- Wrapper detached and split on spine; lacks half of the frontcover.
= Matla SNEEV 1.1. One of the rarest Dutch comics. Probably only a few copies left. The official debut of Wim Meuldijk as comic artist. Originally published in the newspaper het Volk from 1942 to 1944 in 1235 installments, this comic consists of the installments no.394 to 449.
= Matla SNEEV 2.1. Very rare. Early comic by the later writer and creator of i.a. the hugely popular Dutch tv-series Pipo de clown. On lambiek.net/comiclopedia: "Na de oorlog lukte het Wim Meuldijk samen met Ton van Heusden een grote partij papier van de Duitsers te versieren en startten zij het blad Sneeuwvlok. Er verschenen in totaal tien nummers van. Naast de tekststrip 'Sneeuwvlok' bevatte het blad van de hand van Wim Meuldijk (onder het pseudoniem Wimm) ook de tekststrip 'Pirandello' en de gagstrip met tekst 'Plukkie Buksjek'. Dertig afleveringen (96 platen) van de strip 'Sneeuwvlok' werden als oblong boekje, met de titel 'Sneeuwvlok verovert Fatalië', uitgegeven zo rond 1948.". The comic weekly was continued as Ketelbinkie-krant.
AND 2 handpainted wooden triplex cut-out figures of Sneeuwvlok and the penguin.
= Scarce. Contains a bibliography.
AND 1 other: P. KUHN, Avontuur op Pampus. De avonturen van kapitein Rob (Amst., n.d., orig. wr., obl. 8vo. Modern facsimile reprint).
- Fine. = Matla BOMME 9.1.
AND ±60 miscell. (odd) vols. by/ on Toonder, partly privately bound.
- Vol. 2 bookblock loose and upper corner frontwr. and first few lvs. sl. dam.
= Tom Poes-Boeken Serie I (kleurendruk), deel 1/ 2. Matla BOMME 6.1/ 2.
AND 3 others by the same.
= I.a. by Crisse, E. Le Saec, G. Crepax, Loustal, Liberatore, M. Verhaeghe, Hardy, Gürcan Gürsel (original signed drawing in colour pencil), Ph. Delaby, Patrice Pellerin (1x signed in pencil), Felix Meynet, M. Faure, P. Serpieri, J.F. Charles, J.P. Gibrat, Berthet.
- Cloth sl. yellowed.
AND a poor copy illustrated by the same.
- With the bookplate of Gerrit Komrij on upper pastedown; owner's stamp on verso first plate. (Finger)soiled and partly stained; a few lvs. professionaly restored.
= Very rare, no copy of this edition traced. Cf. Huiskamp D53 (ed. Amsterdam). All the plates show Harlequin and Pierrot in various scenes. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLV.
- Bookplates on upper pastedown and htitle. Sl rubbed.
Idem. De zilveren schaatsen. Een schets uit het Noordhollandsche volksleven. Dutch adapt. P.J. Andriessen. Amst., D.B. Centen, 4th ed., 1888, 199,(9)p., col. lithogr. plates, orig. gilt pict. cl.
- Hinges weak; title sl. waterst. Top of spine dam.; binding sl. worn along edges.
= The Children's World of Learning 832; Huiskamp D78; Lust en leering p.37/ 38.
('t Hoen, P.). (Fabelen en kleine gedichten voor kinderen). (Ibid., J. de Ruijter, 1815, 3rd ed.), (4),170p., 46 handcol. plates by A. HULK PZN., A. HULK JZN. and P. WAGENAAR, contemp. hcl., sm. 8vo.
- Lacks title; some foxing; sl. crude handcolouring. Binding sl. worn.
= Huiskamp H266; cf. The Children's World of Learning 448 (ed. Amst., 1803): "[The illustrations] are of special interest, showing children's games and scenes from children's daily life, giving a good impression of the customs and costumes of the day."
AND 2 others, i.a. H. VAN ALPHEN and P.L. VAN DE KASTEELE, Stigtelijke mengelpoëzij (Utr., 1804, contemp. hcalf. Rather worn copy).
- Backed with thin Japanese; pinholes in corners; sl. yellowed in out blank margins; a few sm. foxed spots, mainly in outer blank margins.
= Fine studies, showing a rabbit's head in ten different positions; two small pencil sketches of a mouse are vaguely visible in the right margin. The studies pre-date the first privately published edition of The Tale of Peter Rabbit of December 1901; the first trade edition was published in October 1902. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON FRONTCOVER.
= Designs for a (prob. never published) counting book, each showing a mother animal with a number (1-10) of young: "Moeder koe heeft één kalf", "Moeder geit heeft twee geitjes" (...), "Moeder kip heeft tien kuikentjes".
- A few text parts and drawings loose.
WITH 8 other drawings for the same work, larger sizes, incl. a variant of the frontcover.
= Jos Ruting was a prolific illustrator of (children's) books and periodicals and author of novels like "Lydia en de zwaan". Included in this archive are i.a. several ORIGINAL DESIGNS for bookillustrations/ covers and dustwrappers, i.a. for the series of natural history books publ. by W.J. THIEME & CIE. (occas. w. a copy of the book), several designs and models for never published children's books, with titles such as "Hoe een oude reiger leerde van een uilskuiken" and "Bellefleurtje ziet de tuin", 2 sm. paintings (1x w. preliminary pencil sketch) and a few commercial designs, i.a. for VAN HOUTEN chocolate. A large and interesting collection.
- Incl. proofs and duplicates.
= Mostly showing children. Incl. postcards designed for the Nederlandsch Comité voor Kinderpostzegels.
- Annotation in pencil on verso reading identifying the drawings as "Uit 't Wonderland deel 5. De 3 kalenders titelplaat."
- A few sm. marginal tears; details occas. retouched w. white ink.
= A few drawings w. annots. in pencil or pen, partly with identification on verso referring to "Adriaan Brouwer" with page number. J.G. Kramer's Adriaan Brouwer: een verhaal uit het 17de eeuwsche schilderleven was first published in 1901 with the drawings by W.F.A.J. Vaarzon Morel. Other drawings were made i.a. for "Uit 't wonderland".
- Mounts sl. soiled/ foxed. Covers foxed/ worn; corners dam.