- Occas. sl. foxed; last 2 lvs. sl. creased; last few lvs. and pastedown w. traces of pencil scribbling. Binding soiled/ stained and worn/ rubbed.
= Huiskamp M184; Caljé-van Gulik 402; Waller 1183 (3rd edition, 1826); The Children's World of Learning 3735: "Rare and famous Dutch picture book describing and illustrating twelve games for little girls to be played outdoors as well as indoors." The first edition was published in 1821 (Huiskamp M183). Very rare.
- Newly sewn; 1st plate and title-p. inner margin sl. dam. from formerly sticking together.
= Huiskamp N114; Caljé-van Gulik 403; The Children's World of Learning 3736: "These little books of games for boys and girls are of special importance as they describe and depict the games children of Dutch middle-class played at the time".
- Two adjacent pieces of the map of Oceania lack a small interlocking lobe. Box strengthened along margins on inside and on outside corners; lid foxed and dustsoiled. Otherwise very fine.
= Consists of maps of the two hemispheres, the 5 continents (North and South America each on a separate map) and France. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVI.
- Folded as published, fine. = Attractive table game with the Boer War-theme.
AND 2 others: "Tramwayspel" and "Nieuw Belegeringspel".
- Lacks 1 numb. card; several cards w. standing conductor knacked/ broken (a few repaired w. scotch tape). Box w. minor imperfections.
= Papertoys p.266 ("feitelijk een soort lottospel"). Nice and early tramway game. "Engeland is het land waar in 1858 de eerste passagierstram reed. In 1864 volgde Nederland met de lijnen Den Haag-Scheveningen en Den Haag-Delft. In 1875 begon Amsterdam, in 1878 Haarlem en Dordrecht en in 1879 Rotterdam. Aanvankelijk waren dat allemaal paardentrams, later ook stoomtrams. De eerste Nederlandse electrische tram met bovenleiding kwam pas in 1899 tussen Haarlem en Zandvoort. Sinds die tijd verdwenen langzamerhand overal eerst de paardentrams en later ook de stoomtrams." (Papertoys).
- Sm. rubbed spot on upper lid erasing part of French title. Otherwise fine. = Nice, early edition.
- A few tiny tears in wrappers and sl. foxed.
= Papertoys p.77 (giving as address H. Moolenijzer and G.Th. Bom, Amst.): "Vergeleken met het papiertheater bleef het negentiende eeuwse repertoire zeer beperkt tot een twaalftal stukken, waarvoor aparte boekjes in de handel werden gebracht (...)." The plays in the booklet are: De gebroken brug; De visschertjes; De snoepende kat; De rooversch in het bosch.
- One plate lacks two movable parts; box sl. stained and soiled.
AND 4 others, i.a. 2 similar proverb games: "Wie rijmt er mee? Nieuw rijmspel voor kinderen" (±1920) and "Zoekt het rijm!" (±1900. Box defective).
- Fine, complete copy.
= Cf. Papertoys p.154 (ed. The Hague, Wed. E Spanier, ±1875, w. 6 red and 45 blue cards).
AND 1 other: QUARTET-SPEL (±1880).
- Lacks 9 tokens (replaced w. later manuscipt ones); plate on lid sl. soiled and dam.
= Papertoys p.322: "Feitelijk een soort lottospel. Lijkt uiterlijk en inhoudelijk sterk op Het Echte Tramwayspel."
- Lacks 2 "klasse" cards and 3 text cards; letterpress rules stained/ soiled and strengthened w. scotch tape. Lid of box worn.
= Cf. Papertoys, p.129.
AND 1 other: "Een Aardigheid voor Vrolijke gezelschappen bestaande in vragen en antwoorden" (±1880).
- Without the rules. Board box w. worn. = Papertoys, p.129.
- Formely folded; browned and foxed. = Papertoys, p.99 (titled "Ganzenspel"). I.a. w. the figure of a harlequin.
- Formerly folded; laid down on mount.
= Not traced. With dwarfs playing instruments in the upper corners and a couple offering food and drink in the lower corners. Hemeleers published a later recarved version. Perhaps Buijnsters, Paper Toys, p. 100 (by Ph. Meyers, Amersfoort).
- Box sl. dam./ defective; transparent paper w. some tears (closed w. tape).
= Nice game, the silhouettes depicting i.a. a dentist with his patient, a constable, a drunkard, a baker, a lady drinking tea, a lighthouse, a boat with col. portholes and a locomotive w. carriages. The included booklet contains a number of possible plays to be performed. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- Lacks one plate w. silhouette figures; one plate several figures cut out (and lacking). Portfolio splitting on folds (partly repaired w. sellotape).
- Paint partly sl. worn off.
= The company founded by Margarete Steiff is renowned for introducing the stuffed toy bear which came to be known as the Teddybear.
- Fine. = Papertoys p.196 and 283.
AND 3 others, i.a. "De Vliegende Hoeden" (±1920, later reissued as "Hoedje Wip").
- Apparently complete(?). Box w. some worn spots. = No copy traced. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- Envelopes brittle and sl. defective. Contents fine.
= Each card with 2 different cut-out heads that can be placed on top of any of the dolls. The instructions explain how the heads will move when a small stone is suspended from a thread connected to the heads. Rare game.