= Original design for an almost full-page illustration.
= "Aapjes in gevangenschap", "Casuaris", "Gordelstaart", "Maanvisch", "Maraboe" and "Twee uilen". Hallema 24/ 32/ 33/ 31/ 27 and 18. Cf. Vogelesang, De houtsnijder Anton Pieck (Den Haag, Omniboek), p.82: "Lang niet alle blokken zijn nog in het bezit van de kunstenaar. Destijds heeft hij een aantal uitgeleend, toen de kunsthandelaar Bos een kalender uitgaf met houtsneden van een selectie van de hierboven genoemde dieren. Verscheidene zijn niet meer teruggekomen en Pieck heeft er jammer genoeg nooit achterheen gezeten". The art dealer Bos (in The Hague) was active in the 1920's and 30's. These woodcuts are perhaps proofs for the calendar printed by Bos, or printed as an (illegal) limited series by the same.
- Leaf browned.
= Design for an illustration in HALLDOR LAXNESS, Salka Valka (The Hague, 1937).
= Original design for a vignette for the series Cultuurserie by the publisher Ad. M.C. Stok - Zuid-Hollandse Uitgevers Maatschappij.
Idem. "Populair-Wetenschappelijke Boekerij Forum". Drawing, pen and ink, sm. corrections in white goauche, 21x12,5 cm., monogrammed.
- Sl. fingersoiled. = Original design for the vignette for a series by the same publisher.
= Original designs for the lettering on the frontcover of the dustwrapper, 16 of the illustrations and the vignette for the author on verso of the title-page. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.
- Sm. stain in lower right corner leaf. = Original design for an illustration of an unidentified publication.
= Original design for an illustration. Perhaps for a story in the youth magazine Zonneschijn.
= Six original designs for the illustrations in the book by Jan Verheyen and Anton Pieck (The Hague, 1951). On page 31, 49 (St. Aaghtenklooster te Delft), 211, 235, 285 and the final leaf 292. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.
- Browned. = Hallema E46; Vogelesang p.76.
AND 6 other prints, mostly etchings, all but one framed, mostly browned, i.a. by C. BRANDENBURG and L.R. WENCKEBACH.
- Vague traces in blank corners on recto from former mounting labels on verso.
= Hallema E46; Vogelesang p.76.
= With small annotations by the artist for the printer. Original design for a vignette or logo.
= Two versions of the same composition. Perhaps designs for an illustration of one of the Scandinavian books illustrated by Pieck.
- Yellowed; one horizontal and 3 vertical folds; a few sharp cuts repaired w. paper tape on verso.
= Six drawings show the design for rooms and 2 drawings show objects. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVI.
- Sl. yellowed; waterstain in lower blank margin.