- Margins browned.
= With a mounted ticket for the exhibition of the Onafhankelijken. With the collector's mark of Philip Jansen on verso.
AND 8 lithographs, a woodcut, an etching and a drawing by the same.
= With a dedication by the artist in brush and ink on verso.
- Textbooklet waterstained. Lithographs fine.
- With various (sm.) defects.
= Prints by i.a. J. Veringa, Dirk van Gelder, C. Mension, J. Th. Giessen, Nico Bulder, W. van Dam, Simon Moulijn, Fokko Mees, Jan Schonk, S. Mosrewski, Aart van Dobbenburgh, Maurits van de Valk, Ina Rahusen, G.J. Voskuijl, Jan Voerman Jr., H. Albers, R. Schönberg, H. Levigne, Harry van Kruiningen. The V.AE.V.O (Vereniging tot bevordering van het Aesthetisch Element in het Voortgezet Onderwijs), was founded in 1908 to supply schools with art to decorate the walls and culturally educate youth at the same time. In 1917 they started to assign 1 to 3 artists per year to make a graphic work of art. Each print had an edition of 70 copies, 10 for the artist, two for the mininstry of culture and the Rijksprentenkabinet, the rest for schools who ordered them. The V.AE.V.O officially ended its activities in 1971. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXV.
= Lebeer 249.
AND 1 other small unidentified etching by the same, also signed in pencil, on Japanese.
= Both etchings from the collection of J. BIERUMA OOSTING, w. her collector's stamp in lower right corner.
- Edges sl. frayed and partly w. glue ghost.
AND 3 other etchings published by the same, by ERICH WOLFSFELD, JOSEF SEGER and H.O. SCHÖNLEBER.
= Vallotton/ Goerg 200.
Carbonati, A. (1893-1956). "Ponte Sestio - Roma". Etching, 18,5x34,8 cm., signed, "1918", "No.20/10 II Etat" and [in lower blank margin] titled in pencil, on Japanse. - AND 1 other etching by an unidentified (Skandinavian?) artist of a shoemaker.
- A few foxed spots in blank margins.
AND 6 others, i.a. H. WAP, "Camping" (col. lithogr., signed, titled and "120-150"in pencil) and D. HILLENIUS, "tentoonstellingsprent voor Ada" (lithograph w. blue streak in watercolour, signed, titled, dated "1977", "no.15" and "veel dank voor de aardige weergave van ons gesprek" in pencil).
- Yellowed/ sl. foxed.
= Drawing consist of 2 rectangular lines and the text.
AND a small booklet by the same: Il y a des jours je ... (Montigny, 1984, (col.) ills., orig. wr. w. dustwr., obl 8vo).
- Some corrections in white paint.