- Lower hinge broken; upper hinge almost completely broken; modern annotation in pencil on first free endpaper.
= Rare. It contains the image of the frontispiece twice. According to the annotation in pencil on the first free endpaper this edition is mentioned as number 365A in the work Manchester Polytechnic Library of Children's books 1840-1939. Not referable for us. Extremely rare.
- Title lacks lower corner (repaired); some marginal closed tears. Corners showing; backstrip worn; spine-ends chipped.
= A is een aapje p.143-144: "Apart dient nog vermeld A is het aanbeeld (1923) van de actieve kinderboekenillustrator Daan Hoeksema (...). Veth bestempelde Hoeksema's illustraties als 'goedig' en 'van weinig pretentie'. Pretentie hebben ze zeker niet, maar in zijn ABC-boek zijn ze in elk geval grappig en ongewoon. De (hoofd)letters vervullen op de forse prenten (...) een wezenlijke functie. Bij 'D is de diender, die staat op de loer' gluurt de gezagsdienaar half verborgen over een enorme letter D heen. (...) en met de O wordt gehoepeld."
- Newly sewn; hinges strengthened w. tape; sl. waterstained, incl. frontwrapper. = Rare.
- Bookseller's stamp on verso frontwr. Spine rubbed/ sl. worn; wr. sl. soiled.
= With "No.3." printed on title-p. and frontwr. Not in any of the usual reference works or databases. Attractive illustrations, each accompanied by a 2-line verse. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLI.
- Sm. paper ticket w. ms. "432" on recto first text leaf. Spine-ends strengthened w. tape.
= With contemp. annotation in pen on verso frontwr.: "Van St Nicolaas voor den lieven Mannes Boekweg". Very rare A.B.-book. Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 19c ("heruitgave" (probably referring to the third ed.)); Ki.la.ki.le. 51 (3rd ed., ±1850).
- Newly sewn; trifle foxed. Wrapper sl. soiled. = Rare. Not found in the usual reference works.
- New endpapers; newly sewn. Covers sl. soiled; corners showing; dam. spot backcover; spine neatly restored and strengthened on inside.
= Remarkable A.B.-book with attractive transformation plates, in which the various letters hide pictures of appropriate words/ scenes, i.a. A for "abrikoos", E for "evenwicht", I for "invalide" and U for "urn". The word that is illustrated is printed in italics in the accompanying verse. Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 11b; Lust en Leering p.407: "Toch zijn er hier in die laatste decennia van de negentiende eeuw nog wel enkele interessante beweegbare prentenboeken verschenen. Eerst en vooral: A.B.C. de poes gaat mêe. Alphabet voor kinderen met nieuwe verrassende prentjes (...). We hebben hier inderdaad met een verrassend flappenboekje te maken (...)." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Occas. trifle foxed. Newly sewn. Spine split and repaired; wr. sl. soiled and chipped along edges.
= Extremely rare first edition of this A.B.-book with a cooking theme. Cf. Lust en Leering p.156-157 mentioning "Moeders ABC-Boekje. Wat lekkers uit keuken en tuin" (Amst., 1856). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Occas. pencil scribbling on blank verso; paper ticket on verso frontwrapper w. "392" in pen and ink. Frontwrapper stained; lower half of backstrip repaired.
= Huiskamp M313; The Children's World of Learning 58; Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 12b; Ki.la.ki.le. 42; De hele Bibelebontse berg p.247 (w. ill. p.249): "Een bijzonder fraai abc-boekje (...)". The finely coloured plates depicting a broad range of children's activities, such as studying, riding a goat-cart, travelling in a tow-boat or a coach, visiting grandfather, feeding the ducks, watching the stars, training the dog, piano studies and skating. Beautiful and very rare A.B.-book. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Newly sewn; inner margins partly strengthened/ restored (occas. touching text); partly dampstained in lower (mostly blank) margins.
= Huiskamp M313; The Children's World of Learning 59; cf. Ki.la.ki.le. 42; cf. De hele Bibelebontse berg p.247; cf. Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 12b; Caljé-Van Gulik 283; Lust en Leering, p.152: "Een absoluut hoogtepunt in de prentalfabetten vóór 1850 is J.F.L. Mullers Alphabetisch Letterkransje (...)." The finely coloured plates depict a broad range of children's activities, such as studying, riding a goat-cart, travelling in a tow-boat or a coach, visiting grandfather, feeding the ducks, watching the stars, training the dog, piano exercising and skating.
- (Finger)soiled throughout (first and last leaf worse); first leaf w. sm. tear in fore-edge margin; 4 lvs. w. large repaired tear near lower inner margin (touching ills.). Wrappers sl. stained and worn; verso frontwr. w. contemp. owner's entry: "H.J. Swaan, gekregen van mynen geliefden vader, 5 Dec. 1838."
= Rare first edition of this A.B.-book of names, reprinted by Noothoven Van Goor, Leyden around 1869. Huiskamp M317; Ki.la.ki.le. 43; Landwehr, A is een aapje, p.88. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIII.
- Joints sl. worn. A fine copy.
= WITH the rare map. Waller 11; Muller 11; Scheepers II, 996; Huiskamp N18; Caljé-Van Gulik 275; The Children's World of Learning 21.
- All copies uncut in unfolded plano.
= Waller 16; The Children's World of Learning 26; not in Landwehr, Prentgeschenk.
- Wrapper sl. frayed along edges w. some sm. marginal tears/ chips; backstrip partly worn off; spine strengthened on inside w. paper (tearing). Contents fine.
= Lust en Leering, p.149-150: "Het nu zeldzaam geworden, oudste prent-ABC waarin A is een aapje is, B de bakker die ons brood bakt en C Charlotte die chocola drinkt, verscheen voor het eerst in 1836 bij Hendrik Frijlink te Amsterdam". Other reference works only mention the 2nd ed. published by D. Noothoven van Goor, Leyden. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Final leaf lacks sm. chip of outer blank margin; inner margins carefully strengthened/ restored w. japanese. Backwrapper lower corner restored w. tinted japanese; remnants of sticker (?) on frontwr.; covers sl. stained/ soiled.
= Extremely rare A.B.-book with caricaturesque illustrations showing children dressed up as adults in various occupations. Every page has one illustration and one 4-line verse. All pages are advertisements of various 19th century businesses from Amsterdam. Not found in the usual reference works. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIII.
- Trifle soiled; spine split but repaired w. cloth in hinges. = Rare.
- Vol. 1 all lvs. loose and title cut short along all margins; both vols. sl. browned and foxed but otherwise fine.
= Very rare, especially complete in 2 vols. Huiskamp N81-82; Ki.la.ki.le. 10 B-D (first part only); Caljé-Van Gulik 287 (both parts); Lust en Leering p.53-54: "Wat de lees-prentenboekjes betreft, vinden we een fraai voorbeeld in twee uitgaven van G. Ypma te Franeker. (...) Deze kleine-middenstandsmoraal ontbreekt in de twee stukjes van het Nieuw Prenteboekje. Zij beslaan elk slechts één aan weerszijden bedrukt vel met zeven sublieme, uit de hand gekleurde houtgravures en bijpassende tekst in allerlei lettertypen (...). Wie het in handen krijgt, verbaast zich dat van een zo fragiel gebruiksboekje überhaupt nog exemplaren bewaard zijn gebleven." The very nice illustrations showing i.a. a cat (sl. dam.), a whale, a skater and a mill. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIV.
- Uncut; both lvs. trifle foxed and waterstained in blank margins. Otherwise fine.
= Rare, especially when complete in 2 vols. Huiskamp N81-82; Ki.la.ki.le. 10 B-D (first part only); Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 23a and b; Coll. Caljé-Van Gulik 287 (both parts); Lust en Leering p.53-54: "Wat de lees-prentenboekjes betreft, vinden we een fraai voorbeeld in twee uitgaven van G. Ypma te Franeker. (...) Deze kleine-middenstandsmoraal ontbreekt in de twee stukjes van het Nieuw Prenteboekje. Zij beslaan elk slechts één aan weerszijden bedrukt vel met zeven sublieme, uit de hand gekleurde houtgravures en bijpassende tekst in allerlei lettertypen (...). Wie het in handen krijgt, verbaast zich dat van een zo fragiel gebruiksboekje überhaupt nog exemplaren bewaard zijn gebleven." The very nice illustrations showing i.a. a cat, a whale, a skater and a mill.
- Bookseller's ticket on verso frontwr.; letter "E" filled in w. pen and ink and tiny portion cut out next to the letter. Otherwise fine.
= The Children's World of Learning 74, listing an edition published in 1842: "The A B C book became popular as the "Spa-a-Boek", with which it started. Although the A B C was published in huge numbers all through the 19th century, copies of all editions are most rare, as they were school-property and the children were not supposed to take them home"; cf. Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 15c, listing the 10th ed. (1862); cf. A is een Aapje p.22, listing the 10th edition (1862); cf. Huiskamp P165, listing the 1st ed. (1821).
Nieuw A.B.C. Boekje, voor leerzame kinderen. Amst., G. van der Linden, n.d. (±1860), 16p., woodcut on title, woodcut of a cock on verso title, 26 woodcut ills. to the alphabet in the text, late 19th/ early 20th cent. marbled boards, sm. 8vo.
= Waller 16; The Childrens's World of Learning 26; not in Landwehr, Prentgeschenk.
- Final text leaf lacks upper outer corner w. loss of words; sl. dampstained along blank margins (incl. edges of binding); some lvs. w. tiny (repaired) tears in blank margin. Rebacked and hinges strengthened w. cloth; corners showing.
= From the collection of Borms-Koop with their stamp on lower pastedown. Very rare Dutch AB book. Lust en leering, p.264-265; Landwehr, Prentgeschenk 18d. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIII.