2510 - 2895 OLD and RARE BOOKS from the library of P.J. Buijnsters and L. Buijnsters-Smets
- Bookplate of G. Stuiveling on upper pastedown. Lacks mor. letterpiece; joints splitting. Collection of rare works.
= Rare edition. Unger I, B. Contains: 1. Griane; 2. Treur-spel van Roddrick ende Alphonsus; 3. Lucelle; 4. Moortje Waar in hij Terentii Eunuchum heeft Nae-ghevolght; 5. Spaanschen Brabander Ierolimo; 6. Kluchten als vande Koe. Symen sonder Soetigheyt. Den Molenaer. Ende den Quacksalver (each w. printed subtitles); 7. Nederduytsche Rijmen; 8. Stommen Ridder; section w. "Lijck-dichten".
- Second part lacks 1 leaf (p.5-6); occas. a few vague (water)stains. Otherwise a good/ fine copy.
= The first complete edition. Owner's entry of "Jani Brouckhusius" in top blank margin of the engr. title-p. and contemp.(?) annotations in margin of "Ick wil Juffrouw (vertrouwt)" in the Bron der minnen. Unger E; Scheurleer 142; Scheepers I, 272 ("zeer zeldzaam en gezocht").
- Partly vaguely waterstained in lower blank margin. Dam. at top of spine.
= First Dutch edition of De Britaine's Human prudence, or, the art by which a man may raise himself and his fortune to grandeur (London, 1680).
- Partly erased old owner's entry on title-p. (thin spot); closed tear in lower margin of the view of the emperor's library and cabinet of curiosities; 1 plate w. partly closed tear in outer margin; a few quires (sl.) yellowed. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Klaversma/ Hannema 302; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 49; Nebehay-Wagner 117; cf. Cox I, 88; Tiele 199. The first Dutch edition, the first with these plates, of which 15 are by Jan Luyken. Fine plates, i.a. with views of Antwerpen, St.Goar, Donaustrudel, Vienna (i.a. "De Keijserlijke Bibliotheek en Rariteijt Kamer").
- Chafed spots on frontcover and backstrip. Contents exceptionally fine.
BOUND WITH: Brouërius van Nidek, M. Het zegenpralent Kennemerlant, Vertoont in veele Heerelyke Gezichten Van deszelfs voornaemste lustplaetzen, adelyke huizen, dorp- en stede-gebouwen; Beginnende met Kastrikum, vervolgende door 't Quartier van Heemskerk, Beverwyk, Velzen, Bloemendael, Haerlem, Overveen, Zantvoort, de Vogelezang, en eindigende met Berkenrode, Heemstede, Bennebroek en Hillegom. Ibid., A. and H. de Leth, n.d. (±1732), 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),24; 18 textp., 2 ident. engr. frontisp., title-vignette and 1 other vignette, 2 ident. fold. maps, 100 views on 50 plates by H. DE LETH.
= Rare combination of two of the finest books on 18th-cent. Dutch stately homes, also of great importance for contemporary garden-architecture.
- Occas. sl. waterstained/ yellowed. 's Werelts begin etc. lacks the portrait of Cats. Binding sl. worn along extremities.
= The desirable 4to editions in attractive contemp. bindings. Comprises (the following works by J. CATS unless mentioned otherwise):
I. Proteus ofte Minne-beelden Verandert in Sinne-beelden (Rott., V. van Waesberge, 1627, 1st ed., 5 parts in 1 vol., engr. title and num. (emblematical) ills. by J. SWELINCK and J. MATHAM after A. VAN DE VENNE. Landwehr 92; Mus. Cats 41.
II. Self-stryt, Dat is Crachtighe beweginghe van Vlees en Gheest (Middelburg, H. van der Hellen for J. Pietersz. van de Venne, 1620, 1st ed., engr. title, 3 engr. ills.). Mus. Cats 72; Tooneel van de mannelicke achtbaerheyt (ibid., idem, 1622, 1st ed., large woodcut title-vign. and headpiece, 4 large engr. ills. by P. DE JODE after A. VAN DE VENNE). Mus. Cats 97; C. HUYGENS, [Greek:] Kerkuraia maztix, Satyra. Dat is, 't costelick mal (ibid., idem, 1622, large woodcut title-vign., large engr. ill.); IDEM, Batava tempe. Dat is 't voor-hout van 's Graven-hage (ibid., idem, 1622, large woodcut title-vign., large engr. ill.); Gedachten op slapeloose nachten (...) (Leyden, J. van der Deyster, 1732, 8th ed., engr. frontisp., 28 engr. ills.). Mus. Cats 230.
III. Houwelyck. Dat is De gansche gelegentheyt des Echten staets (Middelb., J.P. van de Venne, 1625, 6 parts in 1 vol., 36 engr. title-pages/ (emblematical) (full-p.) large ills. after A. VAN DE VENNE, woodcut title-vign. and head- and tailpieces). Mus. Cats 112. With duplicates of the plates bound in.
IV. Spiegel Van den Ouden ende Nieuwen Tijdt (The Hague, I. Burchoorn, 1632, 1st ed., 3 parts, engr. title, 127 large ills. after A. VAN DE VENNE and T. MATHAM). Landwehr 109; Mus. Cats 152.
V. 's Werelts begin, midden, eynde, besloten in den trou-ringh, met den proef-steen van den selven (Dordr., H. van Esch for M. Havius, 1637, 1st ed., 4 parts in 1 vol., engr. fold. title, 2 div. titles, 1 portrait (of 2), 51 half-p. ills. i.a. by C. VAN QUEBORN after A. VAN DER VENNE, large numb. of woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces
VI. Ouderdom, buyten-leven, en hof-gedachten, op Sorgh-vliet (Amst., J.J. Schipper, 1656, engr. title, plate, large ills. after A. VAN DE VENNE); Koningklyke herderin Aspasia, blyeyndig-spel (Amst., J.J. Schipper, n.d., engr. fold. title, large woodcut title-vign.); Afbeeldinge van 't huwelyck (ibid., idem, n.d.); Doot-kiste voor de Levendige, of Sinne-beelden uyt Godes Woordt (n.pl., n.publ., n.d., engr. fold. plate and num. large ills. (1x full-p., sl. cut short) after A. VAN DE VENNE).
- Owner's entry and bookplate of H.F.M. Ouwerling on upper pastedown. Lacks portion letterpiece. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Tiele 433; Landwehr, VOC 347; cat. NHSM I, p.243; De Silva/ Beumer p.461-462. "Haafner [1755-1809] started his literary activities very late in life. His first travel-book was published in 1806 in Haarlem: Lotgevallen op eene reize van Madras over Tranquebaar naar het eiland Ceilon. (...). The importance of Haafner's eyewitness accounts is that they were done during the decay of the VOC. Terpstra, in his analysis of Haafner's views on colonialism as expressed in his works, comes to the conclusion that Haafner was an anti-colonialist, a man before his time, for his ideas were not to be topical until more than a century had elapsed." (De Silva/ Beumer).
- Without the leaf "Bericht aan den Binder". Fine copy.
= Tiele 435; Landwehr, VOC 350; Landwehr, Dutch Books Col. Plates 297; De Silva/ Beumer 461/462. Posthumously published, with over 100 pages describing the flora and fauna of Ceylon. "THe importance of Haafner's eyewitness accounts is that they were done during the time of decay of the VOC. (...) Haafner was an anti-colonialist, a man before his time, for his ideas were not to be topical until more than a century had elapsed." (De Silva).
- Large map newly folded and professionally restored/ strengthened on part of old folds. Fine copy.
= Tiele 519; Cordier, Sinica p.2469; Muller, Neerl.-Russ. 387; Adelung II, p.385-390; Cox I, p.330-331; Henze II, p.682-683; Howgego I4. The rare first edition of 1704. "This was no easy journey in those days. Ides, who was a Dane in the service of Peter the Great, set out from Moscow March 14, 1692. (...) He composed his journal for the information and satisfaction of Peter the Great who was well pleased with the results and rewarded the author with the post of Privy Councillor. (...) The expedition added considerable geographical knowledge to the little that was known about Northern Manchuria and China." (Cox). "Ides (...) spricht Henning (p.339) das Verdienst zu, "die erste Reisebericht über Siberien veröffentlicht zu haben, das sich frei halte von Unwahrscheinlichkeiten und Unverständlichkeiten, und nach denen man sich wirklich ein Bild des durchreisten Gebiets machen konnte"." (Henze). This account describes parts of Central Asia about which no earlier accounts exist. As a result of it, it became possible to fill in blank parts of the map. The interesting large map ("Nova tabula Imperii Russici") is based on the observations of Ides.
- First blank and engr. title-p. loose(ning); sm. brown stain on 2nd fold. map. Outer margin of backcover restored. Otherwise a fine and clean copy.
= The first and only Dutch edition. Lust 39; Dünnhaupt 2343; Cordier, Bibl. Sinica 26; Lipperheide Le 3 (ed. Antw., 1667); De Backer/ Sommervogel IV, p.24; "P. Athanasius Kircher S.J. gehört zu den umstrittenen barocken Universalgelehrten, die zugleich Bahnbrecher der modernen Wissenschaften, aber durch die feste Verwurzelung in überkommenen Ansichten auch deren Hemnisse waren. Kirchers Werk bedeutete einen Meilenstein in der europäischen Chinakenntnis. Die Fülle des von Kircher verarbeiteten Materials wie auch die superben Abbildungen machten das Werk zu einem der meistgelesensten Chinabücher der frühen Neuzeit." (China illustrata p. 94-97).
- Sm. stain on frontisp. Endpapers loose. Otherwise fine.
= Geerebaert XLIII,2; Scheepers II, 324; De Vries 366; De Rynck/ Welkenhuysen p.190. The first Dutch translation. Rare.
- Title-p. yellowed and w. a few sm. stains; otherwise occas. sl. yellowed; 2 owner's entries by M. Buisman on first free endpaper (one in pen and ink and dated "5/10 '62" and signed in full; the other in ballpoint and undated, monogrammed "M.B.").
= Bibl. Belgica C83; Schuytvlot, Coornhert 1522-1590, B50; Geerebaert XLVIII, 1.c. Very rare edition.
BOUND WITH: Idem. De tweede XII. Boecken Odysseae: Dat is, De Dolinge van Ulysse. Dutch transl. D.V. Coornhert. Ed. I.G.H. Amst., H. Barentsz, 1609, (6),173,(12)p., woodcut title-vignette.
- One quire browned; cut sl. short along outer edge, affecting the glosses.
= Bibl. Belgica C86; Geerebaert XLVIII, 2 note; Schuytvlot, Coornhert 1522-1590, 68a; De Rynck/ Welkenhuysen, p.210. Very rare.
- Occas. trifle waterstained. A fine copy. = Geerebaert CXV, 3.
- Bookplate of G.S. Overdiep on upper pastedown; hinges strengthened (1x broken). Joints restored w. use of leather; binding sl. worn along extremities. Otherwise a very fine copy.
= Adams O 504; New Hollstein VI, no.1655-1834; not in Schweiger.
- New endpapers; a few lvs. trifle fingersoiled. Lacks ties. Otherwise a very fine copy.
= Geerebaert CXXII,1; De Rynck/ Welckenhuysen p.276; cat. Ovidius herschapen 12; Schweiger III, p.685; not in Muller, De Vries, Scheepers, Waller.
- Very fine copy.
= The second issue of the first edition. Geerebaert CXXV,II; Landwehr F181; Fabula Docet 69; The Children's World of Learning 3181; Bodemann 94,2.
- First 2 flyleaves cut short (1x w. mounted catalogue entry and later owner's entries). Otherwise an exceptionally fine copy.
= From the library of Johan Polak. Scheepers I, 44; Geerebaert CXLIII, 2 (ed. Amst., Z. Heyns, 1597); Bibl. Belgica IV, p.42 note.
- Blank margins occas. sl. foxed.
= Fine and rare complete series of the Old Testament women with broad margins. New Hollstein, Collaert I, 86-105, 1st state (of 3); Van den Branden a.o., Kiliaan 44a.
- New endpapers; title w. remnant of new endpaper along inner margin from formerly sticking together; owner's entry in blank margin of p.1; sl. yellowed/ browned. Lacks ties.
= BCNI 10748.
- Final leaf cut sl. short (just touching the letters in the left margin of p.76 and the quire signature on p.73). Otherwise a superb copy.
= Oppermann 1118; Massmann, p.108,29; Langlois I, p.340,31; Douce, p.60,26; Reichelt 96; Nisard, Histoire des livres populaires II, p.303ff; Fairfax Murray 108. All bibliographies except for Reichelt giving 1728 as date of publication, thus following the printed privilege on the last page. But the second line of this privilege reads that the privilege was given to Pierre Garnier, who died in 1738, while Jean-Antoine Garnier was active between 1766 and 1777 (information from Corrard de Breban, Recherches sur l'établissement et l'exercice de l'imprimerie à Troyes, Paris, 1873, 4th ed., p.73-74). "Der Danse Macabre, den Guy Marchant 1485 in Paris druckte, wurde eines der volkstümlichsten Bücher Frankreichs und erfuhr durch Drucker in der Provinz immer wieder Neuauflagen mit irgendwelchen Veränderungen. In Troyes war es besonders, neben den le Rouge und Oudot, die Druckerfamilie Garnier, die Jahrhunderte hindurch das Privilegium für den Druck franzözischer Volksbücher besass, welche auf Jahrmärkten und durch Kolporteure unter das Volk gebracht wurden. In ihrem Besitz befanden sich bis in das XIX. Jahrhundert hinein hunderte von Originaldruckstöcken des 15. Jahrhunderts aus den Werkstätten Verards, Marchants, Treperels etc. In der vorliegenden Ausgabe sind alle möglichen Holzschnitten von früher oder später durcheinandergebracht, so dass es unmöglich ist, ihre Herkunft zu erforschen. (...) Auch die Garnier'schen Ausgaben gehören zu den grossen Seltenheiten, da bei dem schnellen Verbrauch der Volksbücher nur wenige Exemplare der Vernichtung entgingen." (Oppermann 1118). This is the copy that we sold in our rooms in auction 33 of 2000, which was printed from changed type compared to the known Troyes ed. of ±1770: i.a. one small woodcut on page 70 replaced by letterpress text, a completely different woodcut on page 26 and changed quire signatures.