- Contemp. owner's entry on title. Wrapper rubbed.
= Huiskamp A194; cf. De hele Bibelebontse berg p.232. Rare early edition (1st ed. Amst., 1810).
Idem. De Brave Hendrik, een leesboekje voor jonge kinderen. Amst., Ten Brink & De Vries, 1877, 60th ed., 32p., orig. publ. wr., sm. 8vo. Zelling, E.J. Korte en gemakkelijke leeslesjes voor kinderen: bestaande uit woordjes van ééne lettergreep, zonder zamengestelde voor- en achtervoegsels, met een prentje bij ieder lesje. Winschoten, H.V. Huisingh, 1852, 9th ed., 16p., 28 woodcut ills., contemp. wr.
= "Vervolg op den Spelend leerenden Jan" (title-p.). Cf. Huiskamp Z62 (2nd ed., 1834). Rare Winschoten imprint.
- Bookplate of Buijnster-Smets on upper pastedown. Backstrip pasted over with japanese.
= Huiskamp A330. Nice plates showing i.a. a public transport "omnibus", a ballgame ("kaatsen") and a bookstore. Title-p. with address of the 1st ed., frontcover of the second edition, published by P.J.G. Diderich. Not in the usual reference works. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIV.
- Lacks 1 plate (LXXXVII), 2 plates lack part of lower corner, w. sl. loss of image; 1 plate w. tear; last plate doubled; some plates in weak impression. Thumbed/ sl. soiled throughout. Binding rubbed/ worn and sl. stained; backcover a few repaired spots.
= Cf. Wegehaupt I, 81 and Seebass 108 (both ed. Berlin). A rich visual source for life in the second half of the 18th cent., showing occupations, professions, children's games etc., also including a few maps.
- Bookblock loosening; owner's entry on title-p.; sl. foxed.
Idem. Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter im Zwergenland. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1935), 19,(1)p., 8 col. ills. by R. BITTERLICH, photogr. portrait of the illustrator, orig. pict. boards, sm. 4to.
- Owner's entry on title-p.; sl. foxed (incl. wr.).
AND 7 others on/ by the same illustrator (incl. one duplicate), i.a. G. STRIEBER, Mit Roswitha ins Märchenland. Band 5/ 6 (ibid., n.d. (±1935), 2 vols., col. ills., orig. unif. boards, 12mo).
- Sl. foxed. Sl. worn along extremities.
= De hele Bibelebontse berg p.563: "Groen groen grasje is misschien wel het volmaaktste kunstwerk dat Nelly Bodenheim heeft gecreëerd. Al meer had zij letters tot menselijke figuren getransformeerd; hier is haar dit ronduit ontroerend gelukt." A is een aapje p.136-137: "De meest perfecte twintigste-eeuwse verbeelding van het ABC is zonder twijfel Groen groen grasje van Nelly Bodenheim (...). (...) is een wonder van evenwicht, mise-en-page, kleurgebruik en detail en laat zien dat Nelly Bodenheim naast illustratrice vooral ook vormgeefster was." Ki.la.ki.le. 735.
Idem. 12 Sprookjes en rijmpjes. Ibid., S.L. van Looy, n.d. (1908), 1st ed., 72,(3)p., col. lithogr. plates/ ills., silhouette ills. and orig. clothbacked col. lithogr. boards by N. BODENHEIM.
- Contents w. minor imperfections. Boardedges w. worn spots; cover sl. fingersoiled.
= Schenk-Baumann no.7; De hele Bibelebontse berg p.563.
AND 3 others by the same.
- Frontcover a few foxed spots.
WITH loosely inserted: L. ANSINGH (attrib.), (Seated lady with a walking stick) (drawing, pencil, 11x11 cm. Attribution in pencil in lower left corner; w. another sketch by the same on verso). - ADDED: 2 others, i.a. J.J.A. GOEVERNEUR, (Fabelboek) (Leeuw., n.d. (±1880), 1 vol. (of 4?), 28 handcol. plates by O. EERELMAN, each w. accomp. text (1x in later manuscript), contemp. hcalf w. orig. col. lithogr. frontcover, 4to. Lacks title-p. and prob. only one vol. of 4).
- Occas. sl. foxed. Covers (sl.) dampstained. = Cf. Vicaire II, p.228. ed. ±1883.
Jacquin, S. De quoi s'occupent nos bébés. Ibid., Vve Magnin et fils, n.d. (±1880), (20)p., (full-p.) col. lithogr. ills. by E.J. HARDING, orig. clothbacked boards, sm. 4to.
- Owner's stamp on first free endpaper. Covers sl. rubbed/ soiled.
Tilleuls, A. des. Les Bonnes Petites Filles. Ibid., Bernardin-Béchet, n.d. (±1890), (8)textp., 6 chromolithogr. plates, orig. clothbacked boards, 4to.
- Bookblock loosening; some plates lower hinge repaired w. sellotape; sl. foxed. Covers sl. rubbed.
Sonderland, J.B. Bilder aus dem Leben. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (±1880), (16)p., title-p. and 8 col. lithogr. plates, orig. pict. wr., 4to.
- Sl. foxed. Spine sl. dam. and repaired w. tape. = Rare.
AND 1 other.
- (Sl.) foxed; hinges weak. Covers sl. soiled/ rubbed.
- Lacks plate w. ills. 53 and 54 and (partly) page 103-106; sm. bookplate on upper pastedown; sl. foxed. Spine cracked; covers worn.
= Pilzer p.362.
Instruction für Schullehrer zur Unterweisung der Jugend nach dem Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landeskatechismus. Hannover, n.publ., 1791, 16p., contemp. hcalf., sm. 8vo. - BOUND WITH: Katechismus der christlichen Lehre Zum Gebrauch in den Evangelischen Kirchen und Schulen. Ibid., G.C. Schlüter, 1792, 190p., woodcut title vignette.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; owner's entry on first title-p.; occas. sl. foxed; endpapers browned. Covers sl. rubbed.
- Paper over covers partly torn; backstrip worn.
= Rare album of this periodical running from June 1935 to June 1936.
- Spine of 1st. and 3rd vol. (partly) dam. Good copies.
= Matla GIJSJE, 1.1-1.5. Rare complete series. Taken from the installments published in the children's weekly Olijk en Vrolijk.
Idem. Uit het leven van Gijsje Goochem. N.pl., the author(?), n.d. (1937), 222p., orig. dec. boards.
= Not a comic, but an adapted children's book with illustrations by the same author. Cf. Matla, p.252.
AND ± others, i.a. duplicate copies of the vols. 2, 4 and 5 (2x), loose and bound issues of OLIJK EN VROLIJK (w. the Gijsje Goochem gags) (i.a. bound issues No.17-52 (1939)) and cut out sections from the same periodical and by the same author, De wonderlijke avonturen van Pietje Peggel (n.pl., n.d., col. ills., orig. wr., obl. 8vo).
- Wr. creased and sl. worn. = Matla FLIPJ 1.1-4.8.
AND 20 (fold.) filmstrips (various series).
- Spine-ends and corners sl. worn; frontcover sl. stained. = Ottens 1.1.
AND 1 other by the same: De 7 kristallen bollen (reprint).
- Sl. dogeared. Lacks backwr.; frontwr. foxed; spine neatly strengthened w. sellotape; first and final leaf sl. chipped.
= Highly amusing and extremely rare caricatural attack on the introduction of physical training lessons in Dutch schools, for which Dutch teachers were obliged to follow an extra course in physical training. The style of the illustrations is highly influenced by that of 19th cent. Struwwelpeter books. Rare incunable of Dutch comics.
- Neatly rebacked; a few repaired marginal tears. Wrapper lacks 4 corners; backwr. partly sunned.
= "According to comics collector and bibliographer Hans Matla, the oldest Dutch comics album is the protest document called Aanleiding tot den Engelsch-Transvaalschen Oorlog (...)." (N. Maas in P. Lefèvre and C. Dierick (ed.), Forging a New Medium p.74f). Maas proves this to be untrue, but still it remains a rare and early comics album and a humorous pro-Boer explanation of the causes of the Boer-war.
- Wrappers w. minor imperfections. Good/ fine copies.
= Matla ROBBA 1.38-46 and 1.48-56, all with the publisher's address on backwr.
AND 6 others by H. KRESSE from the Eric de Noorman series (sl. worn copies).
= Standard work.
Horn, M. (ed.). The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons. London/ New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 1980, 2nd ed., 676p., num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio. - AND 5 others, i.a. J. ROBINSON, The Comics. An illustrated history of comic strip art (New York, 1976, (col.) ills., orig. wr., folio) and K. KOUSEMAKER, Strip voor strip (Amst., 1970, ills., orig. wr., folio).