- Some usual sl. foxing and thumbing. Backstrip sl. sunned; spine-ends, joints and corners sl. rubbed/ worn. A (very) good copy.
= The rare first edition of this major classic. Wagemaker, Kieviet p.23 (dating 1891); De hele Bibelebontse berg p.397-399, 353-355 and passim. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVIII.
- Sm. owner's stamp on title. Frontcover of binding partly vaguely waterstained (restored). A fine copy in a contemp. binding w. the original frontwrapper preserved.
= The rare first edition of this major classic. Wagemaker, Kieviet p.23 (dating 1891); De hele Bibelebontse berg p.397-399, 353-355 and passim. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVIII.
- First free endpaper and blanks sl. browned; plates trifle foxed in blank margins; bookblock sl. shaken.
- Hinges weak but holding on cords; inner margins strengthened w. paper
= Dutch adaptation of the Mother Hubbard story, with the dog named Blaf and his all too lenient mistress Grootje Goedsloof. Lust en Leering p.84f. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIX.
- Bookblock loosening; trifle fingersoiled. Covers sl. soiled/ rubbed.
- Lacks 7 plates, the divisional titles and the textp.; occas. sl. foxed/ sl. yellowed; final few leaves sl. frayed; occas. cut sl. short (affecting the plate number); bookblock loose. Binding sl. worn along extremities.
= Wegehaupt II, 1941-1943: "Dieses Bilderbuch soll kein Spielwerk sein, dazu ist es zu ernst; aber auch kein Lehrbuch, dazu ist es zu bunt und zu heiter (...)"; Seebaß 1115: "Mit reizenden Illustrationen, Pflanzen, Tiere, Kostüme, Szenen aus verschied. Ländern (...)".
- Very fine copy of the HANDCOLOURED edition.
= The third edition (first 1779). Arpots 248; coll. Caljé-van Gulik 123; BNK 1456 ("Traditioneel onder de kinderboeken gerekend, maar feitelijk meer een kunstboek voor volwassenen"). On Chr. Chalon: L. Buijnsters-Smets, Christina Chalon, een achttiende-eeuwse tekenares, Antiek 16 (1982), p.471-480. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIX.
- Spine split but repaired w. Japanese; wrapper sl. rubbed.
= Lust en Leering p.290; not in Ki.la.ki.le. Nice circus illustrations. Rare.
- Occas. cut short (affecting text) and sl. fingersoiled. Sold w.a.f.
= Huiskamp L65; Coll. Caljé-Van Gulik 247. Rare booklet, aimed at eradicating superstition amongst children, and explaining the origin of certain spooky sounds or visions. Nice plates.
- Some lvs. loose(ning); owner's entry/ stamp on title-p. and verso htitle. Spine-ends and corners sl. worn; covers sl. browned/ dustsoiled.
= "Uitgave voor de huiskamer van 'Dicht bij huis'" (title-p.).
Drost, J. and Matzer van Bloois, J. Flapje Wildsnuit wil een mensch worden. Zwolle, erven J.J. Tijl, n.d. (1946), 32p., col. ills. and orig. clothbacked pict. boards by J. DE RANITZ.
- Covers worn along extremities; sl. stained in outer corners.
= Rare. Written by hostages in the Nazi-internmentcamp St. Michielsgestel.
De Gelaarsde Kat. Een Sprookje. Adapt. S. Abramsz. Amst., S.L. van Looy, n.d. (1915), 17 lvs., silhouette ills., bookdec. and orig. clothbacked boards by M. WIEGMAN after J. WIEGMAN, printed in black and blue, 4to.
- Worn along extremities.
Doorenbos, C. De avonturen van Piet Stuifzand. Vol. I and II. Rott., Van Nelle, n.d. (1930), 2 vols., full-p. col. ills. by B. VLYMEN, orig. unif. wr., 4to. - AND 20 others, i.a. L. ROGGEVEEN, De Gouden Gans (The Hague, n.d. (1937), col. ills. by RIE CRAMER, orig. clothbacked boards by RIE CRAMER and HANS BORREBACH, obl. folio).
- Fine copy. = Lust en Leering p.113. Rare.
Vertelling van meester Kat, of de gelaarsde kat. Ibid., idem, n.d. (±1830), 16p., 3 handcol. woodcut plates, orig. printed wr., sm. 8vo.
- Fine copy. = Lust en Leering p.112. Rare.
= Cf. Waller 1141 and Huiskamp M3-M9 (earlier separate eds.). Rare edition.
(Aken, F. van). (Nederlandsche Spreekwoorden, door Voorbeelden opgehelderd voor Kinderen).(Amst., Erve W. Houtgraaf, 1806,) 1st ed., 63p., 12 handcol. engr. plates, 12mo.
- Lacks title and binding; dogeared copy; occas. sl. fingersoiled in margins. = Rare. Huiskamp A85.
- Without light source.
- Without oil lamp; sl. oxidized and w. chafed spots; box lacks lid; booklet worn.
AND 3 other similar toy magic lanterns by Gebrüders Bing and George Carette (w. orig. box), all lacking parts and other defects.
- Lacks the backdoor, replaced by modern wooden door with attached electric lamp; tin and brass sl. oxidized.
- Electrified; w. a few worn spots.
= Two slide holders for two different sizes of images: large holder 8 cm. high, smallest size for circular slides of 4 cm. in diameter.
- Metal parts with some oxidization.
= The device has an overall appearance of being homemade or a one-off ordered item from a local craftsman, probably British.
- In good to fine condition. = This type of magic lantern was mostly used for lectures or college lessons.
- Minor flaws, in fine condition.