illustrator of the Dutch children's classic Pinkeltje.
= Design for illustration no. 6 of G. Aimard, De vrijbuiters.
= Both most likely designs for illustrations.
AND 9 others by the same, all silhouette drawings, mostly figure studies (various sizes).
= The 5th and 6th part of the series by Henri Arnoldus.
= Third, fourth and eleventh part of the series by Henri Arnoldus.
= The 8th and 5th part of the series "In Dierenland met (...)" by Henri Arnoldus.
= Seventh and the first part of the series by Henri Arnoldus.