1286 - 1362     FOREIGN LITERATURE

Page 3 of 4 Results 41 - 60 of 77
78 1326 Milosz O W 78 1326 Milosz O W
78/1326 Milosz, O.W. Les éléments. Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Occident, 1911, 1st ed., 95,(1)p., printed in 260 numb. copies (200), orig. wr.

- Endpapers browned; spine breaking. Backstrip partly worn away.


€ (40-60) 40
78 1327 Molière J B P de 78 1327 Molière J B P de
78/1327 Molière, J.B.P. de. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Paris, R. Kieffer, 1922, (2),VII,(1),224,(1)p., 5 col. woodcuts by F. SIMÉON, printed in 551 numb. copies (500), contemp. hmor. w. richly gilt spine w. inlay mor. decoration in the shape of tulips and a Greek theatre mask, a.e.g., orig. wr. pres.

= Monod 2865.

Mirbeau, O. Les Vingt et un Jours d'un Neurasthénique. Ibid., Charpentier, 1901, (4),435p., contemp. hmor. w. gilt spine, a.e.g., orig. wr. pres. - AND 3 others, i.a. J. VERNE, Les Anglais au Pole Nord (ibid., n.d., contemp. blue hmor. w. gilt spine).

€ (50-70)
78 1328 Montherlant H de 78 1328 Montherlant H de
78 1328 Montherlant H de 78 1328 Montherlant H de
78/1328 Montherlant, H. de. Les jeunes filles./ Pitié pour les femmes./ Le démon du bien./ Les lépreuses. Paris, Flammarion, 1946-1947, 4 vols., orig. unif. wr., board chemise, board slipcase.
€ (30-50)
78 1329 Nabokov V 78 1329 Nabokov V
78/1329 Nabokov, V. Lolita. Paris, The Olympia Press, 1955, 1st ed., 2 vols., 188,(2); 223,(1)p., orig. unif. wr.

- Backstrips yellowed; spine-ends trifle chipped; joints some rubbed spots.

= Kearney, The Paris Olympia Press 24. First edition, first issue. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVII.

€ (1.200-1.500) 1800
78 1330 Nabokov V 78 1330 Nabokov V
78/1330 Nabokov, V. Pnin. Garden City, Doubleday & Company, 1957, 191p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Yellowed. Dustwr. badly dam. and stained.

= Early printing of the first American edition. From the library of Remco Campert, w. his exlibris blindstamp.

Idem. The Waltz Invention. Engl. transl. D. Nabokov. New York, Phaedra, 1966, 1st ed., (8),111p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Yellowed/ browned; (literary agent's) stamp on first free endpaper. Spine of dustwr. sunned.

= From the library of Remco Campert, w. his exlibris blindstamp.

AND ±30 others by the same, incl. Dutch translations.

- Partly w. defects. = All from the library of Remco Campert, with his exlibris blindstamp or owner's entry.

€ (80-100) 80
78 1331 Nabokov V 78 1331 Nabokov V
78/1331 Nabokov, V. The Waltz Invention. Engl. transl. D. Nabokov. New York, Phaedra, 1966, 1st ed., (8),111p., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

- Dustwr. soiled and sunned at backstrip. Binding w. vague waterst. at foot of spine.

Idem. The Man from the U.S.S.R. and Other Plays. With two Essays on the Drama. Introd. and transl. D. Nabokov. San Diego etc., Harcourt Brace Javonovich, 1984, 1st ed., (6),342p., orig. hcl. w. dustwr. - AND 5 others by the same, all early/ first (UK) editions in hardcover w. (occas. sl. dam.) dustwr.: Bend Sinister, Ada, Glory, Strong Opinions, A Russian Beauty and Other Stories and The Original of Laura. - AND 4 others by SAMUEL BECKETT.

€ (50-70) 50
78 1332 Pléiade  Balzac H de 78 1332 Pléiade Balzac H de
78/1332 [Pléiade]. Balzac, H. de. La comédie humaine. Ed. M. Bouteron. Paris, Gallimard, 1950-1952, 10 vols., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr. - AND 1 other from the same series: IDEM, Contes drôlatiques précédés de La comédie humaine (XI) (ibid., 1959, orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr.).
€ (80-100) 150
78 1333 Pléiade  Claudel P 78 1333 Pléiade Claudel P
78 1333 Pléiade  Claudel P 78 1333 Pléiade Claudel P
78/1333 [Pléiade]. Claudel, P. Journal. I. 1904-1932. II. 1933-1955. Ed. F. Varillon and J. Petit. Paris, Gallimard, 1968-1969, 2 vols., XC,1499,(8); XXI,(1),1360,(5)p., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr. Idem. Oeuvre poétique. Ed. J. Petit. Ibid., idem, 1967, LVII,(1),1258,(1)p., orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. Idem. Théâtre. Ed. J. Madaule and J. Petit. Ibid., idem, 1956, 2 vols., XLV,1172,(4); 1386,(4)p., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr.
€ (60-80) 60
78 1334 Pléiade  Colette S G 78 1334 Pléiade Colette S G
78/1334 [Pléiade]. Colette, S.-G. Album Colette. Ed. C. and L. Pichois. Paris, Gallimard, 1984, 322,(2)p., num. ills., orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase. Jünger, E. Journaux de guerre. I. 1914-1918/ II. 1939-1948. Ibid., idem, 2014, 2 vols., LXXII,870,(2); LXXII,1378,(2)p., orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr., together in pict. slipcase. - AND 6 other Pléiade vols., all in orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. (5x w. slipcase): E.A. POE, Oeuvres en prose (1951); C. PÉGUY, Oeuvres poétiques complètes (1957) and 4 vols. by A. GIDE.
€ (120-150)
78 1335 Pléiade  Dante Alighieri 78 1335 Pléiade Dante Alighieri
78/1335 [Pléiade]. Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. Paris, Gallimard, 1950, 2 vols., XXIX,1127,(3); 1205,(3)p., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr. - AND 8 other Pléiade vols., all in orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. (5x w. slipcase): P. DE RONSARD, Oeuvres complètes (1976); B. DE MONLUC, Commentaires (1971); W. SHAKESPEARE, Oeuvres complètes (1959, 2 vols.); TALLEMANT DES RÉAUX, Historiettes (1960), Poètes et Romaciers du Moyen Age (1952, 2 copies) and Historiens et Chroniqueurs du Moyen Age (1972).
€ (80-100)
78 1336 Pléiade  Giono J 78 1336 Pléiade Giono J
78/1336 [Pléiade]. Giono, J. Oeuvres romanesques complètes. Paris, Gallimard, 1971-1983, 6 vols., india-paper, orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase. Idem. Récits et essais. Ibid., idem, 1989, XXXII,1335,(2)p., india-paper, orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase. Idem. Journal, poèmes, essais. Ibid., idem, 1995, XVIII,1644,(1)p., india-paper, orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase.
€ (80-100) 90
78 1337 Pléiade  Green J 78 1337 Pléiade Green J
78/1337 [Pléiade]. Green, J. Oeuvres complètes. Ed. J. Petit a.o. (Paris), Gallimard, 1972-1998, 8 vols., india-paper, ills., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase.

= Fine complete set.

€ (80-100) 80
78 1338 Pléiade  Hölderlin F 78 1338 Pléiade Hölderlin F
78/1338 [Pléiade]. Hölderlin, F. Oeuvres. Ed. P. Jaccottet. Paris, Gallimard, 1982, XXVI,1266,(1)p., new ed., orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. Goethe, J.W. von. Théâtre complet. Ed. P. Grappin. Ibid., idem, 1988, XXXIX,1820,(2)p., orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase. - AND 4 other Pléiade vols., all in orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. (3x w. slipcase): GOETHE, Romans (1976); Romantiques Allemands (1973-1976, 2 vols.) and Anthologie bilingue de la poésie Allemande (1998).
€ (80-100)
78 1339 Pléiade  Martin du Gard R 78 1339 Pléiade Martin du Gard R
78/1339 [Pléiade]. Martin du Gard, R. Oeuvres complètes. Pref. A. Camus. Paris, Gallimard, 1955, 2 vols., CLXVII,1403; 1433p., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr., each in slipcase. Sartre, J.-P. Oeuvres romanesques. Ibid., idem, 1981, CXII,2174,(1)p., orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr., slipcase. - AND 2 other Pléiade vols., each in orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr.: A. CAMUS, Théâtre, Récits, Nouvelles (1962); SAINT-JOHN PERSE, Oeuvres complètes (1972).
€ (50-70) 50
78 1340 Pléiade  Proust M 78 1340 Pléiade Proust M
78/1340 [Pléiade]. Proust, M. A la recherche du temps perdu. Ed. P. Clarac and A. Ferré. Paris, Gallimard, 1954, 3 vols., XLIII,(1),1003,(5); 1224,(1); 1321,(4)p., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr., 2x w. slipcase. - AND 5 other Pléiade vols., all in orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. (3x w. slipcase): S. MALLARMÉ, Oeuvres complètes (1945); A. DE MUSSET, Théâtre complet (1948)/ Poésies complètes (1957); L. PIRANDELLO, Théâtre complet (1977) and C. BAUDELAIRE, Oeuvres complètes (1999).
€ (80-100) 80
78 1341 Pléiade  Saint Simon L de 78 1341 Pléiade Saint Simon L de
78/1341 [Pléiade]. Saint-Simon, L. de. Mémoires. Ed. G. Truc. Paris, Gallimard, 1948-1961, 7 vols., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr., 1x w. slipcase.
€ (50-70) 60
78 1342 Pléiade  Sévigné Mme de 78 1342 Pléiade Sévigné Mme de
78/1342 [Pléiade]. Sévigné, Mme de. Correspondance 1646-1696. Ed. R. Duchêne. Paris, Gallimard, 1972-1978, 3 vols., 1459,(2); (4),1609,(1); (4),1887,(2)p., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr. - AND 5 other Pléiade vols., all in orig. gilt mor. w. dustwr. (1x w. slipcase): MOLIÈRE, Oeuvres complètes (1951, 2 vols.); C. DE MARIVAUX, Théâtre complet (1972); J. DE LA FONTAINE, Oeuvres diverses (1968) and R. DESCARTES, Oeuvres et lettres (1953).
€ (50-70) 50
78/1343 Pléiade  Lot of 11 Pléiade albums 78/1343 Pléiade Lot of 11 Pléiade albums
78/1343 [Pléiade]. Lot of 11 Pléiade albums, Paris, Gallimard, 1979-2005, (col.) ills., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr. and slipcase (1x without slipcase).

= Marcel Aymé, Aragon, Diderot, Georges Simenon, Montherlant, Raymond Queneau, Julien Green, William Faulkner, Jorge Luis Borges, Mille et un Nuits and Un siècle NRF. Iconographie (...).

€ (100-150) 130
78/1344 Pléiade  Lot of 16 works in 23 vol 78/1344 Pléiade Lot of 16 works in 23 vol
78/1344 [Pléiade]. Lot of 16 works in 23 vol., i.a. G. SIMENON, Romans. Ed. J. Dubois and B. Denis (2003, 2 vols.); L.F. CÉLINE, Romans. Ed. H. Godard (1974/ 1981, 2 vols.); A. RIMBAUD, Oeuvres complètes. Ed. A. Adam (1972); A. MALRAUX, Écrits sur l'art. Ed. J.-Y. Tadié (2004, 2 vols., slipcase); R.M. DU GARD, Oeuvres complètes. Introd. A. Camus (1987/ 1995, 2 vols.) and G. FLAUBERT, Oeuvres. Ed. A. Thibaudet and R. Dumesnil (1977/ 1979, 2 vols.).
€ (200-300) 210
78/1345 Pléiade  Lot of 23 vols 78/1345 Pléiade Lot of 23 vols
78/1345 [Pléiade]. Lot of 23 vols., Paris, Gallimard, ±1950-2000, various eds., orig. unif. gilt mor. w. dustwr., 13x w. slipcase.

- Occas. sm. defects; mostly fine.

= Comprises i.a. K. MARX, Oeuvres Économie (1965-1968, 2 vols.); WU CHENG'EN, La Pérégrination vers l'Ouest (1991, 2 vols.); C. DICKENS, David Copperfield (1954), HOMER, Iliade. Odyssée (1955) and PLATO, Oeuvres complètes (1950, 2 vols.).

€ (200-300) 200